Bush administration

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Court Sides With Bush on Wiretapping

Judges cite national security in rejecting challenge to program

(Newser) - The Bush administration's warrantless wiretapping program cleared a big legal hurdle today when a federal appeals court rejected a lawsuit challenging the program on the grounds of national security. The court, considered one of the most liberal in the country,  cited the "state secrets" privilege in its ruling...

Bush's Japan Policy Lost in Translation

Expect discord as new PM arrives in US for weekend summit

(Newser) - As President Bush welcomes the third Japanese prime minister in 3 years to Washington today, a former Tokyo correspondent writes in the Los Angeles Times that current difficulties with arguably our most important ally stem from a fundamental Bush misunderstanding. W has confused Japan with the US's other "special...

Bushies Break Records in Rush to K Street

More than 150 White House staffers have switched to lobbying

(Newser) - Departing staffers of lame duck presidents have long filled the ranks of lobbying firms, but the Bush White House is providing K Street operatives in particularly high numbers, the Politico reports—raising a series of ethics questions about the revolving-door phenomenon. The key industries hiring outgoing Bushies are homeland security—...

Siemens, Banks Bow to US Pressure to End Iran Biz

Firms falling in line with anti-nuke arm-twisting

(Newser) - The Siemens company in Germany, one of the world's largest engineering operations, and the country's three largest banks are cutting business ties with Iran under White House pressure to get out or risk US interests. It's a sign that major European corporations are beginning to line up behind American economic...

House Overrides Bush's Veto of Water Bill

Rejection is first of presidency; Senate likely to follow suit

(Newser) - The House overrode a presidential veto tonight for the first time in the Bush administration, with 138 Republicans crossing party lines to support a $23 billion water-resources bill. The 361-54 vote was far more than the two-thirds needed to override, reflecting the popularity on both sides of the aisle of...

Mukasey Would Enforce New Torture Law, Senator Says

Schumer helps AG nomination move ahead

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey has told Chuck Schumer he would enforce a law specifically prohibiting waterboarding and other torture practices, the senator writes in today's Times. The AG nominee's personal assurance and respect for the rule of law earned him the New York Democrat’s support in this morning's 11-8 Judiciary Committee...

Musharraf's Chaos Leaves US Twisting in Wind

Musharraf power grab a 'big embarrassment' for the White House

(Newser) - Pervez Musharraf is gripping not only Pakistan in a tight state of emergency, but also his allies in Washington, the New York Times reports. American officials are stuck monitoring developments as the US-backed military dictator threatens a shaky democracy and spurs civil unrest. Condoleezza Rice called Musharraf’s decision “...

Ex-Colleague Blasts VA Nominee
Ex-Colleague Blasts VA Nominee

Ex-Colleague Blasts VA Nominee

Peake's record as Army medical chief troubling, retired general says

(Newser) - Fixing the Department of Veterans Affairs’ medical system will take a leader who sees the big picture, a skill nominee James Peake doesn’t possess, an ex-colleague tells NPR. “When I tell you honestly what I think of him, I could lose my job,” said the retired general,...

Rumsfeld Memos: 'Keep Elevating the Threat'

'Snowflakes' urge linking Iraq and Iran

(Newser) - During his six years as defense secretary, Donald Rumsfeld told staffers to “keep elevating the threat” and develop “bumper sticker statements” to sell administration war policies. Internal memos obtained by the Washington Post depict a media- and politics-obsessed Rumsfeld who instructed staffers to link Iraq and Iran, contemplated...

Bush Loses Another From Inner Circle
Bush Loses Another From Inner Circle

Bush Loses Another From Inner Circle

Karen Hughes, adviser since Texas days, set to leave at year's end

(Newser) - Karen Hughes—one of President Bush's few remaining advisers from his Texas days—plans to leave her job as undersecretary of state at year's end. The former television reporter and media adviser spent the past two years leading efforts to improve the US' image abroad. Hughes will return to Texas,...

