US military

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Pentagon to Wikileaks: We Want Our Files Back

Site needs to 'do the right thing' and return military records

(Newser) - Instead of asking the Pentagon to help scrub names from Afghanistan war records, Wikileaks should be handing back those records to their rightful owner without delay, the Pentagon says. "The only acceptable course is for Wikileaks to take steps to immediately return all versions of all of those documents,...

'Birther' Army Doc in Court Today for Ignoring Orders

He refuses to deploy until he sees birth certificate

(Newser) - An Army doctor who says he won't go to war until he sees President Obama's birth certificate is being arraigned in Virginia today. Lt. Col. Terrence Lakin was charged with disobeying orders earlier this year after failing to turn up for deployment to Afghanistan, and demanding to see proof that...

WikiLeaks Wants Pentagon Help Scrubbing Docs

Site asks for military help in making documents safe to publish

(Newser) - WikiLeaks—apparently heeding warnings it may have blood on its hands because of leaked Afghan documents—wants the Pentagon's help in scrubbing names from its next batch. The site has held back 15,000 more classified reports and it wants defense officials to help review them so they can be...

WikiLeaks Suspect Transferred to US Soil

Army's Manning faces trial in another leak

(Newser) - The White House today implored WikiLeaks to stop posting secret Afghanistan war documents as the Pentagon brought the soldier suspected of leaking the information back to the US for trial in another case. "I think it's important that no more damage be done to our national security," Robert...

July Deadliest Month for US in Afghanistan

Three more American deaths bring total to 63

(Newser) - Three US service members have been killed in blasts in Afghanistan, bringing the toll for July to at least 63 and making it the deadliest month for American forces in the war. The three died in two separate blasts in southern Afghanistan yesterday. US and NATO commanders had warned that...

WikiLeaks May Have Blood on Its Hands: Mullen

Gates, Mullen warn Afghan leak will do great harm to US, allies

(Newser) - Julian Assange et al "might already have on their hands the blood of some young soldier or that of an Afghan family," because of the massive leak of Afghan war records, Joint Chiefs Chairman Adm. Mike Mullen told reporters at the Pentagon yesterday. Mullen and Defense Secretary Robert...

Thousands of Arlington Graves May Be Mixed Up

Senate panel blasts 'incompetent' cemetery chiefs

(Newser) - The number of mismarked, unmarked, and mislabeled graves in Arlington National Cemetery could be as high as 6,600 out of 330,000 graves, a Senate hearing heard yesterday. Subcommittee chair Claire McAskill slammed the "catastrophic incompetence" of cemetery officials, the Los Angeles Times reports. "Waste, abuse, fraud—...

Leaks Make It Clear: We Still Don't Have a Clue
Leaks Make It Clear:
We Still Don't Have a Clue
maureen dowd

Leaks Make It Clear: We Still Don't Have a Clue

We can create insurgencies, just not armies

(Newser) - Robert Gibbs may be correct in asserting that the WikiLeaks trove unearthed nothing fundamentally new, writes Maureen Dowd, but "it reflected one chilling fact: the Taliban has been getting better and better every year of the insurgency. So why will 30,000 more troops help?" We seem to be...

Other Great Wikileaks Scoops
 Other Great Wikileaks Scoops 

Other Great Wikileaks Scoops

Site exposed military blunders, Scientology's weird inner workings

(Newser) - Wikileaks' release of 90,000 classified Afghanistan war records is the biggest but far from the first scoop the whistleblower site has picked up since it went public in early 2007, the Telegraph notes, listing some other major coups.
  • Iraq helicopter attack . The Pentagon accused Wikileaks of endangering national security

Body of Missing US Sailor Found: Afghan Official

Insurgents arrested as troops comb Logar province

(Newser) - Afghan troops have found the body of one of two US Navy sailors who disappeared on Friday, a provincial official tells Xinhua . The official says a dozen insurgents have been arrested and the body will be turned over to American forces today. The Taliban had earlier offered to trade the...

