campaign fundraising

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Newt's Top Fundraisers Call It Quits

Gingrich campaign to continue 'as committed as ever'

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s campaign woes keep piling up: Now two top members of his finance team have departed. Fundraising director Jody Thomas and fundraising consultant Mary Heitman follow 16 other aides who left this month. His press chief says the campaign is "as committed as ever" and spins the...

Fatcat Obama Bundlers Score Gov't Jobs, Contracts

About 80% of those who gave $500k or more now in administration

(Newser) - President Obama’s White House is packed with his top campaign fundraisers, which probably shouldn’t be too surprising—because mega-bundler Donald Gips was in charge of hiring them, according to a new investigation from iWatch News . Gips, the former head of Level 3 Communications, bundled $500,000 for Obama....

Empty Seats Abound at Obama's Fundraiser

Event draws 980, one protester

(Newser) - President Obama held a relatively cheap fundraiser in Florida last night, and Politico wasn't impressed with the turnout. Obama filled around 980 seats in the 2,200-seat Adrienne Arsht Center for Performing Arts, leaving the entire top level empty. Tickets cost $44. One Democratic official downplayed the turnout: “...

For 2012, Obama Wants 'Fat Cats' Back on His Side

The president reaches out to Wall Street donors

(Newser) - President Obama—who famously angered Wall Street executives by calling them “fat cats,” the New York Times reminds us—is now courting those same executives in his quest for re-election campaign contributions. He kicked off the push by hosting two dozen of them, many longtime donors, at the...

Obama Selling Birth Certificate T-Shirts

 Hawking Birth 
in case you missed it

Obama Hawking Birth Certificate T-Shirts

'Made in the USA' they snarkily proclaim

(Newser) - Now that he's finally put the birther conspiracy to rest, President Obama has decided to rub it in a little. His campaign is selling snarky T-shirts that say "Made in the USA" on the front and have the president's long-form birth certificate on the back, Politico observes....

Newt Donors Head for the Hills
 Newt Donors Head for the Hills 

Newt Donors Head for the Hills

His criticism of Paul Ryan spooks the base

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich’s vaunted money machine appears to be breaking down in the wake of his Meet the Press appearance, in which he called Paul Ryan’s Medicare plan “right-wing social engineering.” (You can see the video here .) “The last 48 hours have called into question...

Mitt Romney Raises $10M in One Day

Donors hope to intimidate rivals with show of financial muscle

(Newser) - Mitt Romney flexed his financial muscle yesterday, raising $10.25 million in a one-day call-a-thon. “That’s a terrific start,” Romney told reporters, adding, “Actually, it’s more than just a start—it really gives us the boost that we need.” It’s also the kind...

Obama Relying on Gay Donors for 2012

Because some big money donors aren't showing up

(Newser) - Barack Obama’s 2012 campaign is hoping gay donors can fill the holes left by the big-money interests that are deserting it. Gay donors have been showing their gratitude for the repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell and Obama's abandonment of the Defense of Marriage Act, and...

Hedge-Fund Tycoons Ditch Obama for GOP

They feel betrayed by president's tough talk

(Newser) - Daniel Loeb used to be one of Barack Obama’s biggest supporters, but these days he’s raising huge piles of money for Republicans. Why? Well the president appears to have hurt his feelings, the Wall Street Journal observes. “I am sure, if we are really nice and stay...

Obama to Launch 2012 Campaign: Could Be First $1B Run

President expected to file formal papers on Monday

(Newser) - President Obama will make it official next week, reports Lynn Sweet at the Chicago Sun-Times : He's running for re-election. The president is expected to file his papers with the Federal Election Commission as early as Monday to be a 2012 candidate, a move that will allow his camp to start...

Plans for Madonna's Malawi School Collapse

Her charitable foundation pulls plug amid financial mess

(Newser) - A plan spearheaded by Madonna to build a $15 million school for impoverished girls in Malawi has been officially scrapped amid charges that the people running the project on her behalf squandered millions, reports the New York Times . In addition, the foundation Madonna founded with other Kabbalah devotees, Raising Malawi,...

GOP Fundraiser Indicted in $200M Ponzi Scheme

Timothy Durham allegedly defrauded more than 5,000 people

(Newser) - Prominent GOP fundraiser Timothy Durham was arrested early this morning on allegations that he’d defrauded more than 5,000 people out of more than $200 million in a giant Ponzi scheme, the New York Times reports. The 48-year-old West Hollywood man also donated more than $800,000 to the...

Obama Cranks Up the 2012 Money Machine

Donors asked to give $61,600 annually to DNC

(Newser) - Some of Barack Obama’s top operatives have embarked on a cross-country “listening tour,” pumping top donors for big 2012 donations, Politico reports. They’re asking donors who maxed out on donations to Obama and Hillary Clinton in 2008 to join a new “National Finance Council,”...

Clinton Donors Caught Up in Criminal Cases

Four cases, six defendants, $1.1M in contributions

(Newser) - A number of Hillary Clinton’s top fundraisers are now caught up in criminal cases, including Galen Capital Group Chairman William P. Danielczyk Jr., who was indicted last week. There are now four major federal cases involving six defendants who raised a total of more than $1.1 million for...

GOP Frosh: Screw Populism, Let's Throw Swank Party!

Furious John Boehner will not attend

(Newser) - John Boehner is not pleased with the kids: While the speaker-elect might prefer his caucus stick to the populist message that won them the House, on the eve of taking it over, a dozen freshman Republicans are throwing a lavish DC fundraiser headlined by LeAnn Rimes. For $2,500, Politico...

DeLay Verdict May Change Campaign Finance

Prosecutors expected to target corporate fundraising

(Newser) - Prosecutors—and politicians—around the country are paying close attention to Tom DeLay's conviction on money laundering charges . The former House majority leader was found guilty of funneling corporate cash to fellow Republicans, thereby violating Texas laws that ban companies from contributing to candidates' campaigns, and legal experts expect the...

Olbermann Donated to 3 Democrats

'Countdown' host appears to breach NBC ethics rules

(Newser) - Keith Olbermann donated $2,400—the maximum individual contribution—apiece to three Democrats before Election Day, apparently breaking NBC rules, Politico reports. The MSNBC host, who has acknowledged the contributions, gave to two Arizona representatives the day one of them, Raul Grijalva, stopped by his show (the other was Gabrielle...

Moaning Democrats Actually Outspending Republicans

Outside groups can't make up for party advantages

(Newser) - Democrats have been playing the financial victim lately, bemoaning the cash outside groups are throwing at Republicans. Which is kind of ironic, because the truth is that Democrats are outspending Republicans—even if you take those outside groups into account. Democratic campaign committees and left-leaning outside groups have spent a...

$2B House, Senate Races Smash Fundraising Record

Spending set to top $4M for each congressional seat

(Newser) - Fundraising records have been shattered as House and Senate candidates head toward the finish line, a Washington Post analysis of campaign finance data finds. House and Senate candidates have raised over $1.5 billion and total spending is on course to top $2 billion as hopefuls dig deep into their...

Public-Employees Union No. 1 Election Spender

1.6-million member AFSCME spends $87.5M on campaign

(Newser) - The American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees has become the biggest outside donor to the midterm elections, thanks to a last-minute push of funds to Democrats that brings its total election spending to $87.5 million, the Wall Street Journal reports. The organization, which boasts 1.6 million...

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