health care reform

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Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer
Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer

Obama Speech Effective, No Game-Changer

Vitriol surrounding health care debate sure to continue

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech last night will probably prod Congress into passing health care reform, writes Joe Klein in Time. “But it will not end the public malignancy that has attended this debate, and threatens the democratic fabric of our nation.” Klein attended an Arkansas town hall recently...

Website Fires Back at 'You Lie' Rep

SC Republican accused of sins from beer-spitting to newspaper theft

(Newser) - A website born overnight fires back at Rep. Joe Wilson, the South Carolina Republican who accused the president of lying, the Huffington Post reports. The site makes shocking accusations consistent with its slogan: “You dissed America, we’ll dis you right the f--- back.” A few gems from...

Ranks of Uninsured Grow; Poverty Rate Soars

(Newser) - The number of uninsured Americans rose to 46.3 million last year, up from 45.7 million in 2007, as the poverty rate hit an 11-year high, the Census Bureau announced today. The poverty rate was 13.2% for 2008, up from 12.5% in 2007, the largest annual jump...

Left: Obama Finally Steps Up
 Left: Obama 
 Steps Up 

Left: Obama Finally Steps Up

(Newser) - Barack Obama delivered the speech many on the left were waiting for. Will it be enough? Here’s what they’re saying.
  • Obama seemed to shed his inner Adlai Stevenson, and discover “a new role model in the fighting Harry Truman,” writes EJ Dionne of the Washington Post.

Right: Angry Obama Exploited Kennedy, Failed to Compromise

President steps up, doubles down on health care reform

(Newser) - Conservative commentators were, predictably, less than impressed with the president's big speech on health care reform last night. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Obama’s speech “was 40 minutes of boilerplate followed by a socko, emotional finish exploiting the death of Sen. Teddy Kennedy,” Fred Barnes writes

Forget Health Reform&mdash;We Can't Afford It
Forget Health Reform—We Can't Afford It

Forget Health Reform—We Can't Afford It

The economy should be Obama's top priority: Henninger

(Newser) - Barack Obama makes health care sound like the most pressing issue in American life, but with unemployment at 10% and the country still officially in recession, Daniel Henninger wonders why he's "draining a dwindling reservoir of presidential capital." The cost of health care may be a problem for...

Obama: I'm No Jimmy Carter
 Obama: I'm No Jimmy Carter 

Obama: I'm No Jimmy Carter

President set out to prove he's got the muscle to pass health reform

(Newser) - President Obama’s speech on health care last night wasn’t just a bid for Congressional support for reform: It was a reassertion of Obama’s political strength, writes Adam Nagourney in the New York Times. He had to “display his authority to a Congress that had begun to...

Universal Health Care: We Already Gave it to Iraq

Constitution America fought to give Iraq guarantees its citizens health care

(Newser) - Many US lawmakers opposing health care reform need to be asked why it's OK for Iraqis but not Americans, Mark Dorlester writes for the Huffington Post. Article 31 of the Iraqi Constitution—made possible by the war, and hailed as a victory by the Bush administration—guarantees every Iraqi state-funded...

Boustany: Obama Should Start Over on Bipartisan Plan

(Newser) - Charles Boustany, who was upstaged last night by the impromptu opposition from his colleague, Joe Wilson, delivered the official response to Obama's speech, opening with his "disappointment" that Obama hadn't announced a do-over in the effort to reform health insurance. “Most Americans,  the Louisiana congressman said, wanted...

Fresh-Faced Prez Scores His Jimmy Stewart Moment

Mr. Obama goes to Washington

(Newser) - A joint session of Congress might not have been the perfect setting for Barack Obama's health care reform speech last night, writes Washington Post critic Tom Shales. All that "pomp, circumstance, and folderol," including 16 minutes just to get to the lectern, may have led voters to change...

Wilson Wasn't Only Republican Behaving Badly
Wilson Wasn't Only Republican Behaving Badly

Wilson Wasn't Only Republican Behaving Badly

Boorish foes steal show during president's speech

(Newser) - Rep. Joe Wilson was far from the only rude Republican at last night's joint session of Congress, Dana Milbank writes in the Washington Post. Shouts of "Shame!" and "Not true!" could be heard at various points, along with plenty of boos, hisses, and grumbles. Other...

Wilson Apologizes, via Emanuel, for 'You Lie'

(Newser) - South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, who shouted "You lie" at President Barack Obama during his speech to Congress tonight, called the White House within hours of the outburst, attempting to reach Obama. He ended up speaking instead to White House chief of staff Rahm Emanuel, and "expressed...

Obama Takes Shot at Palin's 'Lie' on Death Panels

President takes partisan tone in denouncing 'cynical and irresponsible' opponents

(Newser) - President Obama took a shot at Sarah Palin, among others, in calling out those who say his plan for health-care reform would create so-called “death panels” to decide on end-of-life care, Brian Beutler writes for Talking Points Memo. “It is a lie, plain and simple,” Obama said...

Obama on Health Reform: Time for Bickering Is Over

President addresses Congress in final push

(Newser) - Declaring that the US is at a “breaking point” and that “the time for bickering is over” on health-care reform, President Obama pressed his case before a joint session of Congress tonight. Obama shot down a number of charges from opponents, to applause from supporters, Politico notes—though...

Republican Rep. Joe Wilson Heckles Obama: You Lie!

Congressman heckles president on claim about illegal immigrants

(Newser) - The man who yelled “You lie!” in response to President Obama’s claim that his health-reform plan won’t include illegal immigrants was South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, Politico reports. “There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too,...

Palin Op-Ed a Shallow Ploy for Policy Cred: Ambinder

The former governor does has not done the hard work to become a leading voice on health care

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s got “every right” to write an opinion piece on health care reform. But, plainly, she does not have the right to be an influential voice in the debate, writes Marc Ambinder for the Atlantic. Her piece contains unoriginal ideas—replacing Medicare with vouchers—and smacks of...

Let's Stop Giving Speeches, Start Twisting Arms, Obama

Health care votes are going to be won in the backroom, not at the podium

(Newser) - President Obama shouldn’t give a health care reform speech tonight. In fact, he should never give one again, writes Timothy Noah for Slate. He's already given a whopping 27 speeches on the issue. Every time he gets the urge to give another, he should instead sit down with Democratic...

Baucus Will Issue Draft Next Week, With or Without GOP

(Newser) - Max Baucus plans to bring his long-awaited health care legislation before his committee the week of Sept. 21, with or without Republican support, reports the Wall Street Journal. Baucus told fellow Democrats on the Senate Finance Committee that he will release a draft of the bill next week, then move...

House Dems' Health Plan Half the Cost of Bush Tax Cuts

Cuts to cost $2.1 trillion over a decade; Dems' plan to cost $1 trillion

(Newser) - The House Democrats’ health care plan would cost just half of what President Bush’s tax cuts cost the country, a report by left-leaning researchers says. While the analysts project Bush’s cuts will cost $2.1 trillion in lost revenue over the 10 years since they were enacted, the...

Hold On, Blue Dogs: Your Voters Like the Public Option

(Newser) - When top Blue Dog Dem Mike Ross came out against the public option, he said that “an overwhelming number” of his constituents opposed it. Maybe he's gotten emails to that effect, but if he’d actually bothered to poll his district, he’d probably get a different story, writes...

Stories 881 - 900 | << Prev   Next >>