health care reform

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House Will Vote Tomorrow on Reprimand of Joe Wilson

Most Dems, some fellow Republicans expected to vote yes on 'You lie' yeller

(Newser) - The House of Representatives will vote tomorrow on a “resolution of disapproval” against Joe Wilson, the South Carolina Republican who shouted “You lie!” at President Obama during his speech last week on health reform. House Majority Whip James Clyburn, also a South Carolinian, will introduce the measure,...

How Obama Wooed and Won the AMA: With a $228B Gift
How Obama  Wooed and Won the AMA: With a $228B Gift
health care reform

How Obama Wooed and Won the AMA: With a $228B Gift

Plan gives huge concession to doctor's group

(Newser) - Ever since its cries of “socialized medicine” killed Harry Truman’s attempt to reform health care 60 years ago, the AMA has been not only a vociferous enemy of reform, but a deep-pocketed one—only the Chamber of Commerce has spent more on lobbying over the past decade. But...

Poll: Even Split on Health Care
 Poll: Even Split on Health Care 

Poll: Even Split on Health Care

Reform proponents closing 'intensity gap'

(Newser) - The public is split right down the middle on health care reform, but opposition has eased somewhat, and reform supporters are closing the “enthusiasm gap,” according to a new Washington Post-ABC News poll. Right now 46% say they support Democratic plans, while 48% oppose them. But the number...

Obama: Wilson Fed 'Circus' Not Health-Care Debate

Some Republicans want to kill all reform, Obama tells 60 Minutes

(Newser) - President Obama is convinced he'll soon sign a strong health care reform bill, but bemoaned outbursts like Rep. Joe Wilson's which is turning serious debate into "a big circus," he said in a Sixty Minutes interview. Bringing civil debate to Washington is "a work in progress,"...

Obama Neglects a Powerful Presidential Tool: Fear

Opponents' ability to criticize with impunity hinders the president's effectiveness

(Newser) - Barack Obama has been praised for bringing a more conciliatory tone to the presidency after the with-us-or-against-us swagger of George W. Bush. But Obama’s preference for gentle negotiation and compromise leaves him less able to use an effective presidential tool: fear, writes Ben Smith for Politico. Obama has failed...

Protest Organizer Inflated Crowd Size: ABC News

FreedomWorks president attributed 1.5M turnout to network

(Newser) - The organizer of the "Tea Party" protest in Washington yesterday falsely attributed a high estimate of the turnout to ABC News, the network reports. Matt Kibbe, the head of FreedomWorks, said on stage that ABC estimated the turnout at 1 million to 1.5 million people. In a...

America Needs to Embrace Death
 Needs to 

America Needs to Embrace Death

Lowering health care costs means cutting unnecessary end-of-life treatment

(Newser) - Nobody wants to talk about rationing health care, but “the need to spend less money on the elderly at the end of life is the elephant in the room in the health-reform debate,” Evan Thomas writes in Newsweek. To expand coverage and lower costs, Americans must overcome their...

Obama Using Tired Tricks of the Trail

The brouhaha followed by speech is getting old

(Newser) - President Obama’s strategy for dealing with fallout from political controversy is growing tired, writes Frank Rich in the New York TImes. First, Obama stays cool as the crazies and 24-hour news networks explode; then, at a “superdramatic moment,” he delivers a speech the media “reliably hypes...

Mr. President, Stop Picking On 'Bureaucrats'
Mr. President, Stop Picking On 'Bureaucrats'

Mr. President, Stop Picking On 'Bureaucrats'

What happened to making government 'cool' again?

(Newser) - In his admirable quest to make government work for the people, President Obama has stooped to the lowest common denominator and vilified “bureaucrats,” writes Max Stier in the Washington Post. A typical shot from the president recently: “I don't want government bureaucrats meddling in your health care....

Obama on Health Reform: 'I Own It'
Obama on Health Reform:
'I Own It'

Obama on Health Reform: 'I Own It'

Says he 'intends to be president for a while,' expects credit, blame

(Newser) - Voters can rest assured that Barack Obama is doing his best to get health care reform right, because his political future depends on it, the president tells 60 Minutes in an interview airing tomorrow. “You know, I intend to be president for a while, and once this bill passes,...

