2022 midterms

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Battle for House Plays Out in &#39;Nation&#39;s Salad Bowl&#39;
Battle for House
Plays Out in
'Nation's Salad

Battle for House Plays Out in 'Nation's Salad Bowl'

Key races in Calif.'s Central Valley, Orange County remain tight, including for Dem Rep. Katie Porter

(Newser) - The outcomes in a string of closely matched California US House races that could play into control of the chamber were still unsettled Friday, as millions of ballots remained uncounted in the nation's most populous state. More than a dozen races in the state continued to be in play,...

Kelly Win in Arizona Brings Dems Closer to Senate Control
Kelly Win in Arizona Brings
Dems Closer to Senate Control

Kelly Win in Arizona Brings Dems Closer to Senate Control

Party now needs to win in either Nevada or Georgia to retain control of chamber

(Newser) - Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly won his bid for reelection Friday in the crucial swing state of Arizona, defeating Republican venture capitalist Blake Masters to put his party one victory away from clinching control of the chamber for the next two years of Joe Biden’s presidency. With Vice President Kamala...

Lauren Boebert Now Leads by 1K Votes
Lauren Boebert
Now Leads by 1K Votes
election 2022

Lauren Boebert Now Leads by 1K Votes

House race in Colorado still too close to call

(Newser) - After briefly trailing Democratic challenger Adam Frisch by 64 votes , Colorado Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert is back in the lead in her race for re-election to the House. As of midnight Friday, with 99% of the vote counted, she was ahead by 1,122 votes. Boebert, a Trump ally, represents...

Key Senate, Gubernatorial Races in Arizona, Nevada Remain Uncalled

Democrats have narrow leads in Arizona, Republicans in Nevada

(Newser) - Democrats padded their narrow leads in key Arizona contests on Thursday, but the races for US Senate and governor were still too early to call with about a fifth of the total ballots left to be counted, the AP reports. Democratic Sen. Mark Kelly led Republican Blake Masters by 5....

Trump Continues to Take a Public Drubbing
Trump Continues to Take
a Public Drubbing
the rundown

Trump Continues to Take a Public Drubbing

Former president disputes reports he's angry at wife Melania and Fox's Hannity

(Newser) - In the first assessments of Tuesday's voting, Donald Trump did not fare well. After more than a full day of letting the dust settle, things haven't changed much.
  • On the right: The conservative editorial page of the Wall Street Journal , for example, has a scathing editorial Thursday headlined

Dead Democrat Wins Race in Pennsylvania

Anthony 'Tony' DeLuca, state's longest-serving state representative, died last month

(Newser) - Anthony “Tony” DeLuca died last month, in the middle of his re-election race—which he won anyway, by a huge margin. DeLuca, 85 and the longest-serving state representative in Pennsylvania, died of lymphoma less than two weeks after the deadline to change the ballot, the Guardian reports. He was...

Lauren Boebert Currently Trails Challenger by 64 Votes

And more of the latest on House races

(Newser) - As of 10:30pm ET Wednesday, the AP had called 391 of the 435 House races, with the Democrats winning 184 of those contests and the Republicans winning 207 so far. Among the latest developments: In New Mexico, incumbent Republican Rep. Yvette Herrell conceded defeat in her race against Democratic...

Biden Praises 'Strong Night' for Dems, Discusses 2024 Plans

He says he'll announce decision on seeking a second term early next year

(Newser) - "While the press and the pundits were predicting a giant red wave, it didn’t happen," Biden said Wednesday at the White House in his first public remarks since voting in the midterm elections ended. He said Democrats had a "strong night." He acknowledged that many...

Polls Close on Marquee Race of Warnock vs. Walker
Warnock vs. Walker Will
Be Decided in December
election 2022

Warnock vs. Walker Will Be Decided in December

Georgia Senate race headed for a runoff

(Newser) - One of the biggest contests of the 2022 midterms—Democratic Sen. Raphael Warnock of Georgia vs. Republican challenger Herschel Walker—won't be decided for nearly a month. The AP on Wednesday reported that neither candidate crossed the 50% threshold needed under state law to win the race, and so...

36 States Electing Governors. Keep an Eye on These
How the 36 Governor
Races Are Shaking Out
election 2022

How the 36 Governor Races Are Shaking Out

Keeping tabs on a slew of governor's mansions

(Newser) - As far as the scales go, the GOP had 28 governors to the Democrats' 22 going into Tuesday. And Politico spies "an opening for Republicans to retake a significant number of governorships." Thirty-six states are electing governors, reports the AP , with many of those races poised to come...

