
Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>

Dems' 2010 Prospects Start to Dim

 Dems' 2010 
 Start to Dim 

Dems' 2010 Prospects Start to Dim

Economy plagues party whose future looked brighter months ago

(Newser) - Things looked rosy for the Democrats in January—but amid economic concerns and trouble for party governors, 2010 could be tougher than expected, Politico reports. Midterm elections typically favor the opposition, and “we don’t have the burden of Iraq as we did in 2006 and don’t have...

Meet the Birthers in Congress

Salon calls out lawmakers reluctant to admit Obama's a citizen

(Newser) - The “birther” movement isn’t relegated to backwoods crazies—many members of Congress are perfectly willing to throw fuel on the fire. Salon calls out the Hill’s known birthers:
  • Rep. Bill Posey: Congress’ first birther, the Florida Republican is the sponsor of a bill requiring presidents to submit

Meghan McCain: Joe the Plumber 'Is a Dumbass'

(Newser) - Meghan McCain talks to about her campaign for gay marriage and her role as pseudo-spokeswoman for a new generation of Republicans, and one line is sure to catch a lot of attention: "Joe the Plumber—you can quote me—is a dumbass," she says of the...

Republicans Don't Want 'Help' From Palin

Lawmakers facing tough 2010 battles think she'd hurt them

(Newser) - Sarah Palin may not spend much of her newfound free time campaigning: Many GOP lawmakers facing tough 2010 contests don't want to be associated with the soon-to-be-ex-governor, who they fear will galvanize liberals, the Hill reports. One anonymous Republican said that if Palin came to his district, his opponent would...

SC Republicans Vote to Slap Sanford's Wrist

Toothless resolution indicates gov is likely to keep his job

(Newser) - South Carolina Republicans voted to censure Gov. Mark Sanford last night, but since they didn’t call for his head, he’s likely to keep it, Politico reports. They chided Sanford for failing to adhere to the “core principles and beliefs” of the party, but said that “barring...

Scandal Dogs Family Values Republicans

Sanford, Ensign aren't the only 1994 GOP frosh with marital woes

(Newser) - Apart from the sex scandals, what do John Ensign and Mark Sanford have in common? They’re both members of the much-hyped GOP House class of 1994, Politico observes. Those Republican revolutionaries swept into Washington promising a focus on family values, but 14 years later, no fewer than a dozen...

Sanford Scandal Divides SC Republicans

Controversial lieutenant gov would get office, jump on 2010 race

(Newser) - Term limits mean Mark Sanford must leave the South Carolina governor's office in 2010, and some state Republicans are hoping he doesn't go anywhere before then, Politico reports. They may be unhappy with his recent conduct, but should he resign, the office would go to a lieutenant governor who’s...

Maryland GOP Group Likens Obama to Hitler

Says prez is using 'carpet bombing' to defeat enemies

(Newser) - The leader of a prominent Maryland Republican group is comparing President Obama to Adolf Hitler, apparently with a straight face, in a letter on its website, ThinkProgress reports. “Obama and Hitler have a great deal in common in my view,” writes the president of Republican Women of Anne...

The GOP Needs More Sarah Palins
The GOP 
Needs More Sarah Palins

The GOP Needs More Sarah Palins

Lack of high-profile women hampers credibility on Sotomayor

(Newser) - Since Sonia Sotomayor’s nomination to the Supreme Court, something has been missing from the ranks of her GOP detractors: women. The departure of Sarah Palin and President Bush’s estrogen-packed Cabinet from the national spotlight has exposed the dearth of Republican women, David Bernstein writes for the Boston Phoenix....

Coleman May Have Shot as Governor
 May Have 
 Shot as

Coleman May Have Shot as Governor

Newser Newsroom 2.11.1

(Newser) - As if Minnesota politics needed another twist: Tim Pawlenty's announcement that he won't seek a third term as governor has all eyes on Norm Coleman as a potential successor, reports the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Because he's still locked in a legal fight with Al Franken over a Senate seat, Coleman...

