9/11 anniversary

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Somber Day Brings a Rare Meeting
Somber Day Brings
a Rare Meeting

Somber Day Brings a Rare Meeting

Biden, Pence were together at 9/11 ceremony in New York

(Newser) - Two former members of Congress crossed paths on Friday, and the encounter was a rare one in an unusual year, notes the Hill . Joe Biden and Mike Pence greeted each other with an elbow bump and chatted briefly at a morning ceremony at Ground Zero in New York City to...

Here's Why There Are No Biden Ads on TV Today

Presidential contender pulls them on 9/11 anniversary

(Newser) - It's the 19th anniversary of the September 11 terrorist attacks, and Democratic presidential contender Joe Biden is marking the occasion by pulling all his television ads for the day. Politico says presidential contenders have long gone dark on the 9/11 anniversary, hitting a bit of a pause on their...

NYC Gives Itself Back Its 9/11 Tribute

City turns lights back on annual 'Tribute in Light,' which it had canceled amid COVID fears

(Newser) - New York City has reversed course and is turning the lights back on for its annual September 11 tribute, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Saturday afternoon. "Honoring our 9/11 heroes is a cherished tradition. The twin towers of light signify hope, resiliency, promise and are a visual representation of #NewYorkTough,...

'Incredibly Difficult Decision' Made on 9/11 Tribute

There will be no 'Tribute in Light' this year

(Newser) - The pandemic has killed many more New Yorkers than the 9/11 attacks—and officials don't want the annual commemoration of the terrorist atrocity to add to the total. Organizers say the "Tribute in Light," in which two columns of light are beamed into the sky from the...

This Year, 9/11 Names Won't Be Read

A recording will be played instead, to reduce the risk of spreading the coronavirus

(Newser) - The pandemic has affected the commemoration of another painful loss of life. The families of 9/11 victims meet each year at the September 11 Memorial & Museum on the anniversary of their deaths. Someone from each family reads the name of their loved one and a tribute, a ceremony that...

She Gave Birth on 9/11. Then, the Doctor's 'Oh, My Goodness'

Newborn Christina Malone-Brown was born at 9:11pm weighing 9 pounds, 11 ounces

(Newser) - A Mississippi couple welcomed a 9-pound, 11-ounce baby into the world on 9/11, at 9:11pm, the AP reports. The Commercial Appeal reports Christina Malone-Brown was born by cesarean section at a hospital in Germantown, Tenn. Christina's father, Justin Brown, says bystanders joked his family should play the lottery....

Among the 9/11 Tributes Was This One
Among the
9/11 Tributes
Was This One

Among the 9/11 Tributes Was This One

New Zealand firefighters salute first responders with traditional haka dance

(Newser) - All kinds of tributes took place Wednesday to mark the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, but one in Auckland generated a fair share of attention. New Zealand firefighters performed a haka, a traditional Maori war dance, to salute the first responders of 9/11, reports CNN . US ambassador Scott Brown...

Trump Speaks of Something More Powerful Than Nukes

President marks 9/11 anniversary at the Pentagon

(Newser) - Speaking at the Pentagon to mark the 18th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, President Trump promised that if "they come back to our country, we will go wherever they are and use power the likes of which the United States has never used before." He added, per the...

18 Years Later, 'Life Won't Let Us Forget'

Commemorations for 9/11 are being held Wednesday in NYC, DC, and Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Americans are commemorating 9/11 with mournful ceremonies, volunteering, appeals to "never forget," and rising attention to the terror attacks' extended toll on responders. A crowd of victims' relatives is expected at Ground Zero on Wednesday, while President Trump is scheduled to join an observance at the Pentagon, per...

He Wanted Revenge for Brother's 9/11 Death, Found Something Else

It's been 17 years to the day

(Newser) - As the US remembers the 9/11 attacks that took place 17 years ago, the Louisville Courier Journal relays the remarkable story of a young girl's note to those helping in the aftermath. Emily Ernspiker, then a 7-year-old in Kentucky, donated a pair of work gloves that made their way...

