
Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>

Tea Party's Census Rebellion 'Is a Bust'

 Tea Party's Census 
 Rebellion 'Is a Bust' 
Dana Milbank

Tea Party's Census Rebellion 'Is a Bust'

Conservatives seem to have ignored the plea to boycott

(Newser) - The Tea Party may just be a "paper tiger," writes Dana Milbank. Leaders such as Michele Bachmann, Glenn Beck, and Ron Paul called for a boycott of the 2010 census—and it looks like nobody listened. Milbank asked number crunchers at the Washington Post to do some digging...

Newt Gingrich: Obama 'Most Radical President'

He seems to be in candidate mode at Southern GOP event

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich laid into President Obama with gusto last night as he helped kick off the Southern Republican Leadership Conference. Obama is "the most radical president in American history," he declared. "He has said, 'I run a machine, I own Washington, and there is nothing you can...

Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP
Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP
2 new polls

Tea Partiers Are 'Average' Americans, Just 57% GOP

Movement currently accounts for 17% of voters

(Newser) - A pair of new polls poke holes in the conventional image of the tea party as a fringe group of loud Republicans. In a Sunday poll of 1,000 registered voters, 17% identified themselves as “part of the Tea Party movement,” the LA Times reports. Of those, 28%...

Steele Must Stop Trying to Be Shadow President

GOP needs him to do his job, the 'boring' fundraising

(Newser) - The headlines about the Republican National Committee's embarrassing week will fade, but the party has a bigger problem, warns Kimberley Strassel. "Michael Steele has yet to figure out his role." The RNC chief is acting like a glitzy "shadow president" instead of doing what a party chief...

GOP's Hutchison Will Stay in Senate

Texas senator reverses pledge to resign early

(Newser) - Kay Bailey Hutchison is staying in the Senate after all. The Texas Republican announced today that she will serve out the remainder of her term through 2013, despite pledges during her failed bid for governor that she would resign early, reports the Dallas Morning News . "My experience will be...

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'
health care reform

GOP Hopefuls Embrace Pledge to 'Repeal It'

Health care reform law opposition becomes Republican litmus test

(Newser) - The push to repeal health care reform has become a rallying cry for GOP candidates pushing for big congressional victories this year and eager to show their willingness to take on the Democratic agenda. In Florida, Gov. Charlie Crist and conservative upstart Marco Rubio agreed on little else in a...

Business Leaders Find Success as GOP Candidates

Rich ex-execs present Tea Party alternative

(Newser) - Business leaders crossing over to politics are finding success as GOP candidates, using their experience and personal fortunes to challenge established Republicans in Senate and gubernatorial races. In California, Meg Whitman has earmarked $39 million for her campaign for governor. In Michigan, Connecticut, and Massachusetts, former executives are making waves...

Pelosi Celebrates Health Care Triumph

Speaker welcomes GOP push to repeal Obamacare

(Newser) - A triumphant Nancy Pelosi celebrated the passage of health care reform yesterday in a rousing speech to packed church service, declaring that she's not afraid of Republican efforts to repeal the bill if they retake Congress in November. Pelosi said that despite current misconceptions, Americans would soon appreciate the bill's...

GOP's Lunatic Streak Is Bad for America
GOP's Lunatic Streak
Is Bad for America
paul krugman

GOP's Lunatic Streak Is Bad for America

The US needs 'two rational parties'

(Newser) - Watching right-wingers react to health care reform can be entertaining for a while, writes Paul Krugman, but it's ultimately depressing. It's just not fun seeing "extremists take full control of one our two great political parties." This isn't just fringe activists, either, as evidenced by John Boehner's declaration...

Don't Fan the Flames&mdash; We'll All Get Burned
 Don't Fan the Flames— 
 We'll All Get Burned 


Don't Fan the Flames— We'll All Get Burned

Political rage is a national problem, not a partisan one

(Newser) - America's white-hot political rage is a national problem, not a partisan one—and if we're not careful, we'll all get burned. The Democrats are right to call attention to threats to lawmakers but they shouldn't treat this as a political opportunity, writes Peggy Noonan for the Wall Street Journal . "...