Bush Scores as Hugger in Chief
Bush Scores as Hugger in Chief

Bush Scores as Hugger in Chief

If there's one thing Bush can do, it's embrace for the cameras

(Newser) - George W. Bush may not come off as touchy-feely, but as his California fire tour demonstrates, he’s one of the best presidential huggers of all time. In recent months, Bush has embraced literally hundreds in public, the Washington Post notes. Sure, those are mostly photo ops, but Bush’s...

US Forces Will Do 'Nothing' About Kurds

Top general in the region says it's up to Turkey, Iraq

(Newser) - Despite Turkish calls for action, the top US military commander in northern Iraq said today that he intended to do "absolutely nothing" to counteract strikes against Turkey by Kurdish militants, the AP reports. The blunt assertion is consistent with the Bush administration's desire to keep US forces out of...

Rice, Paulson Roll Out New Iran Sanctions

Asset freezes will target Revolutionary Guard and Quds Force

(Newser) - Condoleezza Rice and Hank Paulson will roll out a new package of US sanctions against Iran today, targeting the Revolutionary Guard Corps and its covert foreign-operations wing, the Quds Force, which the US accuses of aiding insurgents in Iraq and elsewhere. It will be the broadest set of punitive measures...

Is US Preparing Iran Air Strikes?
Is US Preparing Iran Air Strikes?

Is US Preparing Iran Air Strikes?

White House asks for bunker-buster funding

(Newser) - A recent White House funding request has heightened speculation that the US is preparing air strikes on Iran's nuclear facilities, reports ABC News. The Bush administration has asked for $88 million in emergency funds to modify B-2 stealth bombers so they can carry 30,000 "bunker buster" bombs to...

Bush Asks $46B More for Wars
Bush Asks $46B More for Wars

Bush Asks $46B More for Wars

Request brings the total to $196.4 billion this year

(Newser) - Citing the need to "provide our troops with the support they need to get the job done," President Bush asked Congress today for $46 billion more to fund wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, the AP reports. Not so fast, said congressional Democrats, who vowed not to act until...

No More Politics in Justice Dept., Mukasey Vows

Bush's Attorney General nominee promises independent voice

(Newser) - A Michael Mukasey-led Justice Department won’t be the White House puppet many accused it of being under Alberto Gonzalez, the Attorney General nominee promised as confirmation hearings opened today. “Legal decisions and the progress of cases are decided by facts and law, not by interests and motives,”...

Dems to Grill AG Nominee on Bush's Meddling

Influence on Justice looms as top Mukasey confirmation issue

(Newser) - Michael Mukasey's confirmation hearings kick off tomorrow, and the focus of senators' questions for the AG nominee is already clear, the Christian Science Monitor reports: Democrats want assurances he’ll be more independent than Alberto Gonzales. Pat Leahy, for one, is looking for agreement that “federal law enforcement should...

Still a Believer in Faith-Based Solutions

Bush's former faith czar has hopes set on Dems this time

(Newser) - The Economist catches up with John DiIulio, the Democrat who was Bush's “faith czar” for just 7 months in his first term, to re-examine the viability of what the magazine calls "compassionate centrism." With "faith-based" now unfortunately associated more with political zeal—faith-based wars, faith-based science—...

Bush v. Gore, Seven Years Later
Bush v. Gore, Seven Years Later

Bush v. Gore, Seven Years Later

Bush has the war, Gore has the peace prize--who's the real winner?

(Newser) - The Gore camp couldn't resist gloating yesterday: "Bush earned the Iraq war, and Al Gore earned the Nobel Prize. Who knew Al Gore would one day thank the Supreme Court for their judgment?"  The day after the prize, the Washington Post takes a look at how the fortunes...

Supremes Won’t Hear CIA Torture Suit

Earlier dismissals rested on concerns about national security

(Newser) - The Supreme Court declined today without comment to hear the case of a German citizen who claims he was kidnapped and tortured by the CIA. Lower courts had dismissed Khaled el-Masri's case on the grounds that a trial would expose state secrets. German authorities have said the US acknowledged abducting...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>