Bush administration

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Bush Lawyers Talked to CIA About Tapes

Gonzales, Miers met intelligence officials before their destruction

(Newser) - Alberto Gonzales and at least three other White House lawyers were involved in discussions with the CIA before the agency destroyed interrogation videotapes in 2005, the New York Times reports. Gonzales, Harriet Miers, David Addington, and John Bellinger all met with CIA officials, the Times says, based on interviews with...

White House to Shrink Nuke Program
White House to Shrink Nuke Program

White House to Shrink Nuke Program

600 buildings slated for shutdown, warheads to be decommissioned

(Newser) - The Bush administration is planning a substantial reduction in the size of the nuclear weapons program, with 600 buildings set for closure at facilities across the country, reports the Washington Post. The American nuclear program is an "outdated, Cold War complex," said the administrator of the National Nuclear...

WH Told to Reveal Visitor List
WH Told to Reveal Visitor List

WH Told to Reveal Visitor List

Court rules that Bush and Cheney's appointments are public knowledge

(Newser) - Who stops by the White House or Dick Cheney's place is a matter of public record, a district court judge ruled today, blocking the Bush administration's attempts to keep visitor logs sealed. Liberal watchdogs had argued the information is covered by the Freedom of Information Act, while President Bush had...

White House Urges Judge Not to Probe CIA Tapes

Says order to protect evidence didn't apply

(Newser) - The Bush administration has asked a federal judge—who issued a 2005 order demanding the safeguarding of evidence on detainees—not to investigate the CIA's destruction of interrogation videotapes, the AP reports. White House lawyers, addressing the tapes issue for the first time in court, say that if Judge Henry...

Last-Minute US Compromise Saves Bali Talks

Officials agree to reach accord in 2009—after end of Bush term

(Newser) - The Bali climate summit averted failure at the eleventh hour today when the US capitulated under sharp criticism and agreed to further talks to forge a successor treaty to the Kyoto Protocol in 2009 that will include the US and developing nations. The deal came after the US dropped opposition...

Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace
Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace

Iran Prez: US Hurts World Peace

'Unilateralism' tarnishes American prestige, Ahmadinejad writes

(Newser) - Writing in Newsweek, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the US has forsaken its “proper role in eliminating tyranny and violence” in the international arena, instead acting unilaterally to disrupt a peaceful world. Ahmadinejad says Iran has every right to develop nuclear fuel “for peaceful purposes,” and the...

Committee Votes to Hold Rove, Bolten in Contempt

Act challenging executive privilege may stall before full Senate

(Newser) - The Senate Judiciary Committee voted to hold Karl Rove and Josh Bolten in contempt today, the AP reports, for ignoring subpoenas on the US attorneys scandal. The White House, however, says the citations will likely die on the Senate floor. “I vote knowing that it’s highly likely to...

Gore Points Finger at US in Bali
Gore Points Finger at US in Bali

Gore Points Finger at US in Bali

Nobel laureate says Bush and company stonewalling in Bali

(Newser) - Al Gore’s latest inconvenient truth: the US is stonewalling the UN climate conference. “My own country, the United States, is principally responsible for obstructing progress here,” the Nobel laureate raged today in Bali. The US, along with Japan and several other nations, refuses to accept a specific...

White House Meddled With Climate Change Science: Report

House committee finds attempts to 'mislead'

(Newser) - A House committee says the Bush administration has attempted to mislead the public about global warming by editing written testimony, controlling media access to scientists, and trying to minimize the links between climate change and hurricanes, the Christian Science Monitor reports. The study, authored mainly by Democrats, accuses the White...

UK Wants to Talk to Taliban
UK Wants to Talk to Taliban

UK Wants to Talk to Taliban

Brown to announce major revision of Afghan strategy, rankling Washington

(Newser) - Just back from Kabul, Gordon Brown is poised to announce a major strategic revision in Afghanistan that will involve dialogue with the Taliban. Senior British officials believe that treating the loose-knit organization as a unified terrorist actor is counterproductive, the Independent reports, and they want to move from fighting militants...

