Affordable Care Act

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Trump Rips ObamaCare, Raises Questions on Himself in Process

Seems to imply at Miami campaign event he doesn't offer health care coverage to his own workers

(Newser) - The news that ObamaCare premiums are going to significantly rise next year didn't put many people in the best of moods Tuesday, and Donald Trump was no exception. First he said "it's over" for the administration's health care plan at a rally in Tampa, Fla., Monday...

ObamaCare Premiums Are Going to Soar Next Year

'It's over for ObamaCare,' Trump says

(Newser) - Premiums will go up sharply next year under President Obama's health care law, and many consumers will be down to just one insurer, the administration confirmed Monday. That's sure to stoke another ObamaCare controversy days before a presidential election, the AP reports. Before taxpayer-provided subsidies, premiums for a...

Aetna May Deliver Blow to ObamaCare
Aetna Delivers a Blow
to ObamaCare

Aetna Delivers a Blow to ObamaCare

Health insurer says it's losing lots of money, may be forced out of ACA's insurance exchanges

(Newser) - Aetna became the latest health insurer to cast doubt upon its future in the Affordable Care Act's insurance exchanges after it called off a planned expansion on Tuesday and suggested it could abandon that market completely, the AP reports. A departure by Aetna, the nation's third-largest insurer, could...

ObamaCare Drives Insured Americans Above 90%

It's an all-time high

(Newser) - For the first time ever, fewer than 10% of Americans lack health insurance, according to data released Tuesday by the CDC. And CNBC calls that "a clear sign of ObamaCare's impact." In 2015, only 9.1% of Americans—about 28.6 million people—were uninsured. That's...

'Huge' Win for House GOP in ObamaCare Lawsuit

Federal judge says administration spending on health care subsidies is unconstitutional

(Newser) - In what Politico labels a "huge win" for the House GOP, a federal judge ruled Thursday that the Obama administration is making unconstitutional federal expenditures to maintain the president's ObamaCare law, the AP reports. At issue: $175 billion in so-called "cost-sharing" reimbursements that the government doles out...

US' Biggest Health Insurer Scales Back ObamaCare Participation

UnitedHealth claims it's lost more than $1B on the ACA

(Newser) - UnitedHealth, the nation's biggest health insurer, will cut its participation in public health insurance exchanges to only a handful of states next year after expanding to nearly three dozen for this year, the AP reports. CEO Stephen Hemsley said Tuesday that the company expects losses from its exchange business...

Sanders: Chelsea 'Flat Wrong' on My Health Plan

Senator says Clinton daughter 'didn't read the plan' he has for Americans

(Newser) - As the race for the Democratic nomination between Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton heats up , the former first daughter is stumping for her mom—and saying things that Sanders says are "absolutely wrong," per CNN . Chelsea Clinton spoke at a New Hampshire campaign rally Tuesday, the Hill reports,...

Congress Sends ObamaCare Repeal to President

He'll almost certainly be vetoing it

(Newser) - The GOP-led Congress sent legislation to President Obama Wednesday repealing his signature health law, fulfilling a promise to Republican voters in a presidential election year but inviting a certain veto. The nearly party-line vote in the House was 240-181. The legislation already passed the Senate last year under special rules...

Little-Known Rubio Move Threatens ObamaCare

Welcome to the wonky world of 'risk corridors'

(Newser) - Sure, lots of Republicans talk a good game about the need to torpedo ObamaCare, but Robert Pear at the New York Times explains that Marco Rubio is the only one to have actually made progress on the pledge—thanks to a relatively obscure amendment in last year's spending law....

Senate Defunds Planned Parenthood With 'Symbolic' Vote

Planned Parenthood says the vote's timing is 'unconscionable'

(Newser) - Republicans in the Senate voted Thursday to defund Planned Parenthood in a move the Huffington Post calls "symbolic" and Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin—as quoted by Vice —calls a "waste of the time of the Senate." According to the Hill , the measure takes one year of...

Nation's Biggest Insurer May Quit ObamaCare

'We cannot sustain these losses'

(Newser) - The biggest health insurer in the country announced Thursday it could leave ObamaCare in 2017. The Hill calls the announcement a "shock ... that could ripple through the marketplace," and the AP notes it could have an impact on policies during the presidential election season. In a statement to...

Colorado Will Vote on Universal Health Care

It could become the first state to ditch ObamaCare

(Newser) - The residents of one US state could become the first to reject ObamaCare next year, Al Jazeera reports. Surprisingly they'd be dumping it for something even more liberal. Officials announced Monday ColoradoCareYES collected enough signatures—158,831—to get Initiative 20 on the ballot. If passed, the bill would...

Supreme Court To Hear 4th Challenge to ObamaCare

This one is brought by religiously affiliated nonprofits

(Newser) - For the fourth time in five years, ObamaCare is going before the Supreme Court, Politico reports. This time, seven religious charities, hospitals, and colleges—including Little Sisters of the Poor and Notre Dame—are challenging the contraception mandate, which they claim violates their religious beliefs, according to the Hill . Hobby...

One Sentence Sums Up ObamaCare Decision
One Sentence Sums Up ObamaCare Decision

One Sentence Sums Up ObamaCare Decision

Law is supposed to improve insurance markets, 'not to destroy them'

(Newser) - Go ahead, dig into John Roberts' full ObamaCare opinion here . But Dylan Matthews at Vox thinks you need to read only one sentence from the chief justice, near the end. "Congress passed the Affordable Care Act to improve health insurance markets, not to destroy them." It's that...

Obama Hails SCOTUS: A 'Good Day for America'

A victorious president says ObamaCare 'here to stay'

(Newser) - President Obama emerged victorious in the Rose Garden this morning to applaud the Supreme Court's 6-3 ruling to uphold federal subsidies for the Affordable Care Act. In a speech that ran just over 10 minutes long, the president praised the decision, saying that "after multiple challenges before the...

Fate of 6.4M Rests on ObamaCare Case

At least 66% would drop health coverage without subsidies: report

(Newser) - Some 10.2 million people have paid for health insurance coverage under ObamaCare this year, but 6.4 million of those could lose their subsidies if the Supreme Court sides with the plaintiffs in King v. Burwell. A rep for the Kaiser Family Foundation tells the Washington Post the new...

ObamaCare Authors Say 'Drafting Error' Might Doom It

4 words are at the heart of the Supreme Court case

(Newser) - Those following the ObamaCare case in the Supreme Court probably know that four words are at the heart of it: "established by the state." More details here , but it boils down to one question: Did the authors of the law really intend to provide tax subsidies only to...

This Guy Used an Emoticon on the Senate Floor

And slammed the GOP in the process

(Newser) - What do Republicans plan to do if the Supreme Court strikes a big blow to the Affordable Care Act? In the words, er, meme, of Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy, that would be a bunch of characters (some of them difficult to reproduce) that form an emoticon known as the "...

Guy Going Blind Inspires Heated ObamaCare Debate

Luis Lang shunned insurance, now can't get it

(Newser) - A man named Luis Lang in South Carolina is emerging as the face of a new debate about ObamaCare. As a story by Ann Doss Helms of the Charlotte Observer explains, Lang is a 49-year-old self-employed handyman who has long shunned health insurance and paid his own medical bills. But...

Science Better for Alcoholics Than Faith-Based AA

Gabrielle Glaser says some alcohol abusers can even learn to drink in moderation

(Newser) - Trying to beat addiction through a faith-based 12-step program—Alcoholics Anonymous being the best known of the bunch—typically means you can never take a sip of alcohol again. But Gabrielle Glaser writes for the Atlantic that AA was founded 80 years ago , "when knowledge of the brain was...

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