9/11 anniversary

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9/11 Ceremony Endures at Transformed Ground Zero

Families remember loved ones in 'revitalized' Lower Manhattan

(Newser) - Bagpipes opened the ceremony marking the 13th anniversary of Sept. 11, 2001, today in Manhattan, USA Today reports, but in a place transformed by the years. The National September 11 Memorial & Museum sits at the spot where thousands gather to honor the fallen, as the nearly finished One World...

Pastor Terry Jones Arrested Before Koran Burning

He said he planned to burn one for every 9/11 victim

(Newser) - Police arrested Florida Pastor Terry Jones today as he drove to a park to light nearly 3,000 Korans on fire to protest the 2001 terrorist attacks. Sheriff's deputies arrested the 61-year-old and his associate pastor on felony charges as he drove a pickup truck towing a barbecue-style grill...

This 9/11, Public Isn't Swayed by Overhyped Fears

White House overstating dangers to US of Syria: Paul Campos

(Newser) - In its unsuccessful push to get Congress and the nation to embrace the idea of military action against Syria, the White House resorted to "fearmongering," writes Paul Campos at Time . It argued that Bashar al-Assad's chemical weapons pose a threat to national security, "even potentially (to)...

Wisconsin Golf Course's Bad Move: 9/11 Special

Tumbledown Trails Golf Course issues apology

(Newser) - A golf course is apologizing for advertising nine holes of golf for $9.11 on the anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Tumbledown Trails Golf Course in Wisconsin advertised the special with an ad yesterday saying it was meant to commemorate the 12th anniversary of the attacks that...

Hillary: I&#39;m to Blame for Bad Benghazi Security
Hillary: I'm to Blame for Bad Libya Security

Hillary: I'm to Blame for Bad Libya Security

Wall Street Journal sat on her mea culpa for days, got scooped

(Newser) - With the White House facing pressure over security before the 9/11 Benghazi attack, Hillary Clinton has taken the blame. "I take responsibility," she said in a CNN interview last night in addressing the consulate strike that killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens. "I want to avoid some kind...

Libya Official: Attack Was Planned for 9/11

And Politico describes lack of security at consulate

(Newser) - Libya suspects the same thing the White House does: that the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi was indeed a militant strike timed with the 9/11 anniversary, a Libyan official said today. He also confirmed the attack came in two parts: First, on the consulate—using protests against an...

Images From Today's 9/11 Ceremonies

President marks 11th anniversary

(Newser) - President Obama honored the 11th anniversary of the September 11 terror attacks today, observing a moment of silence at the White House and laying a wreath at the Pentagon before visiting graves of recent war dead from Afghanistan and Iraq at Arlington National Cemetery. "Our country is safer, and...

Pols Avoid Ground Zero as Cost Debate Rages

Obama, Romney put negative ads on hold

(Newser) - For the first time, no elected officials will speak at Ground Zero on the anniversary of the September 11 attacks, the AP reports. While many hailed the change as a separation of 9/11 from any sort of political agenda—"The fact that the politicians will not be involved, to...

Booted From This Year's 9/11 Ceremony: Politicians

They'll be excluded from speaking, foundation says

(Newser) - On Sept. 11 this year, the names of the victims of the 9/11 attacks will once again be read aloud at Ground Zero, but there will be silence from politicians. The foundation that controls the 9/11 memorial has told victims' families that the reading of names will be "the...

Odd Twist in Tale of Would-Be 9/11 Kamikaze Pilot

Heather Penney's dad could have been flying United 93

(Newser) - A truly wild footnote to the story about Heather Penney, the F-16 pilot who was willing to give up her life, kamikaze-style , by flying her unarmed jet into United 93 to stop it on Sept. 11: She was potentially willing to sacrifice her father's life, too. The Washington Post...

Woman Made Bomb Threat to 'Protect Family'

She didn't want mother, brother to fly the day before 9/11

(Newser) - A New York woman who didn't want her mother and brother to fly the day before the tenth anniversary of 9/11 tried to keep them grounded by making a bomb threat, investigators say. Mary Purcell, 37, was arrested after authorities traced two phony bomb threats made against a Southwest...

Belmont Horses 9-1-1 Win on 9/11

Track has weird coincidence on anniversary

(Newser) - Go figure: Horses wearing the numbers 9, 1, and 1 won the first three races at Belmont Park on the anniversary of 9/11, reports the New York Post . “The odds were probably about a million to one,” says the trainer at the stable that owns the first two...

Al-Qaeda Drops Posthumous Osama Video

Video intended to mark anniversary of 9/11 attacks

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda celebrated the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks by releasing a 62-minute video that included a message from deceased former leader Osama bin Laden along with one from current chief Ayman al-Zawahiri, the SITE Intelligence group tells the AFP . In the video, titled “The Dawn of Imminent Victory,”...

Jon Stewart Rips 9/11 Exploitation

And remembers 9/13/01 in the process

(Newser) - On Sunday, America remembered the 10th anniversary of September 11, 2001, but last night, Jon Stewart reminded us that there’s another important date to commemorate: September 13, 2001. After all, that was the day Jerry Falwell said that “the pagans and the abortionists and the feminists and the...

No 'Hanky Panky' in Airline Scares: FBI

But strip-search and detention infuriates innocent Ohio housewife

(Newser) - Fighter-jet escorts in two airplane security scares on the anniversary of 9/11 were not caused by hanky panky in the bathrooms, according to FBI officials. But one American Jewish-Arab housewife is furious after being strip-searched and grilled simply because passengers reported being "concerned" about trips to the bathroom...

Rumsfeld Kills NYT Subscription Over Krugman

Rummy fumes after reading columist's 'repugnant piece'

(Newser) - Donald Rumsfeld is mad as hell and he's not going to take it anymore—so he's canceled his subscription to the New York Times. "After reading Krugman’s repugnant piece on 9/11, I cancelled my subscription to the New York Times this AM," the former defense...

Now Open to Public: 9/11 Memorial Plaza

But you'll need an advance pass to enter

(Newser) - Ten years after the tragedy, the 9/11 memorial is finally opening to the public today. At 10am, several thousand people will be welcomed through the gates onto an eight-acre plaza studded by white oak trees and a pair of reflecting pools, nearly an acre in size, that stand where the...

Fighter Jets Scrambled Over Bathroom Breaks

Suspicious couple was just making out

(Newser) - Fighter jets were scrambled yesterday to escort an American Airlines plane after a pilot radioed concern about repeated and overly long bathroom breaks by three male passengers on a flight from LA to New York. It was one of a pair of security scares on US planes on a day...

Obama Lays Wreath at Pentagon

Obamas mingle with family members of 9/11 victims

(Newser) - After visits to New York's Ground Zero and a memorial in rural Pennsylvania where Flight 93 went down, President and Michelle Obama continued their solemn remembrance of 9/11 today at the Pentagon, the AP reports. The president lay a wreath at a bench and small pool that memorialize the...

Threats Left on White House Facebook Page

'We'll come back,' says one

(Newser) - Amid heightened security as the nation marks a decade since 9/11, feds are investigating threats posted on the White House's Facebook page, reports NBC New York . "We'll come back U.S.A. One day only 11/9/2011," says one post, which shows a photo of Osama bin...

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