US military

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US Has Secretly Had Troops in Somalia Since 2007

Deployment was hushed up for security reasons

(Newser) - The trainers the US sent to Somalia last fall weren't really the first American troops in the country since the 1993 Black Hawk Down debacle, officials have revealed. A deployment of around 120 troops on the ground has been in place in the country since 2007 to help fight...

WWII POW 'X-816' to Be Dug Up After Lawsuit

Family says the remains belong to Bud Kelder

(Newser) - An anonymous POW buried in an American war cemetery in the Philippines isn't "X-816," it's Bud Kelder, say family members who have finally won their fight to have the remains disinterred. The 26-year-old Army medic survived the Bataan Death March but died in a POW camp...

Marine Accused of Faking Iraq Kidnap Resurfaces

Wassef Ali Hassoun was charged with desertion twice

(Newser) - A Marine who disappeared from a base in Fallujah a decade ago, turned up in Lebanon weeks later, and then vanished again while facing desertion charges has resurfaced—and the military presumably has a lot of questions to ask him. After Cpl. Wassef Ali Hassoun vanished from the base in...

Pentagon: 7 Out 10 Youths Not Fit for Service

And that's not counting ones with tattoos

(Newser) - The Pentagon says that if all 34 million Americans aged 17 to 24 tried to join the military, it would reject more than two-thirds of them for being fat, uneducated, felonious, on drugs, or for assorted other reasons—even before it got around to weeding out the ones with neck...

Bergdahl Shifted to Outpatient Care

'Reintegration process' continuing at Texas base

(Newser) - Bowe Bergdahl has been shifted to outpatient care at a Texas military base, the US Army said last night. He arrived at the Brooke Army Medical Center at Fort Sam Houston on June 13 after nearly two weeks recuperating at a US military hospital in Germany. He is now receiving...

US Sending 300 'Military Advisers' to Iraq

Obama says team will help Baghdad fend off insurgents

(Newser) - President Obama said today he's sending 300 US "military advisers" to Iraq as Islamic extremists threaten to overtake Baghdad , reports the AP . Obama reiterated that he will not send regular ground troops and dismissed a concern about "mission creep" in response to a question: "American combat...

Obama: We'll Help, but This Is Iraq's Problem to Solve

Repeats that US won't send ground troops

(Newser) - President Obama reiterated today that the US will not be sending ground troops to Iraq and emphasized that Iraq has to take the lead role in turning back insurgents who threaten to overrun the country . In a brief press conference, Obama said his national security team is reviewing other ways...

The US Totally Blew $3M on Boats for Afghanistan

Afghanistan is landlocked, the boats were abnormally expensive, and more

(Newser) - The US has wasted money in many ways in the Afghan war, but the Washington Post highlights a particularly egregious one revealed by the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction yesterday: The US spent $3 million in 2010 to buy the Afghan police eight patrol boats. That works out to...

Bergdahl Arrives Back in US
 Bergdahl Is Now in Texas 

Bergdahl Is Now in Texas

Recovery will continue at San Antonio base

(Newser) - Bowe Bergdahl, the Army sergeant who has been recovering in Germany after five years as a Taliban captive, returned to the United States early today to continue his medical treatment. A Pentagon spokesman says Bergdahl flew to Brooke Army Medical Center in San Antonio from Ramstein Air Base. While at...

US Accidentally Launches Airstrike on Own Troops

5 dead in one of deadliest friendly-fire incidents in Afghanistan

(Newser) - A coalition aircraft strike killed five American Special Ops troops and at least one Afghan soldier last night, US and Afghan officials tell the New York Times . The war in Afghanistan has seen more than a dozen instances of friendly-fire killings, but this was among the deadliest, the paper notes....

US Navy Saves 282 in Mediterranean

Boat belonging to apparent migrants was sinking

(Newser) - The US Navy rescued 282 people in the Mediterranean Sea following a call yesterday from the Italian military. Those rescued were apparently migrants from Africa; one of their six boats had begun to sink. The USS Bataan sent a pair of helicopters to the scene, and swimmers rescued those in...

'High' Bergdahl Headed Right for Taliban: Villagers

Dazed soldier was probably 'smoking hashish,' district intel chief says

(Newser) - Just how did Bowe Bergdahl end up separated from his US military base and in the hands of the Taliban? According to Afghan villagers who met Bergdahl wandering off base shortly before his capture, it seems he headed right for trouble. "It was very confusing to us. Why would...

Here's Why Bergdahl Actually Wasn't a Deserter

He was never classified as such, having been captured so quickly

(Newser) - When is a solider a deserter? Critics have accused Bowe Bergdahl of being one ; there's even a petition to the White House calling for his punishment and a popular “Bowe Bergdahl is NOT a Hero!” Facebook page. But the Idaho Statesman pointed out on Saturday that Bergdahl...

Bergdahl May Have Walked Off Base Multiple Times

Meanwhile, Army will take 'second look' at his case

(Newser) - The Army Times adds a new wrinkle to the Bowe Bergdahl saga : It quotes officials saying that the Army sergeant may have sneaked off his base in Afghanistan more than once before being captured by the Taliban. “We have no indication that he intended to leave permanently,” says...

Sick Veterans 'Inhaled Metal': Researchers

Experts describe 'Iraq-Afghanistan war lung injury'

(Newser) - Pulmonary and respiratory diseases have been on the rise in US troops, and researchers are pointing to a possible culprit: metal in their lungs. Experts at Stony Brook University performed lung tests on six ill soldiers "and found titanium in every single one of them," says researcher Anthony...

US Sends 80 Troops to Find Kidnapped Girls

Pentagon says they're going to Chad

(Newser) - The US is putting some muscle behind its promise to help find the kidnapped girls of Nigeria. The White House told Congress today that it has sent 80 troops to neighboring Chad to help track down the girls and their Boko Haram captors, reports the Washington Post . The statement didn'...

Next Stop for Chelsea Manning: Civilian Prison?

Pentagon weighs transgender inmate's request

(Newser) - Chelsea Manning won't be allowed out of the military until she finishes her 35-year sentence for passing classified documents to WikiLeaks, but she could be on her way to a civilian prison soon. The Pentagon is trying to transfer the soldier formerly known as Bradley to a federal prison...

FAA: Spy Plane Crashed LA Air Traffic Control

Computers couldn't handle high-altitude flight plan

(Newser) - A Cold War-era U2 spy plane crashed an air traffic control system in Southern California last week, causing the delay or cancellation of hundreds of flights, according to the Federal Aviation Administration. The agency says the system "experienced problems while processing a flight plan filed for a U-2 aircraft...

Reports of Military Sex Assault Surge, But...

...male victims still aren't speaking up, Pentagon data finds

(Newser) - The encouraging news: After a concerted effort to get more victims to come forward and report instances of sex assault, Pentagon data shows such reports by members of the military increased 50% in the last fiscal year to 5,061. And one official says there's "no indication" that...

Now Under Review: Military Hairstyles

Twists, dreads were largely banned in rules some complain targeted black women

(Newser) - The military increasingly has abandoned its one-size-fits-all haircut as the face of the American soldier has diversified, but new rules on hair sparked a furor amid concerns that they unfairly restricted black women. Now Chuck Hagel has ordered a review "to ensure standards are fair and respectful of our...

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