Ted Cruz

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Ted Cruz Booed, Doesn&#39;t Endorse Trump
 Ted Cruz Booed, 
 Doesn't Endorse Trump 

Ted Cruz Booed, Doesn't Endorse Trump

But he does at least congratulate him

(Newser) - Ted Cruz stood before the third night of the Republican National Convention on Wednesday with an entire convention center awaiting the answer to the question: Will he endorse Donald Trump or won't he? The answer came late in a speech that was well received until the end. "We...

Trump, Cruz Smooch on a Giant Cleveland Billboard

Anti-homophobia message in sign located near GOP convention site

(Newser) - First they painted a house across from the Westboro Baptist Church the colors of the rainbow. On Thursday the Planting Peace charity erected its next measure of support for the LGBT community: a giant billboard on West 25th Street in Cleveland showing Donald Trump and Ted Cruz about to smooch....

What It's Like to Be Beaten by Donald Trump

The heads of 3 vanquished GOP presidential campaigns look back

(Newser) - The Huffington Post sat down for a 90-minute conversation with the heads of three vanquished Republican presidential campaigns to find out "what it's like to lose to Donald Trump." Forty or so days after Trump became the presumptive nominee, the representatives of the Bush, Cruz, and Rubio...

The Cruz Campaign Is Up to Something in Texas

Former POTUS candidate may be trying to influence Texas delegates

(Newser) - He didn't take Nebraska , but Ted Cruz has been dropping hints that he may restart his presidential bid , and news out of Texas leant a bit of momentum to that rumor. "We have a busy weekend planned," a source said to be familiar with Cruz's camp...

Ted Cruz Says He Might Get Back in the Race

It's all up to Nebraska now

(Newser) - The good voters of Nebraska may pull a Melisandre and resurrect the lifeless corpse of Ted Cruz's presidential campaign on Tuesday. Cruz, who dropped out of the race after losing the Indiana primary last week, tells Glenn Beck he might jump back into the race if he somehow wins...

Fiorina Was Briefest VP Candidate in Modern History

She didn't even last as long as the guy receiving electroshock therapy

(Newser) - After Tuesday's Indiana primary, Carly Fiorina may not ever be vice president. But she does get to hold a slightly more ignominious title: briefest vice presidential candidate in modern US history. Fiorina was named Ted Cruz's pick for VP last Wednesday. On Tuesday, Cruz dropped out of the...

Cruz Elbows Wife in Head During Hug Gone Wrong


(Newser) - Ted Cruz's botched hug might be getting more attention than his concession speech on Tuesday night. Cruz managed to elbow his wife, Heidi, in the head while moving in to hug his father, Rafael. This has not gone unnoticed:
  • Christina Cauterucci, Slate : "Cruz's awkward physicality ... was a

Trump: Cruz's Dad Hung Out With Lee Harvey Oswald

Cruz camp says claim is 'garbage'

(Newser) - Donald Trump's latest is a wilder-than-usual attack on Ted Cruz: Trump says Cruz's father was in the company of Lee Harvey Oswald just months before Oswald shot John F. Kennedy in 1963. His comments are based on a National Enquirer story that claims a previously unidentified man photographed...

Indiana: Cruz&#39;s Last Stand?
 Will Cruz's Dream 
 Be Dead by Sunset? 

Will Cruz's Dream Be Dead by Sunset?

He's staked everything on Indiana and is behind in the polls

(Newser) - Tuesday is primary day in Indiana, and it's not clear whether Ted Cruz's dream of being president will still be alive at sundown. Polls show that Donald Trump has pulled ahead in the state , and analysts, some of whom describe Indiana as Cruz's last stand, say it...

Poll: Cruz's Plan to Stop Trump Backfires Big Time

Indiana voters aren't pleased with divide-and-conquer scheme

(Newser) - The tables have turned for Sen. Ted Cruz in Indiana ahead of Tuesday's primary vote, though not in the direction he was hoping. On Saturday night, the Indianapolis Star reported that the Texas senator had a healthy 16-point lead over Trump in voter support (44.8% to 29%, per...

