
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

We Need New Fixes for Inequality
 We Need New Fixes 
 for Inequality 

We Need New Fixes for Inequality

The economists think the right and left are both out of ideas

(Newser) - Wealth inequality is a growing problem around the globe, but when politicians debate it "it mostly produces heat, not light," grumbles the Economist in a new op-ed. "At the core, there is a failure of ideas." Conservatives don't think inequality matters, and liberals think raising...

The Left's Dirty 20th-Century Secret

Eugenics: once loved by British intellectual lefties

(Newser) - Liberals, it's time to confront the biggest skeleton in your political closet: eugenics. Or so argues Jonathan Freedland in the Guardian . Back in the 1930s and 40s, major figures like George Bernard Shaw and John Maynard Keynes supported eugenics, the notion that disabled and poor people should be prevented...

Van Jones Is Back With New Lefty Group

Former 'green energy' czar has founded progressive movement

(Newser) - Once vilified as a 9/11 conspiracy theorist who called Republicans "***holes," Van Jones is back with a new grass-roots movement, Politico reports. Ousted from his White House post as "green energy" czar 2 years ago, Jones has helped found the American Dream Movement, a coalition of hundreds...

EJ Dionne: President Obama Needs a Progressive Tea Party
 We Need a 
 Tea Party 


We Need a Progressive Tea Party

Progressives must bring us back to the center: EJ Dionne

(Newser) - Ever since President Obama got elected, the right has controlled the media conversation. We’ve gotten a picture of a president much further left than he really is, which has hurt progressives and moderates, writes EJ Dionne in the Washington Post : “The political center doesn’t stand a chance...

Warren Shows Liberals How It&#39;s Done
Shows Liberals 
How It's Done 

Warren Shows Liberals How It's Done

A clear message is more effective than 'Occupying' Wall Street

(Newser) - The Tea Party may get all the press, but progressives are pretty angry, too, these days—and frustrated that President Obama doesn’t ever seem to share their anger. Thankfully “they now have senatorial candidate Elizabeth Warren,” writes Joanna Weiss in the Boston Globe . In the much-ballyhooed rant...

Lefty Bloggers: Obama 'Just Not That Into Us'

Netroots Nation convention bemoans dashed progressive hopes

(Newser) - One emotion running high at this year’s annual meeting of liberal bloggers: disappointment in the president. One popular panel at the Netroots Nation Convention was even titled, “What to Do When the President’s Just Not That Into You," and featured an editor at Daily Kos noting,...

George Soros Sours on Obama

Tells other donors their money may be better spent elsewhere

(Newser) - Plenty of President Obama's supporters are disappointed after the midterms in his performance, but this one in particular has very deep pockets. Here's the quote attributed to progressive-minded billionaire George Soros: "We have just lost this election, we need to draw a line. And if this president can't do...

2010's Lesson: Move to Center
 2010's Lesson: Move to Center 
Evan Bayh

2010's Lesson: Move to Center

America wasn't ready for a new progressive era

(Newser) - Democrats didn’t just get stomped because of the economy, and they didn’t just have a communication problem. “The public heard us,” writes retiring Sen. Evan Bayh in the New York Times , “but disagreed with our approach.” Democrats overestimated their mandate. Exit polls in 2008...

Thousands Rally in DC to Counter Tea Party

Labor unions, civil rights groups organize 'One Nation' event

(Newser) - Left-leaning supporters staged a rally of their own in Washington today. Tens of thousands of progressives gathered on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial for the "One Nation Working Together" rally, reports the Washington Post . The goal of the event—organized by groups including the NAACP and the AFL-CIO—...

This Is a Man, Not a Superhero
 This Is a Man, 
 Not a Superhero 

This Is a Man, Not a Superhero

Progressives have proved too ready to abandon Obama

(Newser) - Critics of Barack Obama are taking last week's confrontation by Velma Hart , a struggling middle-class black supporter, as proof that the president has lost even the support of African-American voters. Hart, who told Obama she was "still waiting for change" couldn't "have done a better job for the...