Noonan: Time for Republicans to Grow Up
Noonan: Time for Republicans to Grow Up

Noonan: Time for Republicans to Grow Up

Sotomayor hearings a time for debate, not attacks by 'idiots'

(Newser) - Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings are coming up, and Peggy Noonan has some advice for Republicans: play grown-up. “Some, and they are idiots, look at Judge Sotomayor and say: attack, attack, kill,” she writes in the Wall Street Journal. One told her the fight would excite the base....

Limbaugh, Powell Escalate War of Words

(Newser) - The verbal war between Rush Limbaugh and Colin Powell has actually ticked up a notch. On his show today, Limbaugh resigned as “the titular head of the Republican Party” and sarcastically appointed Powell in his place, reports Media Matters. He blasted Powell as a representative of the “worn-out...

Specter Backs Pelosi in CIA Torture Flap

Cites agency's 'very bad record' on honesty, chides GOP for 'games'

(Newser) - Arlen Specter defended Nancy Pelosi today against the CIA and former GOP colleagues he says are making a “political game” out of the interrogation debacle. “The CIA has a very bad record when it comes to honesty,” the Senate’s newest Democrat said. Specter charged that the...

GOP: Dems Buddying Up to Big Business
GOP: Dems Buddying Up to Big Business

GOP: Dems Buddying Up to Big Business

Irony-proof party employs new strategy to battle climate bill

(Newser) - Senate Republicans are turning the tables on Democrats as the GOP battles a bill to fight climate change, Politico reports. A strategy memo says Republicans should paint the opposition as the party of big business, suggesting Dems are cozying up to “Wall Street traders,” “polluters,” and...

Poll: GOP Support Down Across Demographic Groups

GOP backing has shriveled since 2001 among all but weekly churchgoers

(Newser) - The GOP has failed to gain followers in any demographic group since 2001, and support has shrunk among all groups except frequent churchgoers, according to the latest Gallup figures. The biggest drop in support —down 10%—was among college grads. But the percentage of respondents calling themselves Republicans was...

Latino Disconnect Worries GOP
 Latino Disconnect Worries GOP 

Latino Disconnect Worries GOP

But little action taken to staunch the flow

(Newser) - The Republican Party is facing falling Latino support, but little is being done to reverse the trend, Politico reports. Some Latinos have been disillusioned by Republican rhetoric on illegal immigration, attacks some heard as swipes at Hispanics themselves. “If we don’t figure out a way to open our...

Abortion 'Purity Test' Is New to Republicans
Abortion 'Purity Test' Is New to Republicans

Abortion 'Purity Test' Is New to Republicans

Not even 'conservative issue' for older generation: Goodman

(Newser) - Abortion has become “the purity test for remaining in the GOP’s inner circle,” writes Ellen Goodman in the Boston Globe: The Republican Party is shedding and shunning abortion-rights supporters it once called its own. But it wasn’t always that way—even “Mr. Conservative” Barry Goldwater...

Right-Wing Radio Host Calls Maddow 'Little Boy'

Andrew Wilkow also attacks Perez Hilton

(Newser) - A right-wing radio host's rant on Tuesday got nasty—even for talk radio. Andrew Wilkow of Sirius/XM, filling in on the syndicated "Mark Levin Show," called MSNBC's Rachel Maddow a "nice little boy" and Perez Hilton a "vile sodomite," Salon reports. "It just sounds...

Cheney: Jeb Would Be a Fine President

Another Bush in White House? Fine idea, says former VP

(Newser) - Dick Cheney isn't happy that he and George W. Bush aren't running the world anymore, so he'll settle for the next best thing—stick Jeb Bush in the White House. “I think he's a good man," Cheney told Neil Cavuto of Fox. "I'd probably support him...

Film Outs Pols, Draws Fire From All Sides

Documentary that targets Crist has even gay groups worried

(Newser) - Outrage isn’t a conventional summer blockbuster, but its central aim will surely prove explosive: outing prominent politicians who have opposed gay causes. “It’s the responsibility of journalists and filmmakers to report on hypocrisy wherever they see it,” director Kirby Dick told the San Francisco Chronicle. His...

Stories 641 - 660 | << Prev   Next >>