Jerry Brown

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Jerry Brown, Meg Whitman Come Out Swinging

Sniping begins in California governor's race

(Newser) - It didn't take long for what promises to be one of the most entertainment races of the fall to get into gear. A day after winning their party nominations in the California governor's race, Jerry Brown and Meg Whitman were already at it. Samples, from the Los Angeles Times :
  • Brown:

Whitman, Fiorina Win Calif. GOP Primaries

Former eBay chief to face Jerry Brown in gubernatorial race

(Newser) - Former eBay CEO Meg Whitman will face off against Jerry Brown in the race to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger as governor of California. Whitman—who poured tens of millions of dollars of her money into her bid to win the GOP nomination—defeated state insurance commissioner Steve Poizner, a fellow tech...

Cal Prez Charges Secret Palin Contract Was Stolen

Palin foes behind 'political theater,' he claims

(Newser) - The president of a California public college where Sarah Palin is to speak is charging that the secret contract revealing her demands for a suite, a Lear jet and no audience questions was stolen. The juicy contract was revealed earlier this week by university students who said it was fished...

20 Docs Subpoenaed in Corey Haim Case

Dead star got prescriptions from many sources

(Newser) - The LA County coroner’s office has subpoenaed the records of the whopping 20 doctors Corey Haim obtained prescriptions from in the year before his death. “We get medical records all the time,” the deputy coroner tells the Los Angeles Times . “What’s kind of unusual is...

Prosecutor Tries to Shut Down Jackson's Doctor

Attorney General wants Conrad Murray's license suspended

(Newser) - California prosecutors don’t want the man they allege killed Michael Jackson practicing medicine. AG Jerry Brown has filed court papers asking that Conrad Murray’s medical license be suspended as a condition of his bail, the Los Angeles Times reports. The judge has already agreed to bar Murray, who...

'Urban Terrorists' Target Calif. Cops With Booby Traps

In Riverside County, failed attempts include gas leak, gun

(Newser) - Cops in Hemet, California are the target of a potentially deadly booby trap campaign carried out by unknown assailants that attorney general and gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown calls “urban terrorism.” Attempts have included flooding the offices of the local gang task force with gas, rigging a gun to...

Forget Whitman, Brown: Tap John Cusack for Calif. Gov

Dems lack the courage to challenge Brown, writes Greg Dewar

(Newser) - California's Democrats should turn to John Cusack if they want to move into the governor's mansion this year, argues Greg Dewar. The last thing California needs after 7 years of "Governor Doofinator" is another vain billionaire in charge. But Meg Whitman's certain to win if the Democrats can't find...

Drug Ring Bust Made in Corey Haim Death

Actor obtained 'thousands' of drugs in last year

(Newser) - Police have made an arrest in a massive illegal prescription drug ring believed to be implicated in the death of actor Corey Haim. Los Angeles officials launched an investigation into the ring after they discovered that Haim had obtained thousands of prescription drugs from dozens of doctors in the past...

'Massive Prescription Drug Ring' Seen in Haim Death

Calif. attorney general launches investigation

(Newser) - Corey Haim’s death looks to be tied to a “massive prescription drug ring” being investigated by California authorities, the state’s attorney general says. Criminals have been using phony prescription pads after stealing doctors’ identities, and a chit for the painkiller OxyContin made out to the actor, who...

Jerry Brown Launches Run, Stresses He's an Insider

Says California can't afford another novice like Schwarzenegger

(Newser) - Jerry Brown entered the race for California governor today, vowing to use his experience as a former two-term governor to "get California working again." Brown, a Democrat and current attorney general, used the unpopularity of Arnold Schwarzenegger to criticize Republican candidate Meg Whitman. Like Schwarzenegger before her, the...

Jerry Brown to Toss Hat in Calif. Governor's Race

Democrat's team making 'big announcement' this morning

(Newser) - Jerry Brown is set to make it official today and announce his candidacy for governor of California. Brown—derided as Gov. Moonbeam by critics when he ran the state from 1975 to 1983—will be the sole Democrat in the race and will be facing off against either former eBay...