Trump &#39;Got Burned&#39; by Arizona
 Trump 'Got Burned' by Arizona 

Trump 'Got Burned' by Arizona

Cruz wins most of the delegates at Saturday's convention

(Newser) - Ted Cruz pulled out a strategic victory at the Arizona Republican Party convention Saturday, winning virtually all of the 28 at-large national delegates and roughly splitting the 27 delegates selected by congressional district, reports the AP . As Politico puts it, "Trump's campaign got burned ... in the hunt for...

Satanists Reject Ted Cruz Comparison

Boehner's not being fair to Lucifer, they say

(Newser) - Likening Ted Cruz to "Lucifer in the flesh" is deeply unfair to the Dark One, according to annoyed Satanists. After John Boehner made the comparison , adding that he had "never worked with a more miserable son of a bitch," the Satanic Temple was quick to distance itself...

Boehner: Ted Cruz Most 'Miserable SOB' I Ever Worked With

He's 'Lucifer in the flesh,' says former speaker

(Newser) - Ted Cruz and Donald Trump don't have to wonder whether they'd get John Boehner's vote in the general election. Trump, whom Boehner calls his golfing and texting buddy, is the lesser of two evils and would surely win his vote, Boehner says. But when speaking of Cruz,...

Cruz&#39;s VP Pick Seen as &#39;Desperate Gambit&#39;
 Cruz's VP Pick Seen 
 as 'Desperate Gambit' 

Cruz's VP Pick Seen as 'Desperate Gambit'

He's the first candidate since Reagan to name a VP early

(Newser) - In yet another unusual twist in an unusual campaign season, Ted Cruz named Carly Fiorina as his running mate on Wednesday, making him the first candidate from either party to name a veep pick before the convention since Ronald Reagan in 1976. But while Reagan's naming of Sen. Richard...

Ted Cruz Naming Fiorina as VP Pick: Sources
 Ted Cruz 
 Names Fiorina 
 as VP Pick 

Ted Cruz Names Fiorina as VP Pick

Yep, that's what the big announcement was

(Newser) - Ted Cruz's big 4pm announcement ? As sources told Politico in advance that he would, he named Carly Fiorina as his vice presidential running mate. "After a great deal of consideration and prayer, I have come to the conclusion that if I am nominated to be president of...

Rumors Fly as Cruz Teases 'Major Announcement'

He could reveal his VP pick or a new endorsement

(Newser) - Is Ted Cruz about to name his VP ? The Republican contender says he'll make a "major announcement" at a 4pm press conference Wednesday in Indianapolis. Asked if it has anything to do with his potential VP, Cruz told reporters they'd have to wait and see, per...

Indiana Now Make-or-Break for Trump Foes
 Indiana Now 
 for Trump Foes 

Indiana Now Make-or-Break for Trump Foes

State could be Cruz's last stand

(Newser) - Despite what Donald Trump says , the GOP race isn't over, but his foes are running out of time. After Trump's five big wins on Tuesday night, all eyes—except possibly those of John Kasich —are on Indiana, which votes next Tuesday. With 54 delegates at stake, awarded...

Cruz Calls Hoop 'Basketball Ring' in Hoosiers Gym

Hoosiers were not impressed

(Newser) - Ted Cruz tried to portray himself as a man who knows his hoops on Tuesday night, but he instead made himself look like a man who literally does not know what a basketball hoop is called. With no victory speeches to make elsewhere, he spent the evening in Indiana, where...

Trump Takes 3 States Early
  Trump Sweeps All 5 States 

Trump Sweeps All 5 States

Frontrunner dominates Tuesday's races

(Newser) - Donald Trump is having a big night, as expected. Five states voted Tuesday, and CNN called Connecticut, Maryland, and Pennsylvania for Trump as soon as the polls closed at 8 Eastern—and then Rhode Island and Delaware about 30 minutes later. The only real suspense will be how the delegate...

Cruz-Kasich Pact Already Looks Shaky
 Cruz-Kasich Pact 
 Already Looks Shaky 

Cruz-Kasich Pact Already Looks Shaky

Trump expected to sweep all 5 states voting Tuesday

(Newser) - That was fast: The deal Ted Cruz and John Kasich forged on Sunday to stop Donald Trump winning already looks shaky, with confusion over whether Kasich's supporters should vote for him or not next week. Trump, meanwhile, is poised to win all five Eastern states—Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Rhode...

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