campaign fundraising

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Romney, Obama Battle for the 1%

And Newt Gingrich fights for money from anyone

(Newser) - Fundraising is the name of the game right now, and the Washington Post and New York Times today take a look at how the big-name contenders are faring.
  • The Post checks in on the battle for the richest of the rich, and it's a Mitt Romney vs. Barack Obama

Perry Challenges Pelosi to Debate

As his fundraising and support dries up

(Newser) - You might think extra debates would be the last thing Rick Perry would want, but you’d be wrong. The Texas governor has challenged Nancy Pelosi to a mano-a-mano debate on his new part-time Congress proposal , which would halve Congress’ pay, the Hill reports. “I am in Washington Monday...

Despite &#39;Hell,&#39; Cain Still Raising
 Despite 'Hell,' Cain Still Raising 

Despite 'Hell,' Cain Still Raising

Allegations haven't slowed donations, campaign says

(Newser) - The morass of sexual harassment allegations hasn't slowed Herman Cain's fundraising. The candidate has raised $9 million over the last six weeks, according to his campaign, with $2.25 million of that donated since the sexual harassment story first broke. If money keeps flowing to the Cain campaign...

Thousands of 2008 Donors Abandon Obama

President loses supporters in Northeast, West Coast

(Newser) - Tens of thousands of donors to Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign are sitting this one out—or giving money to the other side—and it’s costing the president millions of dollars, the AP finds. With the help of the Democratic Party, Obama’s campaign has plenty of cash on...

Election 2012: Herman Cain Raised $3M in October, Says Mark Block
 Cain's October 
 Haul: $3M 

Cain's October Haul: $3M

That's more than 3 preceding months combined

(Newser) - Boasting 65,000 donors, Herman Cain’s campaign raked in $3 million over the past month, his chief-of-staff said. “We've actually doubled in a little over a month, and that's what we're seeing in our grassroots activism growth,” Mark Block told CNN . It’s more...

Big Obama Fundraisers Double as Lobbyists

Many bundlers 'indistinguishable' from traditional lobbyists, finds NYT

(Newser) - President Obama’s campaign has pledged not to take money from lobbyists—but some of its biggest fundraisers don’t look much different. Fifteen of the president’s powerful “bundlers,” who donate to the campaign and seek others’ donations, have raised some $5 million for Obama; while none...

'Holy Grail' of Campaign Cash: Cell Phone Donations

Donations made via mobile are an untapped resource, so far

(Newser) - With presidential election cycles now topping $1.7 billion, you might think fundraisers have tapped every possible way of raking in money. You'd be wrong. The "holy grail" of fundraising remains the mobile phone, and, with 83% of adults owning one, political operatives are working furiously to add...

Obama's 'Bundlers' Shift Into High Gear

President rakes in donations, but Wall Street turns to GOP

(Newser) - President Obama's big-money "bundlers" are on the rise, with at least 41 supporters now having raised more than $500,000 each for the president, reports MSNBC . That's a sizeable jump from the 27 bundlers—well-connected supporters who help candidates raise big money—reported three months ago. It'...

Obama Pulls in $70M, Trounces GOP

But fundraising down compared to previous quarter

(Newser) - President Obama raised a combined $70 million for his own campaign and the Democratic Party this summer, easily exceeding his $55 million goal and walloping his Republican rivals, his campaign announced today. The number does, however, represent something of a slowdown for Obama, who raised $16 million more than that...

Elizabeth Warren Pulls in $3.15M

In first month, campaign touts 96% small donors

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren's nascent campaign to unseat Scott Brown in Massachusetts raised $3.15 million in its first month, potentially setting up what the Boston Globe says could be one of the more expensive and hard-fought Senate races in next year's election. Warren, riding establishment Democrats' support and a...

Democrats Winning 2012 Money Race (Sort of)

But numbers don't include independent groups

(Newser) - Republicans appear to be on the ropes in the race to raise money for the 2012 election—depending on how you look at it. The Republican National Committee, Congressional Committee, and Senatorial Committee raised a combined $105 million through July—compared to $129 for their Democratic counterparts, Politico reports. The...

Obama Is Fundraiser in Chief
 Obama Is Fundraiser in Chief 
study says

Obama Is Fundraiser in Chief

He's held more events than the last five guys

(Newser) - Barack Obama has held more fundraising events in his first term than any of the last five presidents—and it’s not terribly close. According to new research reported by USA Today , Obama has held a whopping 127 fundraising events so far, outpacing George W. Bush (88), Bill Clinton (76),...

Candidates Thank Big Donors With ... Fancy Titles

Give Rick Perry $50K and you're officially a "Pilot"

(Newser) - Consider yourself a Patriot? Not until you’ve given Rick Perry $500,000. If you’re a little less flush, you can be an Entrepreneur for $250,000, an Explorer for $100,000, or a Pilot for $50,000. Perry’s not the only one handing his donors special titles...

Rick Perry's Texas Donors Living Large

'Los Angeles Times' analysis finds dozens of examples

(Newser) - Rick Perry has raised $102 million as Texas governor over the last 10 years, and $37 million of that comes from just 150 individuals and couples—nearly half of whom have enjoyed business contracts, appointments, or tax breaks under Perry. A Los Angeles Times analysis found dozens of examples, from...

Obama's '08 Fundraisers Flee 'Machine'

Democratic veterans take over fundraising process

(Newser) - Many of the core grassroots supporters who raised big money for Barack Obama's presidential run in 2007 and 2008 are gone now, disillusioned and dissatisfied by his presidency, replaced by professional Democratic Party operatives, reports Politico . “It’s a political machine now,” says a Washington State biotech...

Gingrich Campaign $1M in Debt

More than $100K of that is legal fees

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich's presidential campaign is more than $1 million in debt, according to his campaign disclosure provided to the AP today. The former House speaker's campaign raised $2.1 million since he got into the race earlier this year. But he spent $1.8 million, and listed $1....

Election 2012: Obama, DNC Rake in $86M
 Obama Rakes in $86M for 2012 

Obama Rakes in $86M for 2012

Cash for his re-election bid pouring in, again riding on small donors

(Newser) - Here's a welcome bit of budget news for President Obama: He and the DNC raked in $86 million in the last three months for the 2012 election campaign, reports Politico . Of that, Obama's campaign took in $47 million, while some $38 million headed to the DNC's war...

Romney Rakes In $18M—and That Worries the GOP

Obama is clobbering Republican candidates in money race

(Newser) - Fundraising reports are starting to trickle in from the GOP presidential field, and the results look great—for Barack Obama. Even Mitt Romney’s vaunted money machine collected only $18 million in the first true quarter of fundraising, a big step back from his 2008 showing, Politico reports. The results...

Newt Gingrich Pulls in $2M, Still $1M in Hole

But 'ship is starting to right itself,' says spokesman

(Newser) - The good news for Newt Gingrich: His faltering campaign pulled in about $2 million in the second quarter. The bad news: He's still about a million bucks in the hole. That puts him in a tough spot to compete in Iowa, notes Politico, though the former House speaker has...

Obama Romancing 'Fat-Cat' Donors

And, simultaneously, not-so-rich ones

(Newser) - President Obama's 2012 machine is revving up early, and his campaign is using all its assets to pull in wealthy donors—while also courting the small Internet donors that fueled his grass-roots machine in 2008. The Washington Post takes a long look at the fundraising push, which has included...

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