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Most Support Citizenship Path for Illegal Immigrants

48% not happy with how Obama is handling immigration: poll

(Newser) - Once the fiscal cliff has been put to bed, immigration reform will reportedly be President Obama's No. 1 priority , and a series of surveys indicate most voters will be behind him. Some 62% of American voters support giving illegal or undocumented immigrants a path to citizenship, a new poll...

Half of Republicans Say ACORN Stole the Election
Half of Republicans Say ACORN Stole the Election
survey says

Half of Republicans Say ACORN Stole the Election

Interesting, considering ACORN shut down: Public Policy Polling

(Newser) - A post-election poll by Public Policy Polling finds that 49% of Republican voters think now-defunct community organization group ACORN stole the election, causing an Obama win. That's down from 52% who believed the same in 2008. "This is a modest decline, but perhaps smaller than might have been...

Pelosi to Try to Force Vote on Bush Tax Cuts

Boehner takes GOP 'fiscal cliff' case to the press

(Newser) - Nancy Pelosi will file a motion today to force a vote on Bush-era tax cuts, her office says. The House minority leader's "discharge petition" would aim for a vote this month on extending the cuts for those earning less than $250,000, while ending them for those earning...

Obama Leads by 4%, Lags by 3%, or Both: Polls

And pollster calls Nate Silver 'a thin and effeminate man'

(Newser) - Margin of error, here we come: President Obama is up 49% to 46% over Mitt Romney among likely voters in the latest Reuters /Ipsos poll, a 1-point boost from yesterday's results. But should that leave you too elated or upset:
  • The Rasmussen Reports ' daily poll has Romney up

As Mitt Closes Women Gap, Eyes on 'Waitress Moms'

Obama, Romney now even among women: AP poll

(Newser) - As a new AP-GfK poll has Mitt Romney closing the gap among women voters, the New York Times takes a look at a key swing demographic: so-called "waitress moms." The term refers to blue-collar white women without college educations. Unlike "soccer moms" of the 1990s, they're...

I&#39;m Addicted to Polls
 I'm Addicted to Polls 
david brooks

I'm Addicted to Polls

But, writes David Brooks, he really shouldn't be

(Newser) - David Brooks has a confession to make: "Hello, my name is David, and I’m a pollaholic," he writes in the New York Times , revealing that he's spent hundreds of hours over the past few months obsessing over any and every election poll he can find, checking...

New Poll: Romney Leads Obama 49%-47%

 New Poll: Romney 
 Leads Obama 

New Poll: Romney Leads Obama 49%-47%

GOP ahead $46B in cash race

(Newser) - After an NBC poll found a tie at 47% yesterday, a Politico-George Washington University tracking poll today offers a different take on the presidential race that has Mitt Romney leading President Obama 49% to 47% nationally. It's the first time since early May that Romney has led in the...

Obama, Romney Tied in Florida: Poll
Obama, Romney Tied
in Florida: Poll

Obama, Romney Tied in Florida: Poll

And Florida's women prefer Obama by just a slim margin

(Newser) - In case you haven't totally OD'd on polls yet: CNN has a new one indicating that President Obama and Mitt Romney are statistically tied in the swing state of Florida. The survey of 1,030 adults gave Romney a 49% to 48% lead, with the usual division between...

Obama Leading —a Bit—in Slew of New Polls

But Romney not far behind as first debate looms

(Newser) - In the final hours before the first presidential debate of the 2012 election, a host of new polls to consider:
  • President Obama has a significant lead in the battleground state of Ohio, 51% to Mitt Romney's 43%, according to an NBC News /Wall Street Journal poll. That's been

Romney, Obama Nearly Tied in New Polls

CNN has president leading by only 3 points

(Newser) - So much for President Obama's unassailable lead: A handful of new polls are calling a close presidential race on the eve of Obama's first debate with Mitt Romney, CNN reports. CNN's latest poll found that 50% favor Obama and 47% favor Romney, a difference within the survey'...

