2022 midterms

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Arizona Polls Close After Judge Refuses to Extend Hours
Arizona Polls Close After
Judge Refuses to Extend Hours
election 2022

Arizona Polls Close After Judge Refuses to Extend Hours

Kari Lake hasn't said whether she'll accept a loss

(Newser) - Polls have closed in Arizona, where a judge denied an emergency motion from the Republican National Commitee to extend voting hours in Maricopa County because of problems with ballot tabulators , reports ABC15 . Kari Lake, the Republican candidate for governor, cast her ballot at a site she called "the heart...

Voting Process Unfolds, With a Few Glitches
Arizona Voting Glitch
Gets a Lot of Attention
EleCTION 2022

Arizona Voting Glitch Gets a Lot of Attention

Some Republicans alleged fraud after tabulators malfunctioned

(Newser) - After two years of heavy scrutiny of the election process, voting proceeded across the US Tuesday with no more than the usual number of glitches, but a problem in Arizona "garnered outsized attention," per the AP . In Maricopa County, which includes Phoenix, around a quarter of vote tabulation...

The Race to Control the House Comes Down to 5
The Race to Control the
House Comes Down to 5
election 2022

The Race to Control the House Comes Down to 5

5 seats that is; it's how many the GOP needs to pick up to gain control

(Newser) - There are 435 voting representatives in the House, with the current split as follows: 220 Democrats, 212 Republicans, and 3 vacancies due to resignations and death. The GOP needs to gain a net of 5 seats to regain the majority. Going into Tuesday, most experts are saying that's the...

This Early Virginia Race May Be a Bellwether
This Early
Virginia Race
May Be
a Bellwether
election 2022

This Early Virginia Race May Be a Bellwether

Fate of Democratic Rep. Abigail Spanberger is being closely watched

(Newser) - It could be days before a complete picture of the 2022 midterms emerges, but it might be possible to get a sense from early races about where things are headed—and specifically whether Democrats will be able to fend off an expected Republican wave. A handful of those potential bellwethers:...

Here Are the Final &#39;Crystal Ball&#39; Ratings Before Election Day
Here Is the Final
'Crystal Ball'
Election Forecast
election 2022

Here Is the Final 'Crystal Ball' Election Forecast

As expected, bad news for Democrats is predicted

(Newser) - There have been multiple warnings in recent days that polling errors and other wildcards could result in midterm election surprises—nonetheless, the final ratings offered by Sabato's Crystal Ball on the day before Election Day will likely surprise no one. The ratings out of the University of Virginia Center...

Republican Lawsuits Target Mail-In Ballots in Key States

Experts say the suits could delay results and ultimately change outcomes

(Newser) - Ahead of the midterms, courts at all levels across the country are already grappling with a slew of lawsuits targeting absentee ballots. According to the Washington Post , the latest suits stem from a "sustained campaign against alleged voter fraud" by Republican officials and candidates. Critics call it a "...

Nate Silver: Three Wildcards Will Have Big Role on Tuesday

Polling errors, turnout gap, and candidate quality are the X factors ahead of Election Day

(Newser) - On the eve of Election Day, the FiveThirtyEight forecast has numbers that won't surprise anyone who's been following political coverage. The site gives Republicans an 83% chance of taking the House and a 54% chance of taking the Senate. The site's Nate Silver, however, runs through three...

GOP Insiders Are Pretty Happy About Election Day
What's in Store for Tuesday?
GOP Insiders Can't Wait
the rundown

What's in Store for Tuesday? GOP Insiders Can't Wait

Republicans are optimistic, though one analysis cautions about polling errors

(Newser) - With just two days to go before Election Day, where do things stand? An analysis by Benjamin Wallace-Wells in the New Yorker finds that Republican insiders are expecting a very good day. He talks to GOP consultants and pollsters anonymously, and the word "bloodbath" is being thrown around, especially...

Fetterman Gets Endorsement From Big Name

Oprah Winfrey tells listeners to vote for him over Mehmet Oz

(Newser) - TV icon Oprah Winfrey on Thursday endorsed Democrat John Fetterman in Pennsylvania's hotly contested Senate race and rejected Republican Dr. Mehmet Oz, whom she'd helped launch to stardom nearly two decades ago when she brought him on her popular daytime talk show as a regular guest. Until now,...