Psst, Liberals: Conservativism Is Alive
Psst, Liberals:
Conservativism Is Alive

Psst, Liberals: Conservativism Is Alive

Don't confuse principles with party politics

(Newser) - The ascent of Barack Obama in 2008 had liberal pundits declaring that conservatism was dead, or all but. In a Wall Street Journal essay today, Peter Berkowitz singles out three of his favorites ("complete collapse of the four-decade project ...") and chides the writers for a fatal mistake:...

Progressives Start F*ck Tea Campaign

T-shirts cost $22.50

(Newser) - Progressives are taking off the kid gloves. They've tried dismissing the validity of the tea party movement but now have a new approach: f*ck them. The Agenda Project has launched a "F*ck Tea" project, complete with T-shirts, coffee mugs, and more merchandise to come. The point is simply to...

Gibbs: 'Professional Left' Should Be Drug-Tested

He bristles at criticism from progressives

(Newser) - After catching flak for suggesting that Democrats might lose the House , Robert Gibbs isn't exactly shying away from controversial statements. In an interview with the Hill , the White House press chief called out the "professional left" for its withering criticism of President Obama. “I hear these people saying...

Obama, Stop Snubbing Progressives
Obama, Stop Snubbing Progressives
Paul Krugman

Obama, Stop Snubbing Progressives

This one's easy: Pick Elizabeth Warren

(Newser) - President Obama is having well-documented troubles with progressives , partly because their "sky-high expectations" have collided with political reality, writes Paul Krugman. But the president deserves a fair share of the scorn because of his "consistent snubbing of those who made him what he is." The latest: his...

Obama Tries to Win Back Progressives in Surprise Video

He tapes a message for the Netroots Nation meeting

(Newser) - President Obama reached out to disgruntled liberal activists and bloggers today, assuring them his administration is committed to their causes and urging them to help elect Democrats in November. "Change hasn't come fast enough for too many Americans. I know that," Obama said in a surprise video appearance...

Liberals Organizing a Tea Party of Their Own
 Liberals Organizing 
 a Tea Party of Their Own 
'one nation'

Liberals Organizing a Tea Party of Their Own

Progressives hope to mimic success with new group

(Newser) - Liberals may not like the Tea Party's politics, but they admire its organizing skills. About 170 left-leaning groups are forming a coalition known as One Nation with a pledge to "counter the tea party narrative," reports the Washington Post . Progressives have been generally disappointed with the Obama administration...

Glenn Beck Launches New Attack on...You
 Glenn Beck Launches 
 New Attack on...You 
viral videos

Glenn Beck Launches New Attack on...You

Progressive groups mock Beck's attacks on progressives

(Newser) - Glenn Beck is famous for his rants against progressives, and his latest is directed at none other than you…or any of your friends. A new interactive video put together by three progressive groups including shows the Fox News host crying as he rails against America’s new...

Air America Goes Bust When Left Needs It Most
Air America Goes Bust
When Left
Needs It Most
Ron Reagan

Air America Goes Bust When Left Needs It Most

This is a critical time for progressives

(Newser) - Air America has gone silent just when progressives need it most, writes Ron Reagan. The Supreme Court reveals its "corporatist agenda," Massachusetts gains a shade of red, health care reform is dying, and "without doubt Rush Limbaugh is making a complete ass of himself." But because...

Health Care Reform Victory, Not Defeat, for Liberals

Progressives actually provided most of the votes

(Newser) - Lately the left has been taking its lumps, courtesy of the conventional wisdom that health care reform passed over liberals’ objections. That’s just plain incorrect, writes Tom Schaller for FiveThirtyEight . A lingering narrative holds that liberals can’t govern because the left is so unmanageable. But progressives provided most...

Sniveling Lefties Should Just Take the Health Care Victory

Screwy Senate has a flawed, but good bill

(Newser) - The health care bill is as good as it’s going to get, and progressives whining about it—or worse, trying to kill it—are being ridiculous. “In a normal democracy,” EJ Dionne writes, the majority support would quickly pass a public option or Medicare expansion. But the...

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