Fate of the Senate Is &#39;on a Knife&#39;s Edge&#39;

Control of the
Senate Rests
on These
3 States
election 2022

Control of the Senate Rests on These 3 States

Dems have 48 seats so far, the GOP has 49

(Newser) - Most of the final forecasts heading into Election Day gave Republicans a good chance of reclaiming control of the Senate, if only by a slim margin . As of mid-day Wednesday, the final tally remains up in the air. The Democrats have secured 48 seats to the GOP's 49, with...

In 5 States, Slavery Was on the Ballot

And amendments to ban it and forced labor in prisons didn't pass everywhere

(Newser) - Voters in three states approved ballot measures that will change their state constitutions to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude as punishment for crime, while those in a fourth state rejected the move. The measures approved Tuesday curtail the use of prison labor in Alabama, Tennessee, and Vermont. In Oregon, "...

10 Big Firsts That Emerged From the Midterms
10 Big Firsts That
Emerged From the Midterms

10 Big Firsts That Emerged From the Midterms

Kathy Hochul is first elected female governor of NY, plus more 'history-makers'

(Newser) - Congress got its first Gen Z member ever on election night, thanks to a win by 25-year-old Maxwell Frost in Florida's 10th Congressional District. But Frost wasn't the only notable victory. CNN runs down other "history-makers" of the 2022 midterms. Here, 10 standouts:
  1. Becca Balint: first woman

5 States Are Voting on Abortion Measures
Kentucky Voters
Reject Abortion
election 2022

Kentucky Voters Reject Abortion Amendment

As 3 other states outright preserve the right to abortion

(Newser) - The abortion debate figured in Tuesday's midterms in a general sense—Democrats hoped that voters angry about the overturning of Roe v. Wade would turn out in droves to support their candidates. But abortion also was on the ballot in a literal sense in five states. The outcomes, per...

A GOP Takeaway: 'DeSantis in 2024 or Accept Total Defeat'

His massive win in Florida has everyone talking

(Newser) - Ron DeSantis was just elected to serve a second 4-year term as Florida's governor, but the Hill reports the crowd at his victory speech shouted "Two more years!" at him—voicing their hope that his term would be cut short so that he could run for president...

&#39;The Biggest Loser Tonight Is Donald Trump&#39;
'The Biggest
Loser Tonight Is
Donald Trump'

'The Biggest Loser Tonight Is Donald Trump'

Former president's endorsements didn't go as well as he'd hoped during midterms

(Newser) - Former President Trump has teased a "very big announcement" for next Tuesday, but that reveal—which many expect to be his official reveal that he's running for president in 2024—may now be tempered by the results of the midterms, which didn't produce the so-called red wave...

Marijuana Is on the Ballot in 5 States
2 States Approve
Legal Weed,
2 States Reject It

2 States Approve Legal Weed, 2 States Reject It

And results in a 5th state were not yet clear

(Newser) - Legalizing recreational marijuana was on the ballot in five states in the midterm elections Tuesday. The AP projected early in the night that Maryland voted heavily in favor of legalization. "Tonight voters in Maryland made history by bringing the era of failed marijuana prohibition to an end," said...

Fetterman, Oz Too Close to Call as Polls Close
John Fetterman Wins
Pennsylvania Senate Race
election 2022

John Fetterman Wins Pennsylvania Senate Race

Media outlets are calling the race for Fetterman over Dr. Mehmet Oz

(Newser) - Nobody expected one of election night's biggest races—Democrat John Fetterman vs. Republican Mehmet Oz for the Senate in Pennsylvania—to be called early, given how close the polls had been. The stakes are huge, of course, with control of the Senate potentially in the balance. About the only...

2 Bellwether House Races Go Opposite Ways
2 Bellwether House Races
Go Opposite Ways
election 2022

2 Bellwether House Races Go Opposite Ways

Virginia Democrat Abigail Spanberger wins, but Elaine Luria, on the Jan. 6 panel, loses

(Newser) - In two big House races seen as bellwethers for how the midterms may play out, the results are split. Both are out of Virginia. Democrats scored a significant win with the victory of Rep. Abigail Spanberger, who won a close race over Prince William County Supervisor Yesli Vega per the...

Congress Gets Its First Gen Z Member
Congress Gets Its
First Gen Z Member
election 2022

Congress Gets Its First Gen Z Member

25-year-old Maxwell Frost cruised to victory in Florida

(Newser) - In Congress, Maxwell Frost is going to be the voice of his generation. The 25-year-old Democrat cruised to victory over 51-year-old Republican Calvin Wimbish in Florida's reliably blue Orlando-area 10th District and will be the first member of Generation Z in Congress, BuzzFeed reports. Frost, who will also be...

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