
Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>

Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy
 Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy
poll offers Dem hope

Democrats Gain Favor on Handling of Economy

Slim margin prefers them to GOP, and wants them to keep control of Congress

(Newser) - There's encouraging news for Democrats battling to retain control of Congress in this fall's elections, with the party holding a slender edge in public trust for shepherding the economy and small gains in those saying their finances are healthy, according to a new poll. The reeling economy remains people's top...

Arizona's Next Target: Kids Born in US to Illegals

GOP wants to deny citizenship to 'anchor babies'

(Newser) - Arizona Republicans intend to take their tough immigration legislation one step further, and have set their sights on what they call "anchor babies": the US-born children of illegal immigrants, viewed as the legal "anchors" holding their undocumented parents in the US. This fall, the Arizona GOP plans to...

Support for Incumbents Dips to All-Time Low
Support for Incumbents Dips to All-Time Low
Poll Numbers

Support for Incumbents Dips to All-Time Low

...but half the population hates the Tea Party, new poll shows

(Newser) - It’s a bad time to be an incumbent, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a good time to be allied with a far-right protest movement. In a new Washington Post-ABC News poll , only 29% of Americans say they plan to vote for their current House representative in...

Republicans Trounce Dems in Small Donors

GOP pulls in $70M in checks of $200 or less, to Dems' $44M

(Newser) - Republicans are cashing in the populist outrage they've helped stir up, raising more money from small donors than Democrats for the first time since 1998. GOP candidates have raised $70 million from small donors this year, compared to $44 million for Democrats, the Washington Post reports. That's still only 16%...

Palin Pick Goes Down in Idaho House Race

Frontrunner Vaughn Ward loses in upset to Raul Labrador

(Newser) - State Rep. Raul Labrador won the Republican nomination yesterday in a key Idaho House race, pulling an upset over rival Vaughn Ward, who had a 6-to-one fundraising advantage and an endorsement by Sarah Palin. Ward was an early frontrunner in the race, designated as one of the GOP's top 23...

Memo to Boasting Republicans: Shut Up!
 Memo to Boasting 
 Republicans: Shut Up! 
Ann Coulter

Memo to Boasting Republicans: Shut Up!

You're raising expectations way too high

(Newser) - Ann Coulter lays off the left for once and instead turns her fire on the right: Republicans are raising such "sky-high expectations" for the midterms that even if they do well, "it will look like a defeat," she writes at Human Events . "John Boehner is ludicrously...

There's One Reason for GOP's Rise: Rush Limbaugh

He's the 'brains and spirit' behind conservative resurgence

(Newser) - There's all kinds of theories for why conservative Republicans are on the rise, but for Zev Chafets, it "can be boiled down to two words: Rush Limbaugh." The radio host is not just the "mouthpiece" of the resurgence but the "brains and spirit" behind it. He...

GOP Is Approaching the Lunatic Fringe
 GOP Is Approaching 
 the Lunatic Fringe 
dana milbank

GOP Is Approaching the Lunatic Fringe

Tea Party, Glenn Beck are pushing it to extremes

(Newser) - Dana Milbank sees a Republican party going off the rails thanks to the "purity putsches" of the Tea Party, Glenn Beck, and others. And May 8 may end up being the tipping point, he writes in the Washington Post . Bob Bennett's defeat in Utah grabbed the big headlines, but...

Poll: GOP Steamrolling Toward Midterm Vote

They're picking up crucial blocs such as independents, seniors

(Newser) - A new poll has old news for Democrats: The midterm elections are going to be ugly. The Wall Street Journal/NBC survey says Republicans have won back crucial blocs that strayed in recent elections, including independents, seniors, suburban women, and rural voters. Also, about a third of respondents say they don't...

2010: The Year of the Black Republicans?

GOP has most black candidates since reconstruction

(Newser) - Black candidates are suddenly coming out of the woodwork for Republicans; there are at least 32 running for Congress this year, which hasn't happened since Reconstruction, according to the New York Times . Of course, the party only believes five of them actually have a prayer of winning, and most face...

GOP Is Doomed in Arizona
 GOP Is 
 in Arizona 

GOP Is Doomed in Arizona

Hispanics are turning against the party in droves

(Newser) - Arizona's immigration law is going to make the state a safe haven for Democrats in the long term, blogs kos at Daily Kos . For proof, check out the latest Public Policy Polling survey of the governor's race, which shows Democrat Terry Goodard increasing his lead among Hispanics over GOP incumbent...

