timeless news

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Yes, Cellphone Addiction Is a Real Thing

And should be taken as seriously as other addictions: Dr. Keith Ablow

(Newser) - If you heard that someone was being treated for nomophobia—basically, the fear of being without their mobile device—you might be tempted to laugh. But you shouldn't, writes Dr. Keith Ablow on Fox News . A cellphone addiction is just like an addiction to drugs or alcohol and should...

Wall Street Traders Turn to ... Astrology?!

Thousands subscribe to star-based finance newsletter

(Newser) - Wall Street is a sophisticated place full of smart, savvy professionals who make decisions based on rational criteria … like whether or not Mercury is in retrograde. An astrology-based financial newsletter has drawn a couple thousand subscribers, Marketplace.org reveals. Another has at least 300 traders subscribed, for the low-low...

Thieves Try to Bust ATM, Blow Up Bank Instead

Entire branch in Germany destroyed

(Newser) - Thieves in Germany attempted to bust open a cash machine last night … but the resulting explosion ended up destroying the entire bank instead, der Spiegel reports. The blast in the small town of Nottuln-Darup sent debris flying as far as 260 feet. "Damage to the building is likely...

Gangnam Style: The Substance Behind the Goofy Dance

 Gangnam Style: 
 The Substance 
 Behind the 
 Goofy Dance 

Gangnam Style: The Substance Behind the Goofy Dance

It's a critique of South Korea's wealthiest residents

(Newser) - You might think PSY's viral horse dance , Gangnam Style, is hysterical, but the AP takes a look at the serious social commentary behind the rapper's theatrics. The video offers up a critique of Seoul's ritzy Gangnam neighborhood, which is filled with new money, plastic surgery clinics, and...

Town Buys Livestock to Go Green, Save Dough

Charlotte, Vermont, replaces mowers with goats and sheep

(Newser) - Want to cut back on grass-cutting costs and go green at the same time? Buy a few sheep and goats to chomp on your lawn. That's been the solution in one Vermont town that wanted to save money without letting its cemeteries become overgrown with grass and weeds, NPR...

Stalking Exes Online Is Bad for Your Health

Tracy Clark-Flory: 'Cutting off contact' is much healthier

(Newser) - What with Facebook, Flickr, and other fine venues for stalking "exes," breakups aren't nearly as final as they once were. But for your own good, please stop following them around cyberspace. "Conventional wisdom, and even science, has it that cutting off contact with an ex makes...

Cat Goes to Vet for Flea Bath, Gets Euthanized Instead

Owner is unamused over the screwup

(Newser) - Today in awful: A Massachusetts woman has filed a complaint after she sent her cat to the vet for a flea bath, and the animal was mistakenly euthanized, reports the Telegram & Gazette News . Colleen Conlon had her son drop off 8-year-old Lady at the Broadway Animal Hospital, where he...

Iran Woman Beats Cleric Who Told Her to Cover Up

 Iran Woman 
 Beats Cleric 
 Who Told Her 
 to Cover Up 

Iran Woman Beats Cleric Who Told Her to Cover Up

He's hospitalized for 3 days: report

(Newser) - En route to a local mosque, an Iranian cleric saw a woman he believed was inappropriately dressed, so he warned her to cover up. "You, cover your eyes," she replied, instead putting her dukes up and giving him a shove. "I fell on my back on the...

Mag Posts &#39;Conservative Version&#39; of History
 Mag Posts 'Conservative 
 Version' of History 
new yorker

Mag Posts 'Conservative Version' of History

'The New Yorker' assembles history using quotes from conservatives

(Newser) - A "liberal version" of history might also make for good reading, but the New Yorker has beaten conservatives to the punch by posting "A Conservative History of the United States." Here are a few key moments, each inspired by a rather inventive quotation:

PIN Codes You Should Never, Ever Choose

Data Genetics firm figures out the most popular passwords

(Newser) - Sorry to ruin your afternoon, but that PIN number you picked—probably a birthday, month/day combo, or year in the 1900s—is among the easiest for thieves to guess. And if you chose "1234," "1111," or "0000," consider your bank account a slush fund...