Americans Split on Borrower Bailout
Americans Split on Borrower Bailout

Americans Split on Borrower Bailout

Lenders get no sympathy: 72% in poll oppose help

(Newser) - About half of Americans say borrowers snared in the subprime mortgage mess brought the trouble onto themselves, but they nevertheless deserve "special treatment," CNNMoney reports. In a poll of 1,002 adults, 51% also said they felt sorry for borrowers, with 46% blaming financial institutions' lending policies for...

US Opposes Bali Carbon Caps
US Opposes Bali Carbon Caps

US Opposes Bali Carbon Caps

Draft resolution runs into trouble as Americans balk

(Newser) - The American delegation to UN climate talks in Bali last night ruled out a draft resolution that would call on industrialized nations to cut carbon emissions by 25% to 40% in 12 years. The US called the proposal "totally unrealistic" and "unhelpful." But the US isn't the...

State Dept.'s Inspector General Quits

Embattled Krongard falls victim to fallout over Blackwater

(Newser) - The State Department’s inspector general will step down next month, ending a tenure marked by controversy and allegations of conflicts of interest, the Washington Post reports. Critics accused Howard Krongard of impeding the Blackwater investigation, a charge he vigorously denied. He recused himself from the probe when it became...

Supreme Court Weighs Third Gitmo Case

Watershed verdict on detainees rights will help define Bush legacy

(Newser) - The White House is in the hot seat today as the Supreme Court begins hearing arguments on the rights of Guantanamo Bay inmates to judicial review. Detainee cases were also considered by the court in 2004 and 2006—both rulings went against the administration—but the decision in this case,...

Bush Blocking Plame Probe, Says Waxman

He wants Mukasey to defy new boss, release documents

(Newser) - A House committee chairman investigating the Valerie Plame affair says the White House is blocking special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald from providing key documents from his investigation, the Washington Post reports. Fitzgerald agreed to hand over his findings before the Bush administration stepped in, says Henry Waxman, who has called on...

Geeks Bring Trouble for Rove Sleuth
Geeks Bring Trouble for
Rove Sleuth

Geeks Bring Trouble for Rove Sleuth

Fed investigator now probed himself for wiping computers

(Newser) - Using Geeks on Call to scrub his computer could come back to haunt the man investigating Karl Rove for improper partisan activities, the Wall Street Journal reports. Scott Bloch—head of a federal office charged with protecting whistleblowers and keeping employees from using government for partisan activities—ordered an extreme...

White House Economic Guru Stepping Down

Al Hubbard departure said to strengthen Paulson's hand

(Newser) - Top White House economics adviser Al Hubbard will step down by year's end, the AP reports. Hubbard, who has expressed frustration over his inability to get Bush economic initiatives through the Democrat-controlled Congress, will be replaced by deputy Keith Hennessy. Hubbard's departure will boost the influence of less ideological, more...

Cheney Home After Heart Treatment
Cheney Home After Heart Treatment

Cheney Home After Heart Treatment

Veep okay, will return to work tomorrow

(Newser) - Dick Cheney returned home today after doctors shocked his heart back to a normal rhythm, the AP reports. He arrived at George Washington University Hospital at around 5 pm. and left 2 1/2 hours later. "The procedure went smoothly and without complication," a spokeswoman said. "The vice...

Lebanon Under Emergency Rule
Lebanon Under Emergency Rule

Lebanon Under Emergency Rule

At end of term, Lahoud orders controversial military takeover

(Newser) - Lebanon teetered on the brink of chaos tonight as its president declared a state of emergency just hours before his term expired and transferred power to the military. The outgoing Emile Lahoud refused to give power to his rival, PM Fouad Siniora, who immediately rejected the legality of Lahoud's move,...

US Aims to Enlist Tribes in Pakistan

Proposal would train, pay tribes to fight Taliban and al Qaeda

(Newser) - The US military would like to enlist Pakistani tribesmen in the fight against the Taliban and al Qaeda, importing the strategy that's been used successfully in Anbar province in Iraq. The classified proposal would see more American military trainers heading for Pakistan—where we have only 50 troops now—and...

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