women's issues

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Obama&#39;s Our First Woman President
 Obama's Our First 
 Woman President 
Dana Milbank

Obama's Our First Woman President

Dana Milbank thinks Obama's taking the pandering just a bit too far

(Newser) - Good news, Barack Obama. You may not be the first black president (that would be Bill Clinton), but you are the first gay one , and apparently the first woman, too. That's how Dana Milbank of the Washington Post is interpreting yesterday's schedule. Eager to exploit his advantage over...

Dissing Hillary&#39;s No-Makeup Look? &#39;You&#39;re an Idiot&#39;
Dissing Hillary's No-Makeup Look? 'You're an Idiot'

Dissing Hillary's No-Makeup Look? 'You're an Idiot'

Her looks have absolutely no relevance: Erin Gloria Ryan

(Newser) - The world was aflutter this week over pictures of Hillary Clinton sans makeup, with Matt Drudge and Fox News acting particularly smug about the whole thing. “I guess we're all supposed to gasp and feel faint, to acknowledge that yes, Hillary Clinton is a real live human with...

Limbaugh Fights Back With 'Rush Babes'

He launches Facebook group for conservative women

(Newser) - Updates in the Rush Limbaugh chronicles:
  • Rush Babes: He has created the National Organization for Rush Babes to tweak the National Organization for Women, which is continuing to encourage advertisers to bail on him in the wake of the Sandra Fluke story , reports Yahoo News . NORB is a Facebook page

Obama Camp, &#39;Julia&#39; Is Insulting to Women
Obama Camp, 'Julia' Is Insulting to Women

Obama Camp, 'Julia' Is Insulting to Women

She's just too easy to mock: Joanna Weiss

(Newser) - The Obama campaign trotted out the online avatar "Julia" last week, to show how an ordinary American woman benefits from Democratic health care policies over her lifetime. Republicans gleefully pounced, calling it a perfect example of "cradle-to-grave government dependence," notes Joanna Weiss at the Boston Globe . Weiss,...

Kate Beckinsale: I Want the GOP in My Vagina
 Kate Beckinsale: 
 I Want GOP in My ... 

Kate Beckinsale: I Want GOP in My ...

Parodies the 'war on women' in new Funny or Die video

(Newser) - What’s this about the Republicans waging a War on Women? Some women actually want nothing more than for the GOP to get all up in their business, argues Kate Beckinsale in a new Funny or Die video that is quite liberal in its use of the word “vagina....

Vogue Bans Too-Skinny Models
 Vogue Bans Too-Skinny Models 

Vogue Bans Too-Skinny Models

Magazine also pledges not to use models under age 16

(Newser) - Vogue magazine, perhaps the world's top arbiter of style, is making a statement about its own models: Too young and too thin is no longer in. The 19 editors of Vogue magazines around the world made a pact to project the image of healthy models, according to a Conde...

Take Our Daughters to Work Day Needs an Upgrade
Take Our Daughters to Work Day Needs an Upgrade

Take Our Daughters to Work Day Needs an Upgrade

Let's show girls not just the office but the CEO suite: Jennifer Allyn

(Newser) - Today is the 20th anniversary of Take Our Daughters to Work Day, and Jennifer Allyn at the Christian Science Monitor says it's time to declare mission accomplished and refocus on a bigger goal. Two decades ago, it was enough to get young girls in the workplace and "demystify"...

Michelle Obama Defends Ann Romney

Romney herself again dismisses 'never worked' criticism

(Newser) - Michelle Obama comes to Ann Romney's defense on Twitter today, without mentioning her by name. "Every mother works hard, and every woman deserves to be respected. –mo," she wrote on her Twitter feed , notes Politico . Romney has been at the center of the latest campaign brouhaha...

Dem Operative: Ann Romney Hasn't Worked a Day in Her Life

Rosen comments drive Twitter firestorm

(Newser) - Democratic operative Hilary Rosen set off a Twitter tempest yesterday when she said on CNN that Ann Romney has "actually never worked a day in her life," making her a poor adviser on women's economic issues . The backlash was fierce, Politico reports. Ann Romney joined Twitter to...