Wilson Wins: Obama Beefs Up Illegal Immigrant Ban

President will exclude illegals from new health-care purchasing exchanges

(Newser) - Looks like Joe "You Lie!" Wilson scored a direct hit: The White House denied the charge, saying illegal immigrants wouldn't be covered under his health plan, but moved yesterday to beef up measures to exclude them. The Senate Finance Committee looked ready to follow its lead. Obama press...

Michelle to Lead Chicago Olympic Bid

President Obama will stay home for health care battle

(Newser) - The first lady will fill in for President Obama by traveling to Copenhagen next month and pushing for Chicago to host the 2016 Olympic Games, the Chicago Sun-Times reports. The president said he is too busy with health care reform to lead the US delegation himself. The International Olympic Committee...

For Shame, Wilson: You Have Free Government Health Care

As a National Guard retiree, SC rep is set for life with TRICARE

(Newser) - Consistent with his “You lie!” outburst the other night, Joe Wilson’s campaign website loudly proclaims he's “PASSIONATE ABOUT STOPPING GOVERNMENT RUN HEALTH CARE!” That sentiment would ring truer if the congressman weren't the beneficiary of what he calls “world class” government-run health care, Adam...

Obama's Health Speech a Victory for the Center: Brooks

Highly effective talk knocks down House plan, public option

(Newser) - President Obama’s health care speech was “the finest speech of his presidency,” writes David Brooks: While rhetorically appeasing liberals, it “subtly staked out ground in the center” to win over moderates, making passage “much more likely,” he opines in the New York Times. Obama...

'You Lie' Guy: Please Send Money
'You Lie' Guy: Please Send Money

'You Lie' Guy: Please Send Money

Hours after apology, Wilson makes video to cash in on outburst

(Newser) - Joe “You Lie” Wilson is hoping to cash in on his newfound notoriety. “I let my emotions get the best of me,” the Republican representative confesses in a new YouTube video, noting that he’s already apologized to Barack Obama. But he goes on to condemn reform...

Pumped-Up Dems Fall Into Line on Health Reform

Obama's speech changed tone on Hill, but GOP votes still elusive

(Newser) - After a dispiriting summer for the Democrats, Barack Obama's address has energized the majority party, with progressives to Blue Dogs lining up behind the president. As Politico notes, the greatest change in tone came from Nancy Pelosi and other legislators who had insisted on a public option, many of whom...

'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right
 'You Lie' Rep 
 Essentially Right 


'You Lie' Rep Essentially Right

Joe Wilson not wrong about Obama wanting to insure illegals

(Newser) - Give Joe Wilson a break. It’s hard to fit the complexities of policy into an outburst during a presidential address, but the South Carolina congressman has a point: If you connect two of President Obama’s top policy priorities, he does want to give insurance to illegal immigrants. It’...

To Cut Health Costs, Fix the Food Industry

Obesity 'accounts for nearly a tenth' of health-care spending

(Newser) - There’s an “elephant in the room” when it comes to health care reform: American health care costs a bundle in large part because we’re so fat, writes Michael Pollan for the New York Times. President Obama has touched on the issue, but the country hasn’t, and...

Joe Wilson's Challenger Rakes in $200K

'You lie!' outburst pays off for SC Republican's Dem foe

(Newser) - Rep. Joe Wilson has apologized for his outburst during President Obama’s speech last night, but the South Carolina Republican can’t take back the money flowing into his Democratic opponent’s coffers, CNN reports. Rob Miller has pocketed $200,000 since Wilson cried “You lie,” and Internet-savvy...

Obama Accepts Wilson's Apology

(Newser) - President Obama today accepted Rep. Joe Wilson's mea culpa for his shoutout during last night's speech, reports USA Today. "We all make mistakes," said Obama. "He apologized quickly and without equivocation and I'm appreciative of that." Referring to the media buzz over Wilson shouting "You...

Stories 861 - 880 | << Prev   Next >>