women's issues

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GOP's Women Problem Isn't Going Away

Dana Milbank: It's because of policies, not dumb moves by likes of Rep. McAllister

(Newser) - Just Republicans' luck: On Equal Pay Day , they're stuck with headlines about Louisiana congressman Vance McAllister, who fired a low-paid female staffer after surveillance video showed them kissing . "Republicans aren’t responsible for McAllister any more than Democrats are to blame for Anthony Weiner's weirdness," writes...

One Great Reason to Hire Women: They Cost Less
One Great Reason to Hire Women: They Cost Less

One Great Reason to Hire Women: They Cost Less

Catherine Rampell: It's sad but true, and businesses are foolish to ignore it

(Newser) - In the year 2014, women are still underrepresented in all kinds of professions, including tech, banking, and law, writes Catherine Rampell at the Washington Post . And while all kinds of smart, high-minded reasons exist for companies to hire more women—studies suggest they boost collective intelligence, for example—Rampell suggests...

Ladies, It&#39;s Time to Get Over &#39;B-Phobia&#39;
 Ladies, It's Time 
 to Get Over 'B-Phobia' 

Ladies, It's Time to Get Over 'B-Phobia'

Catherine Rampell: Female college students tend to drop out of science courses

(Newser) - Catherine Rampell has some advice for female college students that sounds a little odd at first: "Stop trying to be a straight-A students," she writes in the Washington Post . The reason is twofold: Science professors tend to give lower grades than humanities professors, and women are more likely...

Sandberg's Next Target: Ban 'Bossy'

Facebook COO launches campaign to stop shaming assertive girls

(Newser) - Having introduced "lean in" into the lexicon, Sheryl Sandberg is looking to take another term out: The Facebook COO, bestselling author, stirrer of controversy, and unabashed feminist launched a campaign this morning to " Ban Bossy ." It's a move to strip the stigma often associated with assertive...

Female Running Back Makes History in Pro Men's League

Jennifer Welter is first woman to do so

(Newser) - The numbers may not be impressive on the stat sheet—three carries for a net loss of 1 yard—but Yahoo's PostGame blog is calling Jennifer Welter's performance over the weekend historic nonetheless. The 36-year-old became the first woman—not counting kickers or placekick holders—to play men'...

Women &#39;Marrying Down&#39; in Record Numbers
Women 'Marrying Down'
in Record Numbers

Women 'Marrying Down' in Record Numbers

At least in terms of education, says Pew survey

(Newser) - A new survey by the Pew Research Center points out a milestone of sorts: For the first time, the percentage of women marrying a man with a lesser education is greater than the percentage of men marrying a woman with a lesser education. It's close, 21% vs. 20%, but...

Holidays Bring &#39;Third Shift&#39; to Overworked Women
Holidays Bring 'Third Shift'
to Overworked Women

Holidays Bring 'Third Shift' to Overworked Women

Brigid Schulte: Too often, it's moms responsible for 'Christmas magic'

(Newser) - Generally speaking, it's the women in American families who feel the most stress about creating "Christmas magic" this time of year, writes Brigid Schulte in the Washington Post . She cites a psychological survey, personal experience, and all kinds of anecdotal evidence to make the case that it's...

GOP Coaching Candidates on How to Run Against Women

'Some of these guys have a lot to learn'

(Newser) - In the hopes of avoiding another "legitimate rape" incident , the National Republican Congressional Committee has been meeting with top aides to sitting GOP congressmen, coaching them on how they and their bosses should talk about social issues—particularly if they're running against a woman, Politico reports. "Let...

Pregnant Ex-Addict Fights Law That Got Her Confined

After being hauled away in cuffs, Alicia Beltran challenges fetal protection law

(Newser) - When asked about her medical history during a prenatal checkup this July, Alicia Beltran was honest. She said she'd become addicted to Percocet last year, but had weened herself off it using the anti-addiction drug Suboxone, which she had finally stopped taking three days before her appointment. No, she...

Wikipedia Science Entries: It's a Man's World

Volunteers aim to give female scientists their due in 'edit-a-thon'

(Newser) - Look up a female scientist or technologist on Wikipedia, and you might not find what you're looking for. Many don't have detailed pages or any page at all on the free online encyclopedia created by contributors, the vast majority of them men. It's a symptom of a...

