
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Half the Planet Is Unaware of the Holocaust

 Half the Planet Is 
 Unaware of the 
in case you missed it

Half the Planet Is Unaware of the Holocaust

More than a quarter of people have anti-Semitic views: survey

(Newser) - Worldwide, just 54% of people know about the Holocaust—and of that population, some 32% doubt it ever happened, seeing it as a myth or heavily exaggerated, a sweeping new Anti-Defamation League poll finds. In the Middle East and North Africa, the numbers are even more disturbing: Only 38% of...

In This Country, Women Pick Chocolate Over Sex

French women say they know where happiness lies

(Newser) - French women have apparently found the key to happiness—in chocolate. According to a new poll , French woman say food (chocolate in particular) is the most important factor in happiness, the Chicago Tribune reports. Men chose sex as number one, and gave it a 7.5 out of ten when...

Survey: Men Hang Onto Their Underwear for 7 Years

(If the Brits are anything to go by)

(Newser) - Some less-than-appealing news from Britain: There's a decent chance the guy sitting next to you is wearing 7-year-old underwear. That's the average length of time men hang on to their undies before buying new ones, a UK survey finds, as noted by the Huffington Post . "I know...

52% of Young Adults Want to 'Recall' Obama

Few plan to enroll in ObamaCare: Harvard data

(Newser) - A new poll has some worrying news for a president long popular with young people. Some 52% of 18- to 24-year-olds would vote to recall President Obama if that were an option, Mediaite reports. Just 41% of 18- to 29-year-olds, or millennials, approve of the job he's doing in...

Coffee Vs. Sex: We'd Mostly Rather Snuggle With ... Coffee

Given choice of giving one up for a year, romance gets cold shoulder

(Newser) - Would you rather swear off coffee for a year—or quit sex with your partner, alcohol, or social media for that same span? If you'd opt to keep the java, you're in good company: Some 78% of respondents to a hotel group's survey agree, reports Fox . Moreover,...

Dems Put Forward Debt Limit Measure

Senators fear White House edging toward negotiations

(Newser) - President Obama and Senate Democrats have put a long-term measure to raise the debt ceiling on the table. The legislation would boost the debt ceiling by $1 trillion, the Washington Post reports—though Dems say in order to avoid default, they might OK a short-term solution instead, even if it...

Record Numbers Call Themselves 'Lower Class'

Wealth gap may help explain phenomenon

(Newser) - For four decades, pollsters have been asking Americans to identify themselves by class; typically, most call themselves middle- or working-class. In the latest edition of the survey, however, a record 8.4% have dubbed themselves lower-class, the Los Angeles Times reports. That's a change from previous economic downturns, when...

Smokers More Likely to Be Stressed, Depressed

Poll finds 26% of smokers have battled depression

(Newser) - You already know smoking is bad for your body, but a new survey finds it may be tough on your mental health, too. According to the Gallup poll , 26% of smokers suffer from clinical depression compared with just 15% of nonsmokers. Researchers interviewed more than 83,000 Americans to determine...

It&#39;s Official: Americans Are Dog People
It's Official: Americans
Are Dog People
New Poll

It's Official: Americans Are Dog People

More voters would rather have a dog as president than a cat

(Newser) - Take that, cat lovers: A new study of Americans and animals has found the majority of Americans prefer dogs. A Public Policy Polling survey found 52% of American voters prefer dogs, while just 21% prefer cats. And if they had to choose between a dog and a cat for President...

Majority of Americans Support Phone Spying

56% say phone tracking is acceptable

(Newser) - For all the outcry over the NSA's phone snooping this week, the majority of Americans are A-OK with the government tracking their phone calls. That's according to a new poll by Pew Research and the Washington Post, which found 56% believe tracking calls is an acceptable way for...

