Ted Cruz

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Cruz Looking at Fiorina for Veep Pick
Cruz Looking at Fiorina
for Veep Pick

Cruz Looking at Fiorina for Veep Pick

'She's one of the most talented business leaders of modern times'

(Newser) - Ted Cruz's campaign has confirmed that he's looking at potential VP picks, including a former rival who says she's "horrified " by Donald Trump: Carly Fiorina. "He is vetting a number of solid candidates, and certainly Ms. Fiorina is absolutely one of them," Cruz...

Cruz, Kasich Agree on Plan to Stop Trump

They're divvying up later primaries

(Newser) - Ted Cruz and John Kasich have decided, somewhat late in the game, that the combined might of their campaigns is the only thing that can stop Donald Trump from winning the GOP nomination. With Trump poised to win all five Eastern states voting in Tuesday's "Acela primary,"...

Charles Koch: Hillary Might Not Be So Bad

The remaining GOP candidates aren't inspiring billionaire to pull out his checkbook

(Newser) - Charles Koch is currently sitting on his checkbook, and he tells ABC News that he's not exactly inclined to start scribbling checks—either in support of, or to undermine—the remaining Republican presidential candidates. The billionaire calls Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, and John Kasich "terrible role models,"...

Trump: Transgender People Should Use Bathroom They're Comfortable With

He says North Carolina's 'bathroom bill' was a mistake

(Newser) - Donald Trump broke with many of his fellow Republicans on Thursday, saying transgender people should be able to “use the bathroom they feel is appropriate," the New York Times reports. The Republican frontrunner was addressing North Carolina's controversial—many would say discriminatory—"bathroom bill" during a...

Ted Cruz: &#39;Yes We Will&#39;
 Ted Cruz: 'Yes We Will' 

Ted Cruz: 'Yes We Will'

He makes defiant speech after NY hammering

(Newser) - The New York GOP primary could hardly have gone worse for Ted Cruz: According to early results, he not only failed to win a single one of the state's 62 counties, he came in third, behind both Donald Trump and John Kasich, in all but a handful. He spent...

Congressman Prefers Cyanide to Ted Cruz

Peter King votes for Kasich

(Newser) - There's not endorsing someone, and then there's this: "I hate Ted Cruz, and I think I'll take cyanide if he ever got the nomination." So says GOP congressman Peter King of New York City on his state's primary day, reports Politico . He made the...

Cruz Sweeps Wyoming
 Cruz Sweeps Wyoming 

Cruz Sweeps Wyoming

Trump again shut out in a Western state

(Newser) - Painstaking organization and in-person campaigning paid off again for Ted Cruz on Saturday as he nailed down all 14 delegates up for grabs at the Republican convention in Wyoming. The result leaves Donald Trump facing yet another loss in a string of defeats in Western states, reports the AP . Saturday'...

No One Wanted to Hear Ted Cruz Speak at GOP Gala

A 'stunningly distracted' crowd preferred chatting and selfies

(Newser) - Ted "New York values" Cruz faced a tough crowd Thursday at the New York State Republican gala, BuzzFeed reports. According to NBC News , the crowd of 800 Republicans was "stunningly distracted" during his speech, which was "almost entirely ignored." Talking Points Memo is a bit gentler,...

Trump Op-Ed Rails Against 'Rigged' Political System

He calls for a 'bold infusion of popular will'

(Newser) - Donald Trump has already expressed his anger over Colorado's primary system, which handed Ted Cruz all of the state's delegates, and in a new Wall Street Journal op-ed, he goes into more detail. Republicans in the state weren't allowed to vote, and ever since the results came...

Cruz's Post-Honeymoon Splurge: 100 Cans of Soup

It was Campbell's Chunky, Heidi Cruz revealed at CNN town hall

(Newser) - Ted Cruz showed up Wednesday for a CNN town hall—or what Gawker frames as "another glimpse into the waking hell that is Heidi Cruz’s daily life"—with his wife and two young daughters in tow, and Heidi offered up a personal, if bizarre, nugget of life...

