women's issues

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Obama: GOP Putting Women's Health Back to 1950s

He becomes first sitting president to address Planned Parenthood

(Newser) - President Obama became the first sitting president to address Planned Parenthood today, and he offered a robust defense of the group, report AP and CNN . Among the lines getting attention:
  • What year is this? Citing strict anti-abortion laws in states such as North Dakota and Arkansas , Obama said, "When

Pope Broke Rules, Washed Women's Feet

Francis first pope ever to do so

(Newser) - The new pope has already done something none of his predecessors ever did: Yesterday, as he washed the feet of youths in a detention center, he included two young women—thereby violating liturgical rules, the AP reports. One of the women, the Telegraph notes, was a Muslim. "The pope'...

Men, Women Equal With One Exception: Cleaning
Men, Women Equal With
One Exception: Cleaning

Men, Women Equal With One Exception: Cleaning

Jessica Grose calls housework 'the final feminist frontier'

(Newser) - The world is becoming more egalitarian, with men doing a much larger share of things like cooking and childcare these days. "It’s seen as socially admirable and masculine for a man to be on diaper duty or to sous-vide a steak," writes Jessica Grose, whose own husband...

State Republicans Serve Up Fresh Abortion Bills

Michigan backs off transvaginal ultrasound bill

(Newser) - Republican lawmakers around the country are bringing abortion rights back into the spotlight—much to the chagrin of the party's leaders in Washington, who think the issue was part of the reason Romney lost among women by 11 points. Just this week, Republicans in at least four states introduced...

India Gang Rape Protesters, Cops Clash

Days of protests after violent assault

(Newser) - Police in India's capital used tear gas and water cannons for a second day today in a high-security zone to break up protests by thousands of people demonstrating against the gang rape and beating of a 23-year-old student on a bus. Police chased angry protesters with batons as they...

Goldman Sachs: &#39;a Frat on Steroids&#39;
 Goldman Sachs: 
 'a Frat on Steroids' 


Goldman Sachs: 'a Frat on Steroids'

Marie Myung-Ok Lee recalls her time at the firm

(Newser) - Goldman Sachs recently released its list of the year's promotions, and women make up just 14% of new lifetime partners. In the Atlantic , Marie Myung-Ok Lee writes of her time as an editor at the firm in the '90s, and notes that it was a lot like the...

Jennifer Lawrence: I&#39;m Considered Obese
 I'm Considered 

'elle' interview

Jennifer Lawrence: I'm Considered Obese

But 'I'm never going to starve myself for a part,' she says

(Newser) - In a refreshing interview with Elle , Hunger Games star Jennifer Lawrence talks about body image and living modestly even when you're rich and famous. Our three favorite quotes:
  • "I eat like a caveman, I'll be the only actress who doesn't have anorexia rumors," she says,

Obama's Best Weapon: Single Women

They were huge this election, but now face more stereotypes: Meghan Daum

(Newser) - Mitt Romney should have put a ring on it, because it was all the single ladies who helped President Obama win a second term. So says Meghan Daum in the LA Times , who writes that the president's focus on women's health issues and the like helped him nab...

Suddenly, Election 2012 Is All About Women

Romney tries to close the gap with crucial demographic

(Newser) - Women have surged to the forefront of the presidential race in the wake of Tuesday's debate , with both candidates furiously courting the demographic. Both candidates talked about women on the campaign trail —as did their surrogates—and the Romney campaign released a new ad shedding a more moderate...

Beyond Mitt&#39;s Binders: Women Lost the Debate
Beyond Mitt's Binders:
Women Lost the Debate

Beyond Mitt's Binders: Women Lost the Debate

Apparently, single moms cause gun violence?

(Newser) - By now you've probably seen some snarky jokes about Romney's " binders full of women " comment, but that wasn't the only thing making feminists cringe in last night's debate . Romney's entire answer on pay equity "was pretty amazingly retrograde," writes Matthew Yglesias...

ScarJo, Longoria Release Incensed Pro-Obama Ad

 Now Jay-Z Does 
 Pro-Obama Ad 

Now Jay-Z Does Pro-Obama Ad

Plus: ScarJo, Eva, Kerry are quite unhappy with Romney's politics

(Newser) - President Obama brought in the big guns for his latest video: Jay-Z. The rapper appears in a new, nearly 2-minute video for the Obama campaign that's basically a mutual lovefest. "When the president got into office initially, what he represented to a nation of kids was hope,"...

Women Favor Obama By 18 Points
 Women Favor 
 Obama By 18 Points 
Poll Numbers

Women Favor Obama By 18 Points

Quinnipiac gives president a small lead overall

(Newser) - President Obama still holds a small lead over Mitt Romney, and it's thanks entirely to his popularity with women and minorities, according to a new Quinnipiac poll . The poll has Obama ahead 49% to 45% overall, but his support among women is especially strong at 56% to 38%, and...

Now Magazines Airbrush Models Bigger

And some say it's just as controversial as the opposite

(Newser) - Not long ago, all the controversy surrounding magazine airbrushing seemed to focus on models and actresses being made to appear way too thin (to the point that some actually lost limbs ), but not so anymore. These days, magazines are increasingly Photoshopping models to appear heavier, because that's what...

Romney: Akin's Rape Comment 'Inexcusable'

As DNC rushes to bash GOP with the controversy

(Newser) - Democrats rushed today to milk maximum value out of Todd Akin's assertion that some mysterious biological process protected victims of "legitimate rape" from getting pregnant. DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz issued a statement trying to tie Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan to Akin. "They've been trying...

Coming to Saudi Arabia: Women-Only City

Expected to open up more job opportunities for females

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia is ready to provide more work opportunities for women, thus allowing them more financial independence—but it's not about to give up its rules about gender segregation, meaning that the job opportunities are coming in the form of a women-only industrial city. Saudi Arabia plans to build...

Planned Parenthood Suing Arizona

Organization aims to block defunding law

(Newser) - Planned Parenthood's newest legal battle with conservative Republicans is in Arizona, where it is suing to block a law defunding its health clinics because it also performs abortions. The organization says the law, which is set to go into effect Aug. 2, could leave thousands of low-income women without...

Debuting Today: LPAC, the Lesbian Super PAC

Jane Lynch, Billie Jean King, and Laura Ricketts all on board

(Newser) - Laura Ricketts attends a lot of political fundraisers targeting gay donors, and she's noticed something: There aren't a lot of lesbians in attendance. That's one of the reasons why Ricketts, whose family owns the Chicago Cubs, has signed on as one of the founding members of LPAC,...

Karzai Calls for Arrest of Taliban in Public Execution

Officials don't think executed woman actually committed adultery

(Newser) - A video of a woman being publicly executed , supposedly for adultery, sparked outrage in Afghanistan—and now President Hamid Karzai has ordered the arrest of the Taliban involved. Officials actually believe the woman was killed—shot nine times as a throng of people cheered—because two Taliban commanders both had...

Amelia Earhart: Our Model for 'the Century of Women'

Jane Mendelsohn: Earhart's image can lead the way

(Newser) - Amelia Earhart was so much more than a daring pilot who tried to circumnavigate the globe. She was "a symbol, a myth, a star on which to hang our fantasies," writes Jane Mendelsohn in the New York Times . Mendelsohn "was inspired by Earhart to do something that...

In Debate on Women's Issues, Men Do the Talking

Study: Most quotes in media about women's topics are by males

(Newser) - When it comes to debate in the media over women's issues, most of the quotes are by... men. A new study shows that when women's topics such as abortion, Planned Parenthood, and birth control are discussed in print and on TV, males are quoted around five times more...

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