Ted Cruz

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Cruz Joins Opposition to Republican Health Care Bill

'Right now, they don't have my vote'

(Newser) - The GOP's path to passing its most recent attempt to repeal ObamaCare continued to get narrower—perhaps closing altogether—on Sunday. “Right now, they don’t have my vote,” Politico quotes Sen. Ted Cruz as saying during a panel discussion Sunday. “And I don’t think...

Cruz Blames Porn 'Like' on 'Staffing Issue'

His official Twitter account made an NSFW gaffe overnight

(Newser) - Ted Cruz found himself fending off some embarrassing questions from the press corps Tuesday regarding porn. He blamed a late-night Twitter "like" of a risque clip from his official feed on a "staffing issue," reports NBC San Francisco . "There are a number of people on the...

Ted Cruz 'Likes' Porn Clip on Twitter

Like came from senator's verified account

(Newser) - Sen. Ted Cruz was trending on Twitter Tuesday after some strange and NSFW late-night goings-on with his verified account. The senator's personal account "liked" a two-minute-long porn clip from @SexuallPosts, Mediaite reports. It was "unliked" around an hour later, at around 1:30am. "The offensive tweet...

Fact Checker: Ted Cruz's Claim About Sandy 'Wildly Incorrect'

His claim that two-thirds of bill was unrelated to the hurricane is wrong, says Fact Checker

(Newser) - Ted Cruz is among the lawmakers being accused of hypocrisy for seeking federal relief in the wake of Hurricane Harvey even though he opposed similar relief after Hurricane Sandy. Cruz explains his Sandy relief opposition thusly: "The problem with that particular bill is it became a $50 billion bill...

NJ, NY Republicans Attack Texas Colleagues' 'Hypocrisy'

As Harvey lashes Houston, politicians recall Texans who voted against Sandy aid

(Newser) - Even as Texas suffers perhaps the worst natural disaster in its history, congressmen from the northeast are using Hurricane Harvey as an opportunity to lash out at their Texas colleagues for voting against aid following Hurricane Sandy back in 2013. After Sandy devastated parts of New Jersey and New York...

CBS Story on Down Syndrome Causes Ruckus Over Abortion
Story About Iceland Sets Off
Angry Debate Over Abortion

Story About Iceland Sets Off Angry Debate Over Abortion

CBS explored the declining number of Down syndrome births

(Newser) - A story by CBS News about the declining number of Down syndrome births in Iceland has caused an uproar, with conservative critics accusing the story of celebrating abortion and others lashing out at Iceland itself. There's so much to unpack that even the myth-busting site Snopes has weighed in...

Major Insurance Groups Call Out GOP Health Bill

Rare joint statement calls Ted Cruz provision 'unworkable'

(Newser) - Two of the insurance industry's most powerful organizations say a crucial provision in the Senate GOP health care bill allowing the sale of bare-bones policies is "unworkable in any form," delivering a blow to party leaders' efforts to win support for their legislation, the AP reports. The...

Ted Cruz May Have Solved GOP Health Care Problem

Cruz amendment being considered by CBO

(Newser) - Ted Cruz could be the one to push an ObamaCare repeal and replacement through the House and Senate, the Hill reports. A GOP aide says the Congressional Budget Office is looking at two versions of the Better Care Reconciliation Act—one of which contains an amendment by Cruz that is...

This Photo Prompted One of Ted Cruz's Best Jokes Ever

It involves Chuck Schumer, Ben Sasse, and ... male rompers

(Newser) - A caption contest on Twitter this week ended up pulling in Ted Cruz, Chuck Schumer, and a romper for men that's inexplicably all the rage. Mashable reports on a photo tweeted out Thursday by the Washington Free Beacon that showed a somewhat disheveled-looking Schumer chatting with Nebraska Sen. Ben...

Ted Cruz Wants Drug Lord to Pay for Border Wall

Senator introduces 'EL CHAPO' bill

(Newser) - Mexico says it won't pay for the border wall, but Ted Cruz has a plan to solve the funding standoff that involves getting a rich Mexican to pay for it. The senator introduced the EL CHAPO—Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order—Act on Tuesday, calling...

