campaign fundraising

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Obama's $45M Haul in February Trounces January

But it doesn't best his February 2008 total

(Newser) - President Obama's fundraising numbers got a little more impressive last month: He followed up a $29.1 million January with a $45 million February haul. That's almost twice the average amount he scored in the last three months of 2011, and brings this election cycle's total to...

Obama's Big-Money Donations Lagging

$2K gifts number less than half of what they did at this point in 2008

(Newser) - The Obama re-election campaign is out-earning the Republicans, and has collected donations from more than 1.4 million people. But one area where President Obama is badly lagging is with big-money donations—an issue that political observers say could presage problems to come, reports the Washington Post . At this point...

2012 GOP Race the Cheapest in Years

...even with all that super PAC dough

(Newser) - Surprising fact: Even with the contributions of a billionaire casino mogul , the 2012 GOP race for the White House is actually turning out to be one of the cheapest in decades. The Washington Post looks at the numbers through January, and reports that every single primary season since the 1990s...

GOP Blasts Elizabeth Warren for Hollywood Pals

(Newser) - Elizabeth Warren is running for Senate in Massachusetts, but her foes are taking great delight in pointing out that some of her biggest fans live 3,000 miles away. Roughly 20% of Warren's donations came from California last quarter, thanks to celebrities like Danny Devito, who has tweeted videos...

Bill Clinton to Join Obama Fundraisers

Ex-prez to help Obama woo Wall Street donors

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has agreed to help President Obama grow his 2012 war chest. The 42nd president will be joining the 44th at a series of fundraisers in New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago, aimed mainly at the financial services industry, insiders tell Bloomberg. Considering how much Republican super PACs are...

Obama to Dems: No Cash for You
 Obama to Dems: 
 No Cash for You 


Obama to Dems: No Cash for You

In face of Super PACs, Obama cuts off committees

(Newser) - For Democrats who President Obama showered with cash in 2008 and 2010, well, they'd better get ready to raise their own darn money this time around. As in the last two election cycles, Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi recently asked the Obama for America campaign and the Democratic National...

Bevy of Consultants Drive Romney's Fundraising

Ex-Romney staffers for firms, take in millions

(Newser) - For years, Spencer J. Zwick worked and raised money for Mitt Romney. Now he runs his own consulting firm, SJZ Inc., and Romney has paid it $4.6 million for "fundraising consulting." It's a familiar story in the Romney campaign, which relies on an unusually high number...

Super PAC Leaders Paying Themselves Handsomely

Santorum PAC head Nick Ryan funnels $570K to his business

(Newser) - Super PAC leaders have found a great use for all the unbridled cash pouring into their campaigns: paying themselves. The pro-Rick Santorum Red White and Blue Fund may be the most egregious offender; according to the LA Times , it paid $570,000 last month—a third of its total expenditures—...

Romney Super PAC Spent 2x What It Raised Last Month

Restore Our Future spent $13.9M in January

(Newser) - Mitt Romney and the pro-Romney super PAC Restore Our Future were big spenders in January, according to the latest campaign filings. Restore Our Future spent $13.9 million in January—mostly on attack ads—and raised less than half that amount during the same period, Politico reports. Romney's campaign...

Justices Signal High Court May Rethink Citizens United

Ginsburg, Breyer say real-world results rebut original ruling

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Friday blocked a Montana Supreme Court ruling against corporate campaign funding, appearing once again to support the unlimited corporate spending it allowed with the Citizens United case of 2010 . But maybe not? Comments in Friday's order by justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg and Stephen Breyer hint...

Obama Raised $29M Last Month
 Obama Raised 
 $29M Last Month 

Obama Raised $29M Last Month

Total haul hits $250M for 2012

(Newser) - President Obama raised a healthy $29.1 million for his campaign and the Democrats last month, bringing his total haul for this election to $250 million. Some 98% of last month's donations were of $250 or less, the campaign said. Nonpartisan analysts said donations of $200 or less made...

Newt's Billionaire Backer Out to Beat Santorum

Sheldon Adelson is fine with Mitt Romney as nominee: Wall Street Journal

(Newser) - Sheldon Adelson is considering dropping another massive pile of cash into Newt Gingrich's super PAC—but he's doing it in part because he thinks it will help Mitt Romney, sources tell the Wall Street Journal . The billionaire casino mogul thinks that keeping Gingrich in the race will draw...

Romney Copies Obama's Super PAC Strategy

Candidate will let top aides appear at fundraisers

(Newser) - After President Obama announced this week that he'd allow top aides to speak at super PAC events, Mitt Romney is following suit. "President Obama's decision opens a new chapter in this campaign, and we will not play by different rules," said Romney's campaign manager in...

Small Donors Gave 48% of Obama's 2011 Donations

That's more than double the proportion from 2007: analysis

(Newser) - President Obama continues to be successful raising money through small donations—and this time around, he's outpacing his campaign from four years ago. Last year, almost half of the money raised by the president's re-election campaign came from donors who gave $200 or less in total, a new...

Santorum Raises $1M in 24 Hours

Billionaire Foster Friess backing pro-Rick super PAC

(Newser) - He'll probably never be able to beat Mitt Romney in a money fight, but more cash has been coming Rick Santorum's way since his surprise triple win Tuesday night. Santorum's campaign says it raised $1 million after the wins in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri, with $800,000...

Obama's Super PAC Scrambles for Big Donors

Fundraisers emboldened by Obama's endorsement

(Newser) - Now that President Obama has changed his tune on his super PAC , officials at Priorities USA Action have kicked into overdrive attempting to recruit deep-pocketed liberal donors who have largely been inactive since 2004. Ex-Obama aides held dozens of meetings with potential donors in LA, New York, and elsewhere yesterday,...

GOP Cries Foul Over Obama Designer Gear

'Runway to Win' fashion sale skirting campaign finance laws, GOP says

(Newser) - President Obama's re-election campaign launched a high-fashion fundraising initiative last night to grousing from Republicans. The "Runway to Win" effort—spearheaded by Vogue editor Anna Wintour—is selling clothing and accessories by prominent designers at prices far below what their work usually sells for, making the GOP suspect...

Why Obama&#39;s Not Inevitable
 Why Obama's 
 Not Inevitable 

Why Obama's Not Inevitable

There are plenty of reasons the president should be worried

(Newser) - Democrats, and many pundits, seem to believe that President Obama is rebounding, and will surely win re-election, but Jim Vandehei of Politico isn't buying it. Here's why he thinks the president should be sweating right now:
  • The economy: The recent CBO report not only projected another trillion-dollar deficit,

Obama's 2011 Haul: Less Than Bush's in 2003

But still an impressive amount: Politico

(Newser) - The Obama campaign and the Democratic National Committee raised a significant amount of funds in 2011—$222 million—but not quite enough to beat the Bush-Cheney amount from the same period eight years ago. In 2003, Bush's campaign and the RNC raised about $239 million, which Politico did not...

Romney Hauls In $24M in Best Quarter Yet

And all those donors are free to give to him again

(Newser) - If Mitt Romney fans wanted even more good news today, here it comes: The frontrunner raised $24 million in the fourth quarter of 2011, his best total yet, bringing his yearly total up to $56 million—of which $19 million is still on hand, the campaign announced today. The LA ...

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