Dear Mitt: Women Aren&#39;t a Foreign Country

 Dear Mitt: Women 
 Aren't a Foreign 
Ruth Marcus

Dear Mitt: Women Aren't a Foreign Country

Ruth Marcus says Romney has to stop letting his wife handle the ladies

(Newser) - Mitt Romney's strategy for wooing women voters appears to be outsourcing the task to his wife. When asked about women last week, he replied that, after campaigning, his wife had learned that women were worried about the economy. "Note to the candidate," writes Ruth Marcus in the...

Ashley Judd Takes on Puffy-Face Haters

Who, she notes, are mostly and sadly, women

(Newser) - Ashley Judd made a TV appearance last month looking larger than normal and with a puffier face, and the ensuing criticism of her appearance led her to write a scathing but eloquent response in the Daily Beast . Judd was on steroids due to an illness (leading some to assume her...

DNC Chair: Romney, GOP 'Rooting for' Economy to Tank

Debbie Wasserman Schultz also blasts war on women

(Newser) - Debbie Wasserman Schultz blasted Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans today for actively "rooting for economic failure" and narrow-mindedly focusing "on one job, Barack Obama's, for really the last two years." The DNC chair spoke this morning on CNN , saying that while the economy has been...

Romney Begins Courting Women's Vote

But he's got much work to to do chip into Obama's lead

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is starting to hone his appeal to female voters, acutely aware as he turns to the general election that he has little choice but to narrow President Obama's commanding lead among this critical constituency. None too soon, say many Republican activists. They expect Romney, as well as...

RNC Chief: GOP Doesn't Have Woman Problem

Reince Priebus blasts media with 'war on caterpillars' analogy

(Newser) - Enter the caterpillar. Republican National Committee chief Reince Priebus is generating headlines today with an insect analogy. In an interview with Bloomberg TV's Al Hunt , Priebus rejected charges that Republicans have a woman problem. “If the Democrats said we had a war on caterpillars and every mainstream media...

Bicycling Can Hurt Women&#39;s Sexual Health
Bicycling Can Hurt
Women's Sexual Health
study says

Bicycling Can Hurt Women's Sexual Health

Low handlebars seem to be the big problem, say researchers

(Newser) - Previous studies have shown that riding a bicycle regularly can take take a toll on men's sexual health, and new research from Yale suggests the same holds true for women, reports the New York Times . The one stand-out finding: the lower the handlebars, the greater the trouble. If a...

Mom Who Put 7-Year-Old on Diet Scores Book Deal

Dara-Lynn Weiss' controversial 'Vogue' article leads to memoir

(Newser) - Dara-Lynn Weiss' Vogue article about putting her clinically obese 7-year-old daughter on a diet wasn’t exactly met with a warm reception —nonetheless, it's landed Weiss a book deal. Random House's Ballantine imprint will publish her memoir about the experience, tentatively titled The Heavy, Mediabistro reports. It...

Mom's Article About Obese Kid's Diet Sparks Fury

Backlash after Dara-Lynn Weiss writes in 'Vogue'

(Newser) - When Dara-Lynn Weiss wrote in Vogue about her yearlong struggle to help her clinically obese 7-year-old daughter lose 16 pounds, she probably wasn't expecting quite the level of backlash that has ensued. Yahoo has highlights from Weiss's article, including her admission that she herself has struggled with eating...

RNC Slams 'Obama’s War on Women' in New Ad

Attack focuses on Bill Maher comments, White House 'boys' club'

(Newser) - Democrats often slam the GOP's "war on women," but now it's the Republicans who are hitting back at "Obama's war on women" in a new attack ad, Mediaite reports. The Republican National Committee ad focuses on controversial remarks Bill Maher—who is also a...

GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary
 GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary 
Maureen Dowd

GOP Handing 2016 to Hillary

Maureen Dowd thinks Republicans have a bout of 'mass misogyny'

(Newser) - On Saturday, Hillary Clinton took a resounding shot at Republicans. "Why extremists always focus on women remains a mystery to me," she said. "It doesn't matter what country they're in or what religion they claim. They want to control women." Clinton isn't supposed...

GOP Women Increasingly Sweet on Santorum

Birth control issue hasn't driven them away

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's controversial positions on issues like birth control and prenatal screening haven't alienated women voters, contrary to predictions , a Washington Post poll finds. Santorum's favorability rating among Republican women has surged over the last few weeks to 57%, just four points below Romney's. Even among...

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