Taliban Says It Captured 2 US Troops
Taliban Says It Captured
2 US Troops

Taliban Says It Captured 2 US Troops

No confirmation yet from American authorities

(Newser) - The Taliban says it has captured two American soldiers in Afghanistan, Reuters reports. No official confirmation has come from NATO or US forces, but a Reuters correspondent heard a local radio broadcast offering a $20,000 reward for information about their whereabouts. A Taliban spokesman said three servicemen from NATO's...

Mental Disorders Rise Sharply Among Soldiers

1 in 9 medical discharges attributed to PTSD, related ailments

(Newser) - News that the Pentagon is making it easier for soldiers to qualify for disability payments because of post-traumatic stress disorder comes at a good time: The number of cases is rising steadily, reports USA Today . Army stats show that the number of soldiers who left the service solely because of...

Army Suicides Spike in June
 Army Suicides Spike in June 

Army Suicides Spike in June

Hit highest point since Vietnam

(Newser) - More soldiers committed suicide in June than in any single month since the Vietnam era, according to statistics released yesterday. A total of 32 killed themselves, including seven on active duty in Iraq and Afghanistan. It isn’t an isolated occurrence either—145 soldiers have killed themselves this year, more...

Army 'WikiLeaker' Faces 8 Federal Charges

Bradley Manning accused of espionage for downloading video

(Newser) - An Army intelligence analyst who has acknowledged providing classified material to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks was charged with eight criminal offenses yesterday, Wired reports . Pfc. Bradley Manning violated the Espionage Act by giving classified material to a nongovernment third party, the government alleges. Manning, 22, is in custody in Kuwait,...

Army Drops 'Psy-Ops' Name as Too Sinister
Army Drops 'Psy-Ops' Name as Too Sinister
semantics dept.

Army Drops 'Psy-Ops' Name as Too Sinister

Introducing 'Military Information Support Operations'

(Newser) - In its battle to win hearts and minds, the Army doesn't want to sound too devious. Therefore, it's changed the Vietnam-era name of "psychological operations"—or "psy-ops" as it's been depicted in countless movies—to the bureaucratic-sounding Military Information Support Operations, reports AP .

In Rare Move, Medal of Honor May Go to Living Soldier

He ran through enemy fire to save his fellow soldiers

(Newser) - A living soldier is being considered for the Medal of Honor for the first time since the Vietnam War, the Washington Post reports. The Pentagon's recommendation goes to an unidentified soldier who, in the words of the Post, "ran through a wall of enemy fire" to repel Taliban forces...

Senate Confirms Petraeus (99-0)

As expected, he'll be running the war in Afghanistan

(Newser) - The Senate has unanimously confirmed Gen. David Petraeus as the next commander of the Afghanistan war. The vote was 99-0. Petraeus replaces Gen. Stanley McChrystal, whose career spanned three decades before ending in disgrace because of inflammatory remarks he and his aides made to Rolling Stone magazine. Petraeus spent much...

New Navy Device Uses Radio Waves to Blow Up IEDs

Secret technology offers high hopes

(Newser) - After using lasers, projectiles, and jammers in the fight against roadside bombs, the Pentagon last week unveiled a secret new weapon designed to defeat IEDs: radio waves. The new weapon, a beam of radio-frequency energy, can detonate IEDs from a distance and could potentially be used against other types of...

Troops Glad McChrystal's Gone: Rolling Stone Writer

Reporter 'very surprised' by 'unfireable' general's ouster

(Newser) - The journalist whose Rolling Stone exposé got Stanley McChrystal fired says troops in Afghanistan are thanking him. "Over here, soldiers were happy that he got fired," Michael Hastings, who's embedded in Afghanistan, tells the Huffington Post . "I've had a number of people come up to me, I...

Forget About That 2011 Withdrawal Date

 Forget About 
 That 2011 
andrew sullivan

Forget About That 2011 Withdrawal Date

Petraeus won't let the US draw down, even though he should

(Newser) - With David Petraeus running the show in Afghanistan, you can forget about US troops beginning to withdraw as promised in July of next year, writes Andrew Sullivan. Obama's pledge is "now kaput," he writes at his Daily Dish blog at the Atlantic. "It won't happen. I doubt...

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