Is This an Official New Cloud?
 Is This an Official New Cloud? 

Is This an Official New Cloud?

Advocates of 'undulatus asperatus' sure hope so

(Newser) - Cloud gazers, make room for "undulatus asperatus." That translates into "agitated waves," and advocates are pushing for it to be formally recognized as a new cloud variety, reports USA Today . The movement has been gaining steam since a 2006 photo from Cedar Rapids, Iowa, went viral....

Facebook Party Invite Goes Viral, Sparks Dutch Melee

Thousands descend on Haren, along with riot police

(Newser) - Oh, the importance of privacy settings. A Dutch girl sent out an invite via Facebook to her 16th birthday party, which ended up getting viewed by about 30,000 people. Last night, a crowd estimated at 3,000 showed up in the small town of Haren, and the ensuing vandalism,...

10 Stars Who Went From Mess to Success

Maybe there is hope for Amanda Bynes...

(Newser) - You may be worried about Amanda Bynes and Lindsay Lohan , both of whom seem determined to continue on their downward spirals. But, as Radar reminds us, many a formerly troubled star has managed to turn it all around and stage an inspiring comeback. Here are 10:
  • Drew Barrymore: As a

Robbers Spend Rare Coins at Face Value ... on Pizza
Robbers Spend Rare Coins
at Face Value ... on Pizza
police say

Robbers Spend Rare Coins at Face Value ... on Pizza

Young couple nabbed for coin theft in Washington state

(Newser) - A tip for rare-coin robbers: Spending your loot at face value for a pizza tends to draw a little attention. That's what police say happened when Dakoda Garren, 19, threw down an old Liberty quarter worth up to $18,500 for a purchase at Rocky's Pizza in Battle...

Who Makes It to Middle Class? The Advantaged

Two in three Americans get there, but it's a lot more likely if you're born in it

(Newser) - Roughly two out of every three Americans wind up in the middle class or higher by the time they turn 40, but it's a lot more likely to happen if you're born into wealthy family to begin with, according to a new study from the Brookings Institution. Children...

Clerk Foils Robbery With Beer

Thief decides his knife is no match for hurled cans of Natty Light

(Newser) - Here's another reason to love beer: Apparently, it makes a great projectile weapon. Steven Larson found that out earlier this week when he allegedly tried to rob a convenience store in Florida. Security footage shows a man threatening a cashier with a knife, the New York Daily News reports....

Psychopaths Have a Lousy Sense of Smell

 Psychopaths Have 
 a Lousy Sense 
 of Smell 
study says

Psychopaths Have a Lousy Sense of Smell

Study suggests it's no coincidence both originate in orbito-frontal complex

(Newser) - If you know someone with a terrible sense of smell, you might want to be careful around them. A new study suggests a link between a crappy olfactory and being psychopathic, AFP reports via Raw Story . Both phenomena have separately been linked to the same part of the brain, the...

America's Richest, Poorest Cities

San Jose is No. 1 in terms of income; poorest is Detroit

(Newser) - Of the country's 25 most populated cities, San Jose has the highest median household income: near $77,000, compared to the national median of $51,000. San Jose's success is thanks in part to its high-tech culture. MarketWatch lists the five richest, with median incomes:
  • San Jose, $77,

Grenade Livens Up Soccer Game in Iran

Player chucks it aside, and it explodes

(Newser) - And you thought fans who threw beer were bad. A video is circulating on the Internet in which an Iranian soccer player finds a grenade (or something like it) lying on the pitch, picks it up, and then casually tosses it out of bounds—where it explodes, reports Opposing Views...

Smitten Traveler Goes 4K Miles Looking for Lost Love

Canadian returns to Ireland to find woman who gave him directions

(Newser) - A Canadian dentist is on a quest to find a woman he spoke with for maybe two minutes in a cafe in Ireland last year. As Travelers Today explains, 34-year-old Sandy Crocker visited County Clare last summer and asked a young woman for directions to the Cliffs of Moher. They...

Stories 461 - 480 | << Prev   Next >>