Pink Elephants | The New Republic
 In Today's GOP, Only 
 the Women Have Balls 

in case you missed it

In Today's GOP, Only the Women Have Balls

Conservatives, yes, but even Betty Friedan would be intrigued

(Newser) - Sarah Palin, Michele Bachmann, Liz Cheney. Whether or not you agree with their politics, there's no denying that a "certain breed of fire-breathing pink pachyderm is clearly on the rise," writes Michelle Cottle at the New Republic . Disagree? Then, quick, name any male Republican who comes even close...

GOP Video Salutes Radical Guy Fawkes—Or Not

Left and right disagree on message of Republican governors

(Newser) - This much is clear: The Republican Governors Association has put out a new anti-Obama video that can be seen at . Young RGA staffers put it together, reports the Daily Caller , which calls the video's production "top notch." Most agree it's pretty slick, but then things get...

Charlie Crist Should Teach GOP a Lesson
 Charlie Crist Should 
 Teach GOP a Lesson 
Dana Milbank

Charlie Crist Should Teach GOP a Lesson

Make them pay a price for 'ideological cleansing'

(Newser) - Charlie Crist is getting the shaft from the GOP because he hugged Barack Obama, literally and symbolically, writes Dana Milbank, who skewers Republicans for their "dogmatic race to the bottom." They're dumping him for far-right Marco Rubio, even though Crist gives them a better chance of winning Florida's...

Op-Ed Columnist - The Government War -
Thanks to Dems, Centrist America Suffers Again
david brooks

Thanks to Dems, Centrist America Suffers Again

We're rehashing the stale debate of big vs. small government

(Newser) - David Brooks sees himself as an advocate of "progressive conservatism," which he says puts him at the center ("or a step to the right") of American politics. And he's not happy with the plight of the "broad middle" these days. He had hopes that Barack...

Obama Finally Goes On Offensive

 Obama Finally 
 Goes On 

Obama Finally Goes On Offensive

Democrats have clear advantage on financial reform

(Newser) - EJ Dionne sees a newly aggressive Barack Obama recognizing that he can put Republicans on their heels with financial reform. Republicans for the first time "are uncertain as to whether resolute opposition to a Democratic idea is in their political interest," he writes in the Washington Post . "...

Obama to GOP: Go Ahead, Make My Day
Obama to GOP:
Go Ahead,
Make My Day

Obama to GOP: Go Ahead, Make My Day

He won't compromise on financial reform; dares them to vote nay

(Newser) - After a tense meeting on financial reform with GOP leaders yesterday, Barack Obama put on his Michael Corleone face and told them his final offer was this: nothing. The president made it clear that he wouldn’t accept any compromise that would weaken the legislation, and essentially dared Republicans to...

Sorry, Ron Paul Fans, Romney Is No. 1
 Sorry, Ron Paul Fans, 
 Romney Is No. 1 
nate silver

Sorry, Ron Paul Fans, Romney Is No. 1

No matter what the Rasmussen poll says

(Newser) - Don't believe everything you read, Ron Paul devotees: Your man isn't the Republican most likely to knock off President Obama in 2012. Nate Silver takes issue with a new Rasmussen poll to that effect, cites Rasmussen's "Republican-leaning house effect," and (while acknowledging the silliness at this early date)...

9 Surprises From GOP Conference
 9 Surprises 
 From GOP 
mark halperin

9 Surprises From GOP Conference

Among them: Little support for a Sarah Palin candidacy

(Newser) - With the Southern Republican Leadership Conference wrapped up, Mark Halperin rounds up nine surprises from New Orleans on his Time blog. A sampling:
  • There was almost no mention of the Supreme Court fight.
  • Attendees showed little enthusiasm for a Sarah Palin presidential run.

Michael Steele: 'I've Made Mistakes'

RNC chief tells half-empty room he wants to 'move on'

(Newser) - Michael Steele today sought to put to rest the recent troubles of himself and the Republican National Committee, reports Fox News . "I'm the first here to admit I've made mistakes, and it's been incumbent upon me to face facts, shoulder that burden, make the necessary changes—and move on,...

Stories 521 - 540 | << Prev   Next >>