Cantor Says Dems Using Threats for Gain

He also claims someone fired bullet through office window

(Newser) - Eric Cantor accused Democrats of using threats of violence against lawmakers for political gain. The Minority Whip singled out party leaders Chris Van Hollen and Tim Kaine for "fanning the flames" of violence by suggesting that their actions on health reform have made Democrats targets, reports Politico . Cantor said...

Obama Challenges Repealers: 'Go for It'

He delivers fiery remarks in Iowa on health care reform

(Newser) - President Obama came out with fightin' words today for Republicans threatening to repeal health care reform, reports USA Today . "Go for it!' said the president during a speech in Iowa. "If they want to have that fight, we can have it." Voters, he said, would never...

GOP Senators Gum Up Hearings With 2PM Rule

They refuse consent to continue, invoking obscure rule

(Newser) - Senate Republicans furious over the passage of health care reform are doing anything they can to keep Democrats from implementing more of Obama's agenda. Their latest move (used by Democrats in the past) is to invoke a little-known rule that requires unanimous consent for Senate hearings to continue past 2pm....

Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll
Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll

Don't Get Too Excited Over Just One Poll

It's too early to tell if bump in support for reform will stick

(Newser) - Much ado has been made over yesterday's Gallup poll, which showed 49% in favor of the health care bill to 40% opposed, but Republicans shouldn't freak out just yet, writes Nate Silver. Yes, it shows a big increase in support for reform, but it's just one poll, "and even...

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform
That Was Fast

Public Flip-Flops, Now Likes Health Care Reform

Poll shows 49% in favor of new law, to 40% opposed

(Newser) - The ink is barely dry on the new health care reform law, but the public has already come around on it, says a new USA Today/Gallup poll . Among those surveyed, 48% called the law “a good first step,” saying more should be done to reform the system. Roughly...

5 Reasons the GOP Should Back Off Health Bill

Why the 'repeal' campaign is a loser for Republicans

(Newser) - Republicans will stop banging the “repeal” drums if they know what’s good for them, Jay Newton-Small writes in Time, listing the reasons it’s risky for conservatives to keep health care front-and-center.
  • No one’s actually going to kill grandma. What happens when the doomsday scenarios they've been

'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans
'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans
Dana Milbank

'Repeal It' Campaign Is a Mistake for Republicans

They tried it before on Social Security and failed miserably

(Newser) - Health care reform hasn't even passed yet, and Republicans can't wait to base their election campaigns on repealing it. Big mistake, writes Dana Milbank, who raises the "ghost" of Alf Landon. The Republican candidate ran for the White House in 1936 by promising to repeal the "folly" of...

Dems: Public Was Divided on Medicare, Too

Leadership circulates '60s poll numbers to reassure members

(Newser) - Democratic leaders hope the example of Medicare will strengthen their colleagues' resolve in the fight for health care reform. Aides have been circulating poll numbers from 1962 that showed a public deeply divided on the Medicare proposal, with 28% in favor, 24% against, and 33% with no opinion, writes Greg...

GOP: If We Can't Stop Reform, We'll Repeal It

Lawmakers pledge to overturn law

(Newser) - Republicans may not be able to stop health care reform, but they're already thinking about repealing it should they win either house of Congress. The "Repeal It" movement has won pledges from dozens of lawmakers and candidates, reports the Washington Post , including all the Senate hopefuls in Kentucky, Nevada,...

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up
 Rove, Cheney 
 Just Making 
 History Up 

Rove, Cheney Just Making History Up

Bushies' conjurings 'know few bounds'

(Newser) - The simultaneous arrival of Karl Rove's memoir and Liz Cheney's "right-wing noise machine" means the "revisionist floodgates have opened," writes Frank Rich for the New York Times , a "rewriting of history that knows few bounds." And while Rove's book better passes for fiction and Cheney's...

Stories 541 - 560 | << Prev   Next >>