Cruz Learns Fate in NJ Birther Debate Tuesday

Judge could remove him from the ballot

(Newser) - Ted Cruz's fate in New Jersey might come down to a single vote—or rather, a single ruling. A judge will rule Tuesday on whether the Canadian-born senator is eligible to appear on the June 7 Republican primary ballot in the state, per the Star-Ledger . On Monday, three residents...

Colo. GOP on Trump Loss: 'We Did It'

Meanwhile, 'Boston Globe' runs a fake front page imagining a Trump presidency

(Newser) - Ted Cruz wasn't the only one celebrating his easy victory in Colorado on Saturday night: The state's GOP briefly made its glee clear over Donald Trump's loss, tweeting, "We did it. #NeverTrump". The tweet underscores a party in the throes of an anti-Trump revolt that the...

Ted Cruz Sweeps Colorado Delegates

Increasing the chances of a contested convention

(Newser) - Ted Cruz completed his sweep of Colorado's 34 delegates on Saturday, netting 13 more delegates at Colorado's state GOP convention, the AP reports. The Texas Senator already had locked up the support of 21 Colorado delegates and visited the state to try to pad his numbers there. Keeping...

Scott Walker: I'm 'Proud' to Back Ted Cruz

Wisconsin governor says Cruz is 'best-positioned candidate' to take on Hillary

(Newser) - In a move that USA Today calls "not surprising," Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker offered up his "proud" endorsement for Ted Cruz on Tuesday, and he swears it's a real show of support he's throwing behind the Texas senator, not a protest vote against Donald Trump,...

Cruz Blames 'Sleazy' Trump for Affair Report

Enquirer story claims senator had 5 mistresses

(Newser) - Ted Cruz and Donald Trump have gone from fighting about their wives to fighting about alleged mistresses. After a National Enquirer story published Friday accused Cruz of having affairs with five different women, the senator blamed the story on the "sleazy" Trump and accused him of playing "dirty...

Cruz to Trump: 'Leave Heidi the Hell Alone'

Lindsey Graham wants both men to 'knock it off'

(Newser) - The GOP nomination race edged a little closer to becoming a bar brawl on Thursday when Ted Cruz called Donald Trump a "sniveling coward" and told him to "leave Heidi the hell alone." Cruz told reporters in Wisconsin, which holds the next GOP primary on April 5,...

Megyn Kelly Tweets One-Word Response to Trump's Heidi Cruz Insult


(Newser) - Megyn Kelly didn't have to say much to get her point across: In what the Hollywood Reporter calls a "rare move," the Fox News host has responded directly to a Donald Trump tweet. The tweet in question: Trump's retweet of an insulting image of Heidi Cruz....

Obama Attacks Cruz Over Post-Brussels Comments

'Wrong and un-American'

(Newser) - Obama may have been touring Cuba at the time, but Ted Cruz's comments about Cruz's desire to have police "patrol and secure" Muslim neighborhoods didn't go unnoticed by the president. "I just left a country that engages in that kind of neighborhood surveillance, which, by...

Here's Where 2016's Delegate Counts Stand

Trump, Clinton both creep closer to securing their party's nomination

(Newser) - Tuesday was another big day in the Election 2016 slog, with both the remaining Republican and Democratic candidates amassing more of the coveted delegates they need to secure a nomination for their respective parties. On the GOP side, Donald Trump won 59% of the delegates that were up for grabs...

Jeb Bush: Reject Trump, Vote Cruz

He's 'demonstrated the ability to appeal to voters,' says Bush

(Newser) - Jeb Bush endorsed Ted Cruz on Wednesday in what Politico calls "a massive boost for Cruz with the establishment wing of the GOP." But like other Republicans who've shown support for the Texas senator, Bush seems less than thrilled. Cruz presents "the only way Republicans can...

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