Jerry Brown

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Gov. Jerry Brown Packs Heat
 Gov. Jerry Brown Packs Heat 

Gov. Jerry Brown Packs Heat

He's got three guns and a dog, he boasts to law enforcement

(Newser) - California Gov. Jerry Brown might have a reputation as a slightly whacked-out lefty, but he apparently packs heat occasionally—just like his more conservative countrymen. Brown revealed before a slightly stunned press corps that he owns not one, but three, guns. He divulged no other facts, and his spokeswoman declined...

Jerry Brown's $37M Trumped Whitman's $179M
Jerry Brown's $37M
Trumped Whitman's $179M
the final tally

Jerry Brown's $37M Trumped Whitman's $179M

Failed Calif. gov campaign cost $43.25 per vote in her favor

(Newser) - Democrat Jerry Brown won the California governor's race despite being outspent nearly 5 to 1 by opponent Meg Whitman, according to campaign finance reports filed yesterday. The former eBay CEO, who shattered the record for personal spending by a candidate, spent $178.5 million on her campaign, of which $144....

Cops Study Death Threats to Jerry Brown Via Graffiti

Two cases are being treated as a 'terrorist threat'

(Newser) - California police are treating graffiti threatening Governor Jerry Brown's life with the utmost seriousness, calling it a "terrorist threat." One spray-painted scrawl in Santa Ana said, "We gonna kill Gov. Brown 2/14/11," and the other "26 more days 4 Brown"—with a swastika thrown...

California Cutting Off 48K State Workers' Cell Phones

About 40% of employees currently have them

(Newser) - Here's one more reason California finds itself with a $25 billion budget deficit—it was handing out cell phones to state employees like candy. Nearly 100,000 state workers—about 40% of the workforce—have phones on the taxpayers' dime. New Gov. Jerry Brown is ordering that half of them...

The Most Covered Candidates of 2010

Guess who's No. 1?

(Newser) - When it comes to the most covered candidates of the midterm elections, is it any surprise that Tea Partiers claim five of the top 10 slots? The Pew’s Project for Excellence in Journalism analyzed the election stories produced by 52 TV networks, websites, radio stations, and newspapers since Jan....

Today's Winners, Predicted by Meghan McCain

Midterm successes, starring Christine O'Donnell

(Newser) - Meghan McCain expects a dark day for Democrats, with “more than a few upsets and memorable YouTube moments.” Her predictions in the Daily Beast :
  • Sharron Angle will beat Harry Reid in Nevada, and he’ll offer an “uncomfortable and possibly bitter concession speech.”
  • Charlie Crist will

Whitman Gouging Press for Travel

Calif. candidate charging journos $2K for day—sans hotel

(Newser) - Meg Whitman is charging reporters huge sums to travel with the candidate during her campaign's final days, notes Carla Marinucci in the San Francisco Chronicle : One day will cost members of the press “a whopping $1,350,” but that’s small change compared to another day’s “...

Meg Whitman: Deport My Housekeeper
Meg Whitman:
Deport My Housekeeper

Meg Whitman: Deport My Housekeeper

How that her house is clean, 'the law is the law,' says Calif. candidate

(Newser) - Meg Whitman, in an effort to fire up the Republican base, has been taking a harder line on immigration—or, at least, on one illegal immigrant in particular. The California hopeful had previously declined to comment on whether her former maid, who was in the country illegally during her employment...

Whitman Booed for Refusing to Stop Negative Ads

Jerry Brown promises to take down his, Meg demurs

(Newser) - California voters might be just a wee bit fed up with the negative campaign ads spewing from the Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown campaigns. At a joint appearance at the annual Women’s Conference last night, Matt Lauer asked both candidates if they’d agree to pull their negative ads—...

Bill Clinton: Let Obama Finish the Job
 Bill Clinton: 
 Let Obama 
 Finish the Job  


Bill Clinton: Let Obama Finish the Job

Stumps for one-time nemesis Jerry Brown, rallies Dems

(Newser) - Bill Clinton gave dazed Democrats a swift kick last night, telling California voters to get out the vote, lest they commit "malpractice on your own future." Stumping for onetime nemesis and would-be governor Jerry Brown, the former president told a UCLA rally to give President Obama and Democrats...