Musk Offers Update on Banned Twitter Accounts

Suspended tweeters won't be reviewed for reinstatement for 'at least a few more weeks'

(Newser) - With the midterms less than a week away, Twitter has a daunting task at hand: to keep misinformation on candidates, campaigns, and races to a minimum. Yoel Roth, the social media platform's head of safety and integrity, addressed the issue on Tuesday evening, noting that Twitter is "staying...

One of Stacey Abrams&#39; Big Problems: Male Voters
A Look at Why
Stacey Abrams Is Trailing
the rundown

A Look at Why Stacey Abrams Is Trailing

Georgia gubernatorial candidate is behind in the polls, and Black men in particular are a factor

(Newser) - Stacey Abrams became a political phenom four years ago when she lost the Georgia governor's race by only a whisker. If the polls are correct, however, she is poised to lose the same race again next week to the same opponent, Brian Kemp, by a bigger margin. FiveThirtyEight....

New Poll Assesses 4 Key Senate Races
New Poll
4 Key
Senate Races

New Poll Assesses 4 Key Senate Races

Democrats lead in 3, including Pennsylvania, and are deadlocked in Nevada, per 'NYT' data

(Newser) - The midterms are just eight days away, and new polls continue to roll out—including a major one from the New York Times and Siena College. It looks at four key Senate races and finds that Democrats hold slim leads in three, with the last one deadlocked.
  • Arizona: Democratic Sen.

Judge Rules on Monitoring Ariz. Drop Boxes

Group can keep tabs on boxes in Maricopa County, over complaints of intimidation

(Newser) - A federal judge Friday refused to bar a group from monitoring outdoor ballot boxes in Arizona's largest county, where watchers have shown up armed and in ballistic vests, saying to do so could violate the monitors' constitutional rights. US District Court Judge Michael Liburdi said the case remained open,...

Hot Mic Picks Up Schumer's Assessment of Senate Races

'We're going downhill' in Georgia, he tells Biden

(Newser) - After almost 50 years in politics, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer apparently still hasn't learned to be wary of hot mics. He was overheard delivering a candid, though mostly positive, assessment of Democrats' chances in Senate races to President Biden on the tarmac of Hancock Field Air National Guard...

In Arizona Senate Race, Good News for Republicans

Contest with Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly is now a toss-up, according to two election forecasters

(Newser) - Another closely watched race in the upcoming midterms has shifted in the direction of Republicans. The Cook Political Report on Thursday moved the Senate race in Arizona from "lean Democrat" to "toss-up," and Politico did the same in its own forecast . The race features Democratic incumbent Mark...

DeSantis: Only One 'Worn-Out Old Donkey' in My Sights

In debate with Crist, Florida governor and potential 2024 candidate won't commit to full term

(Newser) - Gov. Ron DeSantis and Democratic challenger Charlie Crist had their only debate Monday night in the Florida gubernatorial race, and one subject in particular was getting a lot of attention in the aftermath—DeSantis' White House ambitions. The governor is considered to be a top 2024 presidential candidate, and Crist...

For First Time in 42 Years, a DCCC Chair May Lose

Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney, head of Democrats' congressional campaign, in tight New York race

(Newser) - In its reassessment of the coming midterms, the Cook Political Report on Monday made a fairly common move for this time of year—it shifted a congressional race from "lean Democrat" to "toss up." However, this particular race involves Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney of New York, who...

Attack on Rubio Volunteer Gets a Little Strange

Victim canvassing for senator has ties to extremist group; Rubio's take also differs from cops'

(Newser) - An online post from Florida Sen. Marco Rubio about an attack on a man who was canvassing for him over the weekend is now raising eyebrows over both its insinuations and the volunteer who was assaulted. "Last night one of our canvassers wearing my T-shirt and a Desantis hat...

GOP&#39;s Recent Boost May Boil Down to &#39;Clearer Narrative&#39;
Dems Had
the Momentum.
It's Seemingly

Dems Had the Momentum. It's Seemingly Vanished

David Brooks takes a pre-midterms look at why

(Newser) - Over the summer, Democrats seemed poised to ride a wave of momentum into the midterms, thanks to falling gas prices, a public outcry on gun safety after the mass shooting in Uvalde, and the overturning of Roe v. Wade. But "the momentum didn't survive the fall," writes...

Georgia's First Day of Early Voting Was a Massive One

131K ballots cast on first day of midterms voting—nearly double the turnout of 2018

(Newser) - If Georgia's kickoff to the midterms is any hint of what's to come, the US may see voting records smashed in the 2022 election. Monday was the first day of early voting in the Peach State, and 131,318 locals came out to cast their in-person ballots—nearly...

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