Americans Don&#39;t Like Hipsters

 Americans Don't 
 Like Hipsters 
in case you missed it

Americans Don't Like Hipsters

Only 10% think they are one: poll

(Newser) - Some groundbreaking research in the study of American society this week: New polling by Public Policy Polling has found just 16% of Americans have a favorable opinion of hipsters, while 42% view them unfavorably. The study does not define what, exactly, it considers a hipster to be. Other revelations:
  • Only

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On
surveys say

The 12 Things Nearly All Americans Agree On

Surveys show most of us believe in God, are OK with birth control

(Newser) - What can nine out of 10 Americans agree on? Survey says: not much. That's partly because the big polls such as Pew, Gallup, and the General Social Survey are designed to explore differences, not to document what unites the United States. Still, a few questions discover 90% agreement, or...

Sea Change on Immigration? 64% Support Citizenship Path

73% of GOP do when told of fines, taxes

(Newser) - Support for a citizenship path for undocumented immigrants has reached 64%, an NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll finds. While 80% of Democrats and 54% of independents agree, Republicans are more divided, with 51% opposing the idea and 47% supporting it. That changed, however, when respondents were informed of fines, required...

Obama Approval Slips Down to 50%
 Obama Approval 
 Slips Down to 50% 

new poll

Obama Approval Slips Down to 50%

Loses big edge over GOP on economy

(Newser) - Before his second inauguration, President Obama enjoyed a 55% approval rating—but thanks to concerns over the economy, the figure has dropped again to 50%, a Washington Post-ABC News poll finds. Following Obama's reelection, Americans trusted him over congressional Republicans on the economy by 18 points; now the gap...

Gun Ownership Numbers Way Down
 Gun Ownership 
 Numbers Way Down 
survey says

Gun Ownership Numbers Way Down

National ownership rate falls to 35%: survey

(Newser) - A national survey shows that US gun ownership has fallen steeply since the 1980s, even in the South and Western mountain areas where guns are more popular, the New York Times reports. The national ownership rate hovered around 50% in the 1970s and '80s, but dropped to 43% in...

53% of US Wants Illegal Immigrants Deported

Senators mull 'biometric' ID requirement for fed workers

(Newser) - Some 53% of American citizens broadly support deportation for illegal immigrants, a Reuters/Ipsos poll finds, with 30% saying most should be deported and 23% saying all should be sent away. Meanwhile, 31% of citizens say the US should let most illegal immigrants stay, and just 5% say all illegal immigrants...

In 1st, Majority of Americans Say Keep Abortion Legal
In 1st, Majority of Americans Say Keep Abortion Legal
survey says

In 1st, Majority of Americans Say Keep Abortion Legal

Poll comes on 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade

(Newser) - For the first time ever—and on the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade—a majority of Americans think abortion should almost always be legal. That majority clocks in at 54%; 44% think abortion should be illegal (though some of those respondents will allow for exceptions). Another big number: 70%...

Biden: 19 Ways Obama Can Go It Alone on Gun Control

GOP rep warns of impeachment if Obama opts for executive action

(Newser) - As the White House gears up for a battle over gun control, Joe Biden has presented 19 moves the administration could take on its own. Speaking to House Dems yesterday, he outlined an array of executive actions, including boosting enforcement of current laws, empowering the CDC to research guns, and...

77% Think Washington Politics Do 'Serious Harm'

But slight majority is optimistic about future: poll

(Newser) - Most of America thinks the Washington political process is doing "serious harm" to our country, a USA Today/ Gallup poll finds. Some 77% say so, while just 19% disagree. Republicans feel slightly more strongly that Washington is doing harm, with 87% slamming DC politicians; 79% of independents and 68%...

We Want a Deal, But No Sacrifices
 We Want a 
 Deal, But No 

We Want a Deal, But No Sacrifices

Obama approval near 2-year high

(Newser) - Most Americans are hoping for a deal to avert the fiscal cliff, but it seems that nobody really wants to endure the cuts that both sides say are needed, a Washington Post/ABC poll finds. Some 74% of Americans say they'd be OK with raising taxes on those earning more...

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