Elizabeth Warren Takes 6-Point Lead: Poll

Democrat gets post-convention surge past Scott Brown

(Newser) - Last time around, we had Elizabeth Warren tied with Scott Brown in their Massachusetts Senate race. Now, after the Democratic convention with a speech by Warren , a new poll has her surging 6 points past Brown among likely voters and 12 points among registered voters, the Springfield Republican reports. Brown...

Obama Grabs 6-Point Lead
Obama Grabs
6-Point Lead
cnn poll

Obama Grabs 6-Point Lead

Romney's vision seems less optimistic than the president's: poll

(Newser) - CNN's latest poll gives President Obama a 4% post-convention bounce and a 6% lead over Mitt Romney, with the usual caveats that convention bounces rarely last. But the poll contains a few neat factoids about Obama's bump and Romney's slump after the conventions, reports CNN :

Wealthy in Our Lifetime? Americans Say 'No Way'

Nearly half reject the notion of getting rich: poll

(Newser) - A new poll about taxes has stumbled on a sad fact: 47% of American voters say they'll never get rich, and only 37% say they could. After that, The Hill 's survey of 1,000 likely voters found that 47% support President Obama's plan to extend the...

Poll: Black Women Most Religious in America

Washington Post survey: 9 in 10 turn to faith in tough times

(Newser) - White evangelicals may be making plenty of noise this electoral season, but a new study suggests that the most religious group in America is actually black women, reports the Washington Post . Highlights from its in-depth survey with the Kaiser Family Foundation:
  • 74% of black women say "living a religious

Ignore Obama&#39;s &#39;13-Point Lead&#39;

nate silver

Ignore Obama's '13-Point Lead'

Nate Silver: Bloomberg poll doesn't mean much

(Newser) - Stats wiz Nate Silver has some serious doubts about Bloomberg's new poll showing President Obama with a 13-point lead over Mitt Romney. Silver's own analysis has Obama with just a slim lead over Romney, and little has changed over the past two weeks, he writes in his New ...

Two-Thirds Want to Dump ObamaCare

 Want to Dump 

Two-Thirds Want to Dump ObamaCare

Just 24% want justices to keep ObamaCare intact

(Newser) - With a Supreme Court ruling due by the end of June, two-thirds of Americans want at least a piece of ObamaCare overturned, a New York Times/CBS News poll finds. The results mark little change since before Supreme Court arguments in March. About 41% say the whole law should be dropped;...

Pollster Saves Woman's Life With Well-Timed Call

Bobby Berlin went into diabetic shock on the phone

(Newser) - Who says pollsters aren't good for anything? Not Bobby Berlin. The New York City woman had just gotten a call asking how she felt about Michael Bloomberg when she went into diabetic shock, NBC New York reports. "Something just sounded off," says the pollster, a Marist College...

Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits
Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits 
new poll

Obama Leads Romney, Santorum by Double Digits

President's approval rating shoots to 53%

(Newser) - President Obama's approval rating has jumped 9 percentage points over four months to 53%, and he's posting double-digit leads over his top Republican opponents, a poll finds. Obama leads Mitt Romney by 10 points, 53% to 43%, and Rick Santorum by 11 points, 53% to 42%. Competing against...

Romney, Santorum Tied in Arizona: Poll

Mitt's lead disappears

(Newser) - A week ahead of the Arizona primary, Mitt Romney and Rick Santorum are virtually tied, a CNN/Time/ORC poll finds. Romney has 36% support among likely voters, while Santorum has 32%—but the gap between them is within the poll's margin of error. Some 18% are set to vote for...

Economy Hikes Obama Poll Numbers

Prez now ahead of all four GOP contenders

(Newser) - The rising economy may be enough to carry President Obama to a second term, according to the latest New York Times / CBS poll. The percentage of people feeling optimistic about the economy has surged over the last few months, the poll found, and Obama's approval rating is back...

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