Jerry Brown Is Right That 'Whore' Isn't the Female Equivalent of the N-Word
 Why 'Whore' Isn't the N-Word 

Why 'Whore' Isn't the N-Word

Jerry Brown is right: Slur isn't the female equivalent of the N-word

(Newser) - Was Tom Brokaw right when he told California gubernatorial candidate Jerry Brown that calling someone a “whore” is "to many women the same as calling an African American the 'N' word”? Not quite, Joan Walsh writes in Salon . “Whore” is a “crude and loaded word...

Brown, Whitman Get Nasty in Final Debate

Candidates fiddle over who's a whore while Rome burns

(Newser) - For a state teetering on the edge of collapse, the final debate in the battle for California governor was long on mud-slinging and short on solutions to the state's problems. Meg Whitman attacked Jerry Brown for an aide who apparently described her as a whore . The Democrat offered a halfhearted...

Whitman, Fiorina: 2 Measures of How Liberal California Is

One's taking centrist tack; other is unabashedly conservative

(Newser) - The candidacies of Meg Whitman and Carly Fiorina can serve as an interesting experiment into how liberal California still is. Her immigration troubles aside, Whitman has followed the traditional Republican strategy of tacking to the center after primary in hopes of gaining the support of independents and moderate Democrats. Besides,...

Jerry Brown Aide: Let's Call Meg Whitman a Whore

Pension strategy talk caught on tape

(Newser) - Sensitivity is apparently not the strong suit of Jerry Brown’s inner circle. The California Democrat was recently caught on tape chatting with aides about the possibility of referring to Meg Whitman as a “whore” because of her willingness to cut a deal on law enforcement pensions. According to...

Whitman to Brown: You're Behind Housekeeper Story

Gubernatorial candidates let it fly in televised debate

(Newser) - Meg Whitman and Jerry Brown took the gloves off yesterday and went mano a mano over illegal immigration in a televised, Spanish language debate. Brown blasted Whitman for having employed an illegal maid, Nicandra Diaz Santillan . Whitman, in turn, accused him of being behind her sudden surfacing: "You...

Meg Whitman: $119M In, Still Lagging

Candidate has failed to be seen as exceptional

(Newser) - Meg Whitman has now spent more money than Michael Bloomberg—she's recently hit $119 million—in her quest to become governor of perhaps the fastest-imploding state in the union. That sum all but locked up Bloomberg's latest mayoral race, but Whitman is still struggling against what some see as a...

Whitman Has Given a Record $119M to Own Campaign

She breaks Michael Bloomberg's mark

(Newser) - Meg Whitman has dumped another $15 million of her own money into her campaign, which would be a ho-hum development for the former eBay CEO had it not pushed her personal total to $119 million—the most ever by a self-financed candidate. Whitman, who's running about even with Jerry Brown...

Brown: Sorry for That Lewinsky Crack...

Meg Whitman's attack ad starts brouhaha

(Newser) - Jerry Brown apologized to Bill Clinton for a snarky jab related to Monica Lewinsky, but it remains to be seen if the popular former president will endorse Brown in his race for California governor against Meg Whitman. It all started after Whitman ran an ad accusing Brown of lying—by...

Whitman Spending Hits $99M
 Whitman Spending Hits $99M 

Whitman Spending Hits $99M

In what could be priciest gubernatorial race ever

(Newser) - Billionaire Republican Meg Whitman reported yesterday that she has spent more than $99 million in her quest to become California's governor, including $71 million just to win the Republican primary. Democrat Jerry Brown, who didn't have a serious primary opponent, has spent just $450,000, plus $324,000 in donated...

Jerry Brown Compares Meg Whitman to Goebbels

California gubernatorial race turns ugly early

(Newser) - Jerry Brown has $20 million in his California gubernatorial campaign coffers, but the $71 million Meg Whitman spent in securing the Republican nomination has her Democratic opponent worried—so worried he's comparing her to Nazi leader Joseph Goebbels. "Goebbels invented this kind of propaganda," California's current AG said...

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