Affordable Care Act

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ObamaCare Perk: Better Diabetes Diagnosis?
ObamaCare Perk: Better Diabetes Diagnosis?

ObamaCare Perk: Better Diabetes Diagnosis?

Report suggests health care law could stave off disease's serious complications

(Newser) - A new study may lend credibility to ObamaCare's effectiveness when it comes to fighting diabetes, the New York Times reports. The Quest Diagnostics study published today in the Diabetes Care journal shows that in the 24 states that didn't expand their Medicaid programs, the number of Medicaid patients...

ObamaCare, Creating Jobs? So Says New Report

90 new companies have appeared since the law kicked in

(Newser) - Critics have called ObamaCare a job-killer and blamed it for reduced salaries, yet at least 90 new companies devoted to health care have cropped up with as many as 6,200 employees since the law kicked in, Bloomberg reports. One such company—and the biggest, with 900 workers—is Zenefits,...

John Roberts' One Question on ObamaCare May Be Huge

Jeffrey Toobin thinks he may be leaning to save the law, for now

(Newser) - In yesterday's arguments about ObamaCare before the Supreme Court, Chief Justice John Roberts surprised observers by saying almost nothing. But the single question he did ask might well have tipped his hand, writes Jeffrey Toobin at the New Yorker . If Toobin is right, it's a mixture of good...

No Plan B If Court Rules Against ObamaCare: WH

But Republicans say they've got something in mind

(Newser) - The Supreme Court begins hearing arguments today in a case that could result in people in 34 states losing subsidies under the Affordable Care Act, the New York Times reports. But if the court opts to take what one Democrat calls "a wrecking ball to a major part of...

Half of ObamaCare Enrollees Taking Hit on Tax Returns

Early filers discovering that the subsidies they received were too high

(Newser) - People who got a subsidy from ObamaCare to help pay for their health insurance are getting a not-so-pleasant surprise on their taxes: H&R Block reports that 52% of people who got subsidies have to pay back a chunk of that money to the government. The average payback is $530,...

800K ObamaCare Enrollees Get Bogus Tax Data

They've got to wait to file until corrected forms go out

(Newser) - ObamaCare generated positive headlines earlier this week when the White House announced that a better-than-expected total of 11.4 million people had enrolled through its exchanges. Today, not so much. The White House says that incorrect tax information got sent out to about 800,000 enrollees, who now must wait...

CBO: ObamaCare Will Cost 20% Less Than We Thought

Revised estimates come in well under initial ones 5 years ago

(Newser) - When the CBO was crunching numbers back in 2010 on how much ObamaCare would cost the federal government, it came up with a figure of $710 billion for fiscal years 2015 to 2019. Yesterday, the agency cut that by 20% to $571 billion, reports the New York Times . CBO chief...

No Health Insurance by Feb. 15? Face Wrath of Taxman

Miss that date, get a 2015 ObamaCare penalty in addition to 2014's

(Newser) - With tax time fast approaching, there's a new hoop to jump through: Those without health insurance may be facing ObamaCare penalties for 2014—and for 2015 if they don't nail down coverage by Feb. 15, NPR reports. Those who were uninsured in 2014 may face a tax penalty...

Dental Coverage Inflated ObamaCare Numbers

Enrollment numbers drop back under projected 7M as a result

(Newser) - The federal government happily announced in September that ObamaCare enrollments were above 7 million, meaning that a projection issued by the Congressional Budget Office last year had been met. Look now, however, and the figure is back below 7 million, reports Bloomberg . Why? To get to the higher figure, the...

Insured Woman Treated at 'Wrong' Hospital Billed $50K

In a coma, she couldn't tell paramedics to take her to hospital up the road instead

(Newser) - After suffering a heart attack that nearly killed her at age 29 last year, Megan Rothbauer would love to be celebrating being alive, not to mention planning her wedding and future family. Unfortunately for her, she was in a coma when paramedics arrived and could not ask them to take...

Supreme Court to Hear New ObamaCare Challenge

Will decide whether law authorizes subsidies

(Newser) - The Supreme Court agreed today to hear a new challenge to President Barack Obama's health care law. The justices will decide whether the law authorizes subsidies that help millions of low- and middle-income people afford their health insurance premiums. Opponents assert that most of the subsidies are illegal, and...

3 Female Justices Furious in New Contraceptive Ruling

Court lets evangelical college avoid filling out forms on coverage

(Newser) - A divided Supreme Court today allowed, at least for now, an evangelical college in Illinois that objects to paying for contraceptives in its health plan to avoid filling out a government document that the college says would violate its religious beliefs. The justices said that Wheaton College does not have...

Way, Way Over Budget: ObamaCare Subsidies

And studies find that it's increased premiums

(Newser) - ObamaCare appears to be on pace to cost the federal government a lot more than it was counting on. So far, the government is on pace to sink $11 billion into subsidies for consumers who bought coverage on the federal insurance exchange, according to a new report from the Department...

US Quietly Earmarks Money for ObamaCare Insurers

It's a safety net to cover any losses; Republicans cry foul

(Newser) - ObamaCare just became a win-win proposition for insurance companies. Tucked into hundreds of pages of new rulings on the Affordable Care Act last week was a promise to pay insurers for any losses they incur by providing coverage on government exchanges, the LA Times reports. The Obama administration inserted the...

US May Be Paying Wrong ObamaCare Subsidies to 1M

Software glitch can't resolve income discrepancies: report

(Newser) - More than 1 million people who enrolled in ObamaCare might be getting the wrong amount of money in their subsidies—either too high or too low—because of a big software glitch that has yet to be fixed, reports the Washington Post . It's a relatively simple problem: When they...

Obama: 8M Have Signed Up for Insurance

He urges Democratic candidates to embrace it

(Newser) - President Obama made an unscheduled stop at the White House briefing room today to boast about a new ObamaCare milestone—8 million enrollees. That exceeds the original projection of 7.5 million, reports the Washington Post . "This thing is working," said Obama. The president added that 35% of...

Obama: Sebelius Will 'Go Down in History'

He praises outgoing health chief, and his nominee to succeed her

(Newser) - President Obama made it official today, announcing that Kathleen Sebelius is indeed resigning as health secretary . Politico highlights a quote by Obama at today's ceremony in the Rose Garden that could probably work for both her supporters and critics: She will "go down in history" as the leader...

Obama Exults at 7M Signups: 'Armageddon Has Not Arrived'

President sounds pretty happy in Rose Garden about ObamaCare

(Newser) - With an official count of 7,041,000 signups under ObamaCare—a number expected to grow as final tallies are made—President Obama enjoyed what both ABC and NBC called a "victory lap" in the Rose Garden today. "Many of the tall tales have been debunked," he...

ObamaCare Site Suffers Day's 2nd Round of Glitches

Procrastinators flooding website on deadline day

(Newser) - As the clock ticked toward ObamaCare's midnight deadline, a second round of glitches hit today, this time blocking new users from applying. The site is now back up and running, Politico reports, but its "virtual waiting room was triggered," and the Obama administration reported that...

ObamaCare Hits 6M Milestone
ObamaCare Hits
6M Milestone

ObamaCare Hits 6M Milestone

White House has met its revised goal for end of enrollment

(Newser) - With the March 31 deadline for open enrollment approaching—or sort of approaching —the Obama administration said today that it has already hit its revised goal of getting 6 million people to sign up, reports the Washington Post . The original goal set by the Congressional Budget Office had been...

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