Anger After Elle Covers Up Melissa McCarthy

She's on the cover ... in a huge coat

(Newser) - The good news: An unspoken taboo was broken when Elle put a plus-size actress on its November cover. The bad news: The magazine draped Melissa McCarthy in an enormous coat on said cover. (Alternate covers feature slimmer actresses in tight and/or skin-baring outfits; a Go Fug Yourself poll finds McCarthy...

Wendy Davis' Secret Weapon: GOP's Misogyny

Judith Warner thinks Texas candidate is a distinctly sexualized politician

(Newser) - Wendy Davis officially announced her candidacy for governor of Texas yesterday, and Judith Warner thinks she's exactly what Democrats need—and not just because of her filibuster-generated fame. "Blonde, strikingly pretty, outspoken, and female, Davis is, to put it bluntly, invaluable as bait," Warner writes at Time...

Women Make 77 Cents for Every Dollar a Man Makes

Census Bureau shows little change in recent years

(Newser) - The gap in pay between men and women seems officially stuck in place: New Census Bureau stats show that women earned 76.5 cents for every dollar that men made in 2012, an amount that hasn't changed much in a decade, reports the Wall Street Journal . Overall, men who...

Marissa Mayer&#39;s Vampy Vogue Pic Sells Out Geeks
Marissa Mayer's Vampy Vogue Pic Sells Out Geeks

Marissa Mayer's Vampy Vogue Pic Sells Out Geeks

Pepper Schwartz can understand why, but wishes she hadn't

(Newser) - Marissa Mayer lounges seductively in her new Vogue photo spread, a choice of pose that is proving controversial. A debate is raging over whether the fashion shoot takes away from the actual profile of Mayer, or whether, as a successful female CEO, she should be able to pose however the...

1 in 3 Women Victim of Domestic Abuse
1 in 3 Women Victim
of Domestic Abuse
new study

1 in 3 Women Victim of Domestic Abuse

Studies look at problem worldwide

(Newser) - The most comprehensive review to date of violence against women worldwide finds that domestic abuse is "shockingly" common, in the words of one of the researchers. Specifically, about one-third of women have been physically or sexually abused by a partner, concludes the WHO analysis. Some of the findings, from...

Fox's Female Hosts Slam Male Colleagues as Sexist

Megyn Kelly, Greta Van Susteren amazed guys think women shouldn't be breadwinners

(Newser) - If you've missed the hullabaloo that erupted over a new study showing that moms are now the primary or sole breadwinner in 40% of households with kids, much of it played out today on Megyn Kelly's Fox News show. The background is that a slew of conservative men,...

Iran Vetoes Every Woman Running for President

There were 30 among the field of 686 hopefuls

(Newser) - A whole heck of a lot of people are running for president of Iran—and after today, they'll all be dudes. In a single pronouncement, Iran's ruling clerics struck all 30 women who had registered for the race from contention, with one telling a semi-official news agency that...

Worst Place to Be a Mom Is...

Democratic Republic of Congo, according to new report

(Newser) - The toughest place in the world for mothers? The Democratic Republic of Congo, according to a new report from Save the Children. The nonprofit organization looked at factors including health, education, income, and child mortality in 176 countries, the BBC reports. The bottom 10 are all in sub-Saharan Africa, where...

Warren Buffett: Women Are Going to Drive US Success

Berkshire boss thinks it's time for women to achieve their full potential

(Newser) - Warren Buffett is an eternal optimist, and there's one big reason he's high on America's long-term economic future: women. "America has forged its success while utilizing, in large part, only half of the country's talent," he muses in a piece for Fortune . From the...

Dems' Climate-Change Fear: 'Transactional Sex'

House resolution calls on Congress to recognize the potential problem

(Newser) - Well, this is a novel argument for why Congress should do something about climate change. A resolution from 13 House Democrats warns that women are disproportionately affected by climate change and could even be driven to "transactional sex" if things get really bad, the Hill reports. "[F]ood insecure...

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