Trump Pays Tribute to Victims, Heroes of 9/11

Ceremonies in New York City, Washington, Pennsylvania

(Newser) - President Trump marked the 17th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks on Tuesday with a speech at the memorial where one of the planes went down in Shanksville, Pa. "America's future is not written by our enemies," said Trump, per CBS News . "America's future is written...

Trump Will Mark 9/11 Anniversary in Pennsylvania

President, Melania will visit Flight 93 memorial

(Newser) - President Trump is marking 17 years since the worst terrorist attack on US soil by visiting the Pennsylvania field that became a 9/11 memorial. Trump and his wife, Melania, will participate in Tuesday's somber remembrance in Shanksville. It's where hijackers crashed a California-bound commercial airliner on Sept. 11,...

Many 9/11 Victims&#39; Families Still Waiting for Remains
Could 9/11 'Architect'
Die Before Trial?
The Rundown

Could 9/11 'Architect' Die Before Trial?

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is at Gitmo, awaiting his 25th pretrial hearing

(Newser) - People around the US on Monday paused to remember the victims of 9/11 on the 16th anniversary of the attacks. In Shanksville, Pa., for instance, Vice President Mike Pence gave a particularly personal tribute to those aboard Flight 93. Here's a sampling of some of the related coverage on...

Mike Pence: Flight 93 Heroes Saved My Life

VP recalls 'longest 12 minutes of my life' on 9/11 anniversary

(Newser) - VP Mike Pence paid homage to the "heroes of Flight 93 " Monday during a ceremony in Shanksville, Pa., but his speech had an unusually personal note: He thinks the passengers who brought down the plane on Sept. 11, 2001, saved his life. Pence recalled being a new member...

Bells Tolled at 8:46am at Ground Zero

Ceremonies remember 9/11 victims at 3 locations

(Newser) - Victims' relatives, survivors, and rescuers are observing the 16th anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks at Ground Zero. Monday's commemoration began with a moment of silence and tolling bells at 8:46am, the moment a plane slammed into the World Trade Center's north tower, per the AP . Victims'...

15 Years After 9/11, America Remembers
15 Years
After 9/11,


15 Years After 9/11, America Remembers

How Bush spent the 8 hours after the planes hit, and other Sept. 11 coverage

(Newser) - Fifteen years ago on a clear autumn morning, Americans watched as planes turned into weapons, buildings came crashing down, and a national innocence was shattered. A look around the landscape as America pays tribute to the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attacks :
  • Speaking at the Pentagon ceremony, President Obama paid

Clinton Left 9/11 Ceremony, Was &#39;Overheated&#39;
'Overheated' Clinton
Left 9/11 Ceremony Early

'Overheated' Clinton Left 9/11 Ceremony Early

Candidate is 'feeling much better now,' says her campaign

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton mysteriously vanished from Sunday morning's 9/11 observances at ground zero after about an hour and a half, causing no shortage of tongues to wag about a "medical emergency." Clinton's camp was silent initially, then responded with this statement, reports CNN : "Secretary Clinton attended...

15 Years Later, Bells Toll at Ground Zero

Somber anniversary is being marked in New York, DC, Shanksville

(Newser) - The commemoration of the 15th anniversary of 9/11 began at ground zero Sunday with a moment of silence and tolling bells at 8:46am, the time when a terrorist-piloted plane slammed into the World Trade Center's north tower, reports the AP . After the silence, victims' relatives began reading the...

America Prepares to Mark 15 Years Since 9/11
America Prepares to Mark
15 Years Since 9/11

America Prepares to Mark 15 Years Since 9/11

'America will never give in to fear'

(Newser) - America is preparing to mark 15 years since one of the most devastating days in its history. Ahead of Sunday's anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, the New York Times spoke to Judge Alvin K. Hellerstein, who oversaw civil lawsuits filed by the family members of dozens of 9/11 victims....

9/11 Predated Facebook, and That Might Be a Good Thing

Gabrielle Birkner: Digital mourning doesn't always cut it

(Newser) - The 9/11 attacks took place years before the dawn of Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and the iPhone, which is why Gabrielle Birkner's memories of New York City in the aftermath are so "tactile" and "analog," she writes at Quartz . She remembers the posters of missing people posted...

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