health care reform

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What to Watch For in Obama's Speech
 What to Watch For 
 in Obama's Speech 

What to Watch For in Obama's Speech

(Newser) - President Obama has promised to “answer many of the big questions” tonight, but Mike Memoli of RealClearPolitics will be looking for answers to small questions, like:
  • Which Obama will show up? Will he be the fiery campaigner from Monday’s AFL-CIO meeting or President Teleprompter? Sadly, Robert Gibbs says

Swallow It, Liberals: Obama Needs to Compromise

Pragmatic president must reassure his supporters tonight, Tomasky writes

(Newser) - "The summer has been a bummer for American liberals," writes Guardian America editor Michael Tomasky; after the heady optimism of President Obama's first 100 days, "reality has set in, and with force." Not only is conservative opposition "as Leninist as ever," but liberals...

Forget What You've Heard: Health Reform Is Nearly Done

Obama has party, public, industry support, despite a few town halls

(Newser) - Barack Obama goes into tonight's Congressional address amid talk that his health reform plan—and indeed his entire presidency—are nearly doomed. But the New York Times, in a front-page analysis piece, is far more optimistic, noting that August's town hall chaos did not substantially change public opinion, nor did...

Obamacare Will Make Us Poorer, Palin Writes

Former Alaska governor says in op-ed she won the debate on 'death panels'

(Newser) - Ahead of Barack Obama's clutch address to Congress tonight, Sarah Palin writes in the Wall Street Journal that the president's health reform plan "will increase our deficit, decrease our paychecks, and increase the power of unaccountable government technocrats." In a surprisingly wonky op-ed, the former Alaska governor lambastes...

Obama Needs to Find His Backbone for Health Speech

Prez should use speech to show leadership and rise above partisan bickering

(Newser) - President Obama needs to rediscover that "Yes We Can" spirit in a hurry if he's going to make a convincing case for health care reform in tonight's speech, Steven Pearlstein writes in the Washington Post. The president needs to wrest control of the debate not just from the right...

McConnell Keeps Low Profile in Health Debate
McConnell Keeps Low Profile
in Health Debate

McConnell Keeps Low Profile in Health Debate

Conservative critics think Minority Leader should be fighting administration harder

(Newser) - Why haven’t we heard more from Mitch McConnell on health care? The Senate Minority Leader has kept relatively quiet on the administration’s reform efforts, a stance that has irked many conservative activists who feel McConnell is ducking his duties as de facto Republican Party leader, writes Stephanie Mencimer...

Health Care Reform '90%' Done: Reid

But Senate, House leaders not united on public option

(Newser) - Harry Reid declared "90% agreement" in the Senate on health care reform today after a meeting with President Obama. Reid and Nancy Pelosi expressed optimism that the president's address to Congress tomorrow will bolster support for reform, the Hill reports. The Senate Majority Leader is confident that the speech...

Critics Say Insurers Cutting Sick People Loose

(Newser) - Insurance companies are being hit from all sides on at least one issue—in industry jargon, it's called rescission. In the real world, it's when insurers cancel coverage because they say a customer has lied to them about a preexisting condition or some other issue. It's not clear how many...

Ex-Adviser: Obama Not Bold Enough

(Newser) - One of Barack Obama's top advisers during the campaign tells Politico he's "losing patience" with the White House and wants more "bold" leadership from the president on a host of issues including health care and gay rights. “I’m not going to just sit by the curb...

Forget GOP, Full Speed Ahead on Health Reform: Clinton

It's OK Obama's 'jamming a lot of change down the system'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has a hopeful exhortation for Congressional Democrats trying to push through health care reform. “The president's doing the right thing. It is both morally and politically right,” Clinton tells Esquire. “I wouldn't even worry about the Republicans,” who are just “sitting around waiting...

Liberals Ought to Ditch the Public Option
Liberals Ought to Ditch the Public Option

Liberals Ought to Ditch the Public Option

An incentivized private market can cover everyone, at lower cost

(Newser) - Liberals need to abandon the notion that no health care reform is acceptable without a public option, former Clinton aide and health industry consultant Matt Miller writes in the Washington Post. Progressives’ top priority should be to make sure every American can access group coverage outside an employment setting, and...

Obama: Use House More, Senate Less
 Obama: Use 
 House More, 
 Senate Less 

Obama: Use House More, Senate Less

The Senate's not all it's cracked up to be

(Newser) - Barack Obama may come to regret using House Democrats as “expendable shock troops” in his battle to pass health care reform, writes David Rogers of Politico. Obama has focused on the Senate as his crucible of compromise, but the House—bolstered by a Rules Committee able to test competing...

Baucus Fleshes Out New Health Reform Compromise

To curb costs, plan would offer stripped-down coverage, add fees to health industry

(Newser) - With President Obama’s much-anticipated health care speech to Congress on the horizon, the head of the Senate Finance Committee has rolled out a new proposal for a compromise bill, the New York Times reports. Sen. Max Baucus’ plan would offer scaled-down coverage to some, and, to cover the $880...

House Dems Back to Work in Same Quagmire

Public health insurance option still splitting party after hectic summer break

(Newser) - House Democrats returned to work yesterday in the same position they were in before they spent their summer break getting an earful from the public, the Washington Post reports. House lawmakers are still expected to move first on the health care bill. But while broad support remains for some kind...

Obama Asks Unions for Health-Reform Support

President expresses support for public option in speech to AFL-CIO

(Newser) - President Obama honored the achievements of organized labor today, pointing out that iniatives like the minimum wage and paid vacation “bear the union label,” the AP reports. Speaking at an AFL-CIO meeting in Cincinnati, Obama asked for union support in his push to reform the health care system,...

No Rest for Beleaguered President
No Rest for

No Rest for Beleaguered President

Obama steels for fight as digs at hubris, inexperience continue

(Newser) - Barack Obama and his allies are calling this week a make-or-break climax for his  administration. He met with the House and Senate leadership last week, his top lieutenants blanketed the talk shows yesterday, and he's holding two meetings with health advisers today. Obama is faced with finishing the health-care battle...

What Obama's Putting in His Health Care Speech

President will carefully commit to public option

(Newser) - President Obama is still hammering out the health care speech he plans to deliver to Congress on Wednesday, but top aides tell Politico that the president will:
  • Describe his own proposal, defining what he thinks is still debatable and what's essential for health care reform.

Populist Rage Fades With Hardee's 'French Dip'
Populist Rage Fades With Hardee's 'French Dip'

Populist Rage Fades With Hardee's 'French Dip'

Ergo, you won't be hearing about 'death panels,' say, 10 minutes from now

(Newser) - How soon America—“a toadying zombie mob with a terrible memory”—forgets, Abe Sauer writes on the Awl. Take the new offering from Hardee’s, “one of the nation’s largest, most popular purveys of food-like substances": the French Dip Thickburger. “What do maids, toast, kisses...

Town Hall 'Paranoia and Violence' a Liberal Fantasia

(Newser) - To listen to the Obama camp and the liberal media, the anti-Obamacare protesters at last month’s town halls are a grave threat to our way of life, Mary Katharine Harn writes in the Weekly Standard. But “the climate of paranoia and violence that enveloped our political system this...

Baucus to Push for Bipartisan Health Bill

'Gang of six' chair will test whether GOP has any interest

(Newser) - Democratic Senator Max Baucus said today he will test the waters of bipartisanship in health care reform, the New York Times reports. After a month of angry nationwide debate, the Senate Finance Committee chair plans to present the bipartisan group of six with a formal health proposal as early as...

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