Whitman, Poizner Pour Cash Into California Primary
 Whitman, Poizner Pour Cash Into California Primary
millionaire v. billionaire

Whitman, Poizner Pour Cash Into California Primary

But neither of them is even leading the GOP slugfest for gov

(Newser) - A pair of super-rich Republicans are ladling millions of their own dollars into the California gubernatorial primary, even though they’re both behind in the polls. This week Steve Poizner pulled $15 million out of his wallet for his run at the governor’s office, the San Francisco Chronicle reports,...

SF Mayor Drops Out of Calif. Governor's Race

Newsom's decision makes Jerry Brown virtual lock for Dem nod

(Newser) - Citing his responsibilities as San Francisco mayor and as a new father, Democrat Gavin Newsom withdrew today from the race to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger as California governor. Despite the heavyweight endorsement of Bill Clinton, Newsom has had trouble raising money; his departure leaves state attorney general, and former governor, Jerry...

Obvious Guy to Fix Calif.: Guy Who Broke It?
Obvious Guy to Fix Calif.: Guy Who Broke It?

Obvious Guy to Fix Calif.: Guy Who Broke It?

Despite one ruinous turn as governor, Jerry Brown is front-runner

(Newser) - California is a financial mess, hamstrung by some late-1970s leftovers: some ill-considered “low-impact liberalism” and a ballot measure that makes raising taxes nearly impossible. Both came during the governorship of Democrat Jerry Brown, he of the motto “Maybe by avoiding doing things you accomplish quite a lot”—...

Schwarzenegger Wants ACORN Investigation

Activist sting catches woman boasting of shooting husband

(Newser) - Arnold Schwarzenegger today urged California AG Jerry Brown to launch an investigation of ACORN, the Los Angeles Times reports. The governor acted after a video sting operation that's targeted ACORN offices around the country hit the group’s San Bernardino office. In the video released Tuesday, as in previous videos...

Clinton Boosts Newsom in Calif. Gov Race

Bill's support for SF mayor viewed as Jerry Brown payback

(Newser) - Bill Clinton's support for Gavin Newsom in the race to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger as California governor has put the spotlight on the San Francisco mayor's campaign, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Clinton's support has given Newsom a much-needed boost.  But some analysts believe it has more to do with...

Michael Wanted Octo-Kids: Publicist
 Michael Wanted 
 Octo-Kids: Publicist 

Michael Wanted Octo-Kids: Publicist

Made numerous offers to Octuplet Mom to take them off her hands

(Newser) - Michael Jackson was enchanted by octuplet mom Nadya Suleman’s brood and made numerous offers to adopt them in the weeks before he died, her ex-publicist tells the Mirror. “When Michael called I thought it was a joke at first,” says Victor Munoz. “He said he could...

Who Replaces Arnold? 'Entertaining' Race Unfolds

(Newser) - Sure, California's going through a little financial Armageddon, but that's not keeping candidates from lining up to replace Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is prevented by term limits from running in 2010. In the New York Times magazine, Mark Leibovitch takes a look at the eclectic field, which includes Jerry Brown ("...

LA Mayor Won't Run for Governor
LA Mayor
Won't Run
for Governor

LA Mayor Won't Run for Governor

With Villaraigosa out, Jerry Brown leads Democratic pack

(Newser) - The mayor of Los Angeles said yesterday he will not run for governor of California next year, upending the race to succeed Arnold Schwarzenegger. In an interview with the Times, Antonio Villaraigosa said he made the "agonizing" choice to stay at city hall to tackle the fiscal crisis and...

Legal Pot Backers Target 2010 Calif. Vote

Advocates step up efforts to have legalization put on next year's ballot

(Newser) - Advocates of marijuana legalization—and taxation—have stepped up their efforts to include the issue on California's November 2010 ballot, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Backers say the tide of public opinion has turned strongly in favor of legalizing and taxing pot for personal use, especially in light of its...

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