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Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Drug Traffickers Love Oregon's Lenient Medical Marijuana Laws

'Oregonian' investigation: It's an easy way to make a lot of money

(Newser) - Medical marijuana became legal in Oregon 14 years ago, and since then it's become a booming source of profits for illicit traffickers, reports the Oregonian . The newspaper's investigation found that the traffickers easily exploit the pot program thanks to "scant state oversight and Oregon's exceptionally generous...

New Modern Malady: Texting While Parenting

It's one plausible explanation for the spike in injuries to little kids

(Newser) - Parents of young kids, keep your phones in your pocket while at the playground: The Wall Street Journal today looks at the maybe-problem of "texting while parenting." Skeptics will note that the evidence is mostly anecdotal, but they'll have to explain a strange coincidence of stats: The...

Swede Smuggler Sneaks in Pal to Serve His Sentence

And the scheme works

(Newser) - A man convicted of smuggling in Sweden outwitted his jailers by sneaking in a friend to serve most of his yearlong sentence. The identity of the false convict was discovered only when he'd been released on probation after serving about two-thirds of his friend's sentence "sometime in...

Transplant Patient Stuns Doctors When Heart Heals
 Transplant Patient 
 Stuns Doctors 
 When Heart Heals 
in case you missed it

Transplant Patient Stuns Doctors When Heart Heals

Doctors had all but given up on Michael Crowe

(Newser) - Michael Crowe's near-miraculous story began with a mundane case of stomach flu. But when he went frozen on the family couch a couple of days later—staring and sweating while his mother tried to slap him out of it—the 23-year-old Omaha resident was rushed to the hospital last...

10 Most Educated Countries
 10 Most Educated Countries 

10 Most Educated Countries

Canada is No. 1, but US cracks top five

(Newser) - About 4 in 10 Americans have a college degree, but the US must look north to see the "world's most educated country," according to number crunching from 24/7WallSt and the America Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development. Leading its top-10 list of the nations with the highest...

Staten Island to Get World's Tallest Ferris Wheel

It's supposed to be open in 2015

(Newser) - If all goes as planned, Staten Island will be the site of the world's tallest Ferris wheel in 2015, reports the New York Post . Mayor Bloomberg and state and city bigwigs unveiled plans for the 625-foot-high ride yesterday. It will beat the current No. 1 Singapore Flyer by 84...

Canadians Bust Cheese-Smuggling Cops

Trio made $165K selling cheap cross-border cheese

(Newser) - First the great maple syrup heist , now this: Police in Canada have sniffed out a large-scale cheese-smuggling ring involving a serving police officer, an officer who resigned this summer, and an American accomplice. Cheese is a lot cheaper in the US than it is in Canada, and officials believe the...

Here Come the Cockroach Cyborgs ...

Scientists attach electrodes to control insects' movements

(Newser) - It's not exactly a T-1000, but it is a cyborg—the melding of machine and ... cockroach. Scientists have created lightweight circuits that can be connected to cockroaches and allow the cockroach to be steered wirelessly, reports Raw Story . Electrodes attached to the cockroach's antenna can make it think...

Moms Can Carry Sons' DNA in Brains for Years

New study finds first evidence of phenomenon in humans

(Newser) - For the first time, researchers have found that DNA from fetuses can migrate into a mother's brain and stay there for years, LiveScience reports. The process of mothers and fetuses exchanging cells, known as microchimerism, has been observed in the past, but until now scientists had only found evidence...

Art Group: This Is Young Mona Lisa

Swiss foundation says da Vinci painted two works, 10 years apart

(Newser) - The world has a second Mona Lisa painting by da Vinci to ooh and aah over, says a Swiss art group. The Mona Lisa Foundation asserted today that years of historical and scientific research proves that the artist painted two portraits of Lisa del Giocondo at different ages, about 10...

Ariz. Ski Resort Will Make Snow From ... Sewage

Native Americans, environmentalists not happy

(Newser) - This winter at Arizona's Snowbowl, the powdery white snow won't always have been so white: The ski resort will become the first ever to make its artificial snow from 100% sewage effluent. The wastewater has been treated, of course, and the US Forest Service—which owns the land—...

Ailing? Maybe Your 'Mini-Me' Mouse Can Help

Doctors implant your disease into mice to hone treatment

(Newser) - The New York Times says it "could be the ultimate in personalized medicine," and it's hard to disagree. The idea is to give mice the same disease you have—as in, implant part of your tumor into the rodents—to help doctors zero in on a precise...

Google Maps Goes Scuba Diving

'Street View' heads underwater with panoramic images

(Newser) - Want to go underwater at the Great Barrier Reef, but not into scuba diving? Thanks to Google Maps, now you can—virtually. Google added its first underwater panoramas to Google Maps yesterday, meaning "Street View"—at least in certain places—shows turtles and manta rays instead of, you...

Finger in Trout Belongs to Guy Who Lost it Months Ago

Wakeboarder lost four fingers in an accident at Idaho's Priest Lake

(Newser) - A human finger found inside a fish at Idaho's Priest Lake has been traced to a wakeboarder who lost four fingers in an accident more than two months earlier. Fisherman Nolan Calvin found the finger while he was cleaning the trout he caught Sept. 11. He put it on...

Hubble 'Travels' Back 13.2B Years

'Time-tunnel' composite bares space 'just' after Big Bang

(Newser) - An out-of-this-world composite photo of Hubble Space Telescope shots peers back to a time a "mere" 450 million years after the Big Bang. Dubbed the eXtreme Deep Field, or XDF, the photograph—made up of 2,000 snaps taken by the Hubble over 10 years—reveals nearly 5,500...

Suicide Kills More Americans Than Car Crashes

It's the top cause of injury-related deaths

(Newser) - Suicide in America has increased so dramatically that it now claims more lives than car crashes, and is the top cause of injury-related deaths, according to a new study. Car crash deaths decreased 25% while suicides climbed 15% during a nine-year period examined by researchers. "Suicides are terribly under...

&#39;It&#39;s Like Carrie With a Happy Ending&#39;
 'It's Like Carrie 
 With a Happy Ending' 
prank backfires

'It's Like Carrie With a Happy Ending'

Detroit News: Town rallies around victim of high school prank

(Newser) - This mean high school prank did not go as planned. Or in the words of Francis X. Donnelly in the Detroit News : "It's like Carrie with a happy ending." It seems sophomores in the small town of West Branch, Michigan, thought it would be a hoot to...

'Zombie Bees' Turn Up in Washington State

Parasite makes them fly at night before dying

(Newser) - Maybe the only positive thing in this story from the Seattle Times is that the name "zombie bees" is sure to draw attention to the problem. A local beekeeper has found Washington state's first documented case of the "zombie bees," which refers to a deadly parasite...

Asian Airline Offers No-Baby 'Quiet Zone'

But don't expect the idea to catch on in the US

(Newser) - An airline that serves Southeast Asia is adding a free perk for long-distance travelers who like their quiet time: AirAsia will keep part of the plane devoid of kids 12 and younger, reports NBC's Overhead Bin blog, which then talked to travel experts in the US to see if...

iPad App Gives You Access to... Einstein's Brain

Scanned images available for researchers and regular people alike

(Newser) - Want a look at Einstein's brain? For $9.99 it's yours, as long as you have an iPad. A new application launched today includes detailed scans of the genius' brain: After he died, his brain was removed, sliced up, and turned into almost 350 slides, and a medical...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>