Former Punk Rocker Enters Race to Bring Down Ted Cruz

Rep. Beto O'Rourke might be the Democrats' best hope in 2018

(Newser) - Texas hasn't elected a Democrat to the US Senate in 30 years, the Austin American-Statesman reports. Beto O'Rourke wants to end that drought—by taking down Sen. Ted Cruz. The US representative from El Paso officially entered the race against the former presidential candidate Friday. O'Rourke isn'...

Ted Cruz Irks China, Meets Taiwan Leader

Move comes amid tense relations after Trump phone call

(Newser) - Ted Cruz has joined his rival-turned-ally Donald Trump in tweaking China . The Texas senator met with Taiwan's president Sunday when she stopped in Houston on her way to Central America, reports the AP . Cruz made a point to show that he was defying the wishes of China in doing...

Ted Cruz: Here&#39;s How to &#39;Drain the Swamp&#39;
Ted Cruz:
Here's How to
'Drain the

Ted Cruz: Here's How to 'Drain the Swamp'

He and Rep. Ron DeSantis call for congressional term limits

(Newser) - Donald Trump promised to "drain the swamp," and in the Washington Post today, Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Ron DeSantis have an idea for how to do just that: congressional term limits. When the 115th Congress convenes, Cruz (who is in his first term) and DeSantis (who will...

US Hands the Internet Over to the International Community

Long-planned handover officially happened on Saturday

(Newser) - The US has officially ceded control over the internet Domain Name System, or DNS. DNS, a key protocol used for routing modern internet traffic, is controlled by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, or ICANN. Since 1998, ICANN has been under contract with the US government to administer...

Ted Cruz Offers 'Stunning' Endorsement of Donald Trump

He now says a man he once called 'utterly amoral' should be president

(Newser) - Ted Cruz believes an "utterly amoral" "serial philanderer" who's also an unprecedented "narcissist" and "arrogant buffoon" should be the next leader of the free world. That's right: Cruz has officially endorsed Donald Trump for president. In a Facebook post Friday, Cruz says he's...

Trump: If Cruz Endorses Me, I Won't Accept

'Just so you understand'

(Newser) - Despite Ted Cruz's refusal to endorse Donald Trump at the GOP convention, Trump thinks Cruz will eventually come around—but he has no intention of accepting any future thumbs-up, ABC News reports. "[Cruz will] come and endorse over the next little while," he told convention volunteers Friday...

Cruz Explains: I Don't Support People Who Attack My Family

He also rules out voting for Hillary Clinton

(Newser) - Ted Cruz didn't exactly have a change of heart in regard to Donald Trump overnight: After being booed Wednesday night for failing to endorse the GOP nominee , Cruz addressed Texas delegates Thursday morning and declared, "I am not in the habit of supporting people who attack my wife...

&#39;Lyin&#39; Ted&#39; Gets His Revenge
 'Lyin' Ted' Gets His Revenge 

'Lyin' Ted' Gets His Revenge

Trump snub leaves convention stunned

(Newser) - A few days ago, not many people would have bet on the GOP convention's most controversial moment coming from Ted Cruz instead of Donald Trump, but Trump will have to work hard to outdo what analysts are calling a stunning snub from his not-so-vanquished rival. Angry Republicans yelled "...

Angry RNC Crowd Turns on Heidi Cruz
 Angry RNC Crowd 
 Turns on Heidi Cruz  

Angry RNC Crowd Turns on Heidi Cruz

She had to be escorted past people yelling 'Goldman Sachs'

(Newser) - Things got ugly quickly at the Quicken Loans Arena after Ted Cruz stunned the crowd by refusing to endorse Donald Trump . Heidi Cruz "was escorted out by security as crowd gets angry," tweeted CNN's Manu Raju. Former Cruz aide Ken Cuccinelli says he helped get Heidi out...

Gingrich Finds Silver Lining for Trump in Cruz Speech

Former speaker turns rival's words into an endorsement

(Newser) - After Ted Cruz's boo-inducing non-endorsement of Donald Trump —one in which he told people to "vote your conscience"—Newt Gingrich took the stage and put a more positive spin on Cruz's words for Trump supporters. "I think you misunderstood one paragraph" in Cruz's...

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