US military

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>

US Unleashed 'Earthquake' Strike on al-Shabab

Target may have been Somali militants' 'spiritual leader'

(Newser) - The US says it carried out an operation against Islamic extremists in Somalia yesterday, but the military hasn't released other details of the strike on the al-Shabab network. "We are assessing the results of the operation and will provide additional information as and when appropriate," a Pentagon...

McCain, Graham: Go After ISIS Now
 McCain, Graham: 
 Go After ISIS Now 

McCain, Graham: Go After ISIS Now

Senators say Obama needs a military strategy immediately

(Newser) - Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham say they're appalled that President Obama's response to the threat posed by the Islamic State is to say, " We don't have a strategy yet. " He needs to get one fast, they write in the New York Times . Putting a...

F-15 Pilot Missing After Virginia Crash

Helicopters searching mountains through the night

(Newser) - A massive search effort is underway in the Virginia mountains for the pilot of an F-15 fighter jet that crashed in the area yesterday morning . A deep crater has been found at the crash site in Augusta County, and it's not clear whether the pilot managed to eject in...

Black WWI Soldier May Get Medal of Honor

Henry Johnson fought off Germans to save fellow soldier

(Newser) - A black World War I soldier who single-handedly fought off nearly two dozen Germans with only a knife and a jammed rifle to save a fellow soldier is on his way to getting the nation's highest military honor almost a century after the fact. Defense chief Chuck Hagel has...

Eye on ISIS, US Begins Flights Over Syria

Regime warns against striking ISIS without its consent

(Newser) - Less than a year after President Obama made the case for striking Bashar al-Assad's regime in Syria , the US now appears poised for strikes on one of the regime's opponents. Obama authorized manned and unmanned surveillance flights over Syria over the weekend to gather intelligence on ISIS militants,...

Military Destroys Hypersonic Weapon During Test

Weapon supposedly able to strike anywhere on planet in an hour

(Newser) - The US military tested a hypersonic weapon in Alaska yesterday, and things didn't go according to plan. Within four seconds of its launch, the weapon was destroyed by authorities due to a problem, Reuters reports; an expert says it was a computer issue. For public safety reasons, "we...

Army: Enraged Soldier Shot Herself at Va. Base

Fort Lee was locked down during incident

(Newser) - An enraged soldier barricaded herself in a building at Virginia's Fort Lee Army base yesterday, threw objects around the office, and then fatally shot herself in the head as law enforcement officials tried to negotiate with her, authorities say. The heavily trafficked base went on lockdown while the soldier...

US Considers Military Action in Syria

White House signals that a range of options being considered

(Newser) - The first signal came earlier this week, in the wake of the James Foley execution , when Joint Chiefs chairman Martin Dempsey said Islamic State militants could not be defeated without taking the fight to them in Syria . Now the White House is considering doing exactly that, according to reports in...

Time to Stop Turning Police Forces Into Armies

Pentagon, Homeland Security have militarized departments: columnists

(Newser) - Critics such as Sen. Claire McCaskill say the initial police response in Ferguson, Mo., actually made things worse because cops were equipped like soldiers of war. No wonder, write Elizabeth Beavers and Michael Shank in the New York Times . The Pentagon and Homeland Security Department are keeping police forces across...

US: Airstrikes Worked, Iraqi Rescue Not Needed

Military advisers find 'far fewer' Yazidis on mountain than expected

(Newser) - It looks like the US won't have to launch a mass evacuation of Iraqis trapped on a mountain after all. A small team of American military personnel who spent 24 hours on Mount Sinjar said US airstrikes seem to have done the trick—most of the trapped Yazidis who...

Obama's Big Foreign Policy Regret? Gadhafi

Not the ousting of him, but its aftermath, he tells Thomas Friedman

(Newser) - In a wide-ranging interview with Thomas Friedman of the New York Times , the president reveals what might be his biggest regret in foreign policy: Libya. Obama says the US made the right move in joining the coalition to overthrow Moammar Gadhafi, but it didn't do enough to manage the...

Why Obama Approved Airstrikes in Iraq

Extremists' rapid push north forced his hand, say analysts

(Newser) - President Obama gave the green light last night for the US military to launch airstrikes in Iraq, but why now? Some explanations:
  • Twofold mission: The US has already dropped food and supplies to Iraqis trapped on Mount Sinjar by extremist fighters from the Islamic State, or ISIS, and it may

US General Is First Slain in Combat Since 1970

Maj. Gen. Harold Greene was killed in Afghanistan

(Newser) - The US officer killed today in Afghanistan has been identified as Maj. Gen. Harold Greene, reports ABC News . The two-star general was shot to death when a man believed to belong to the Afghan army opened fire on his supposed allies at a military base near Kabul. The AP says...

Blood Test Might Reveal Suicide Risk

Gene key to our stress response: researchers

(Newser) - Scientists say they have a new way of determining suicide risk, and it's based on genetics—requiring only a blood test. Researchers running postmortem genome scans of brain samples found that the brains of those who'd committed suicide had less of a gene called SKA2, as well as...

How One Company Sues US Military Around the World

USA Discounters offers loans that some experts consider predatory

(Newser) - On the bright side, the Virginia-based retailer USA Discounters offers loans to customers who have no credit. The downside? Those loans may be predatory, and customers who fail to pay will get sued in Virginia courtrooms no matter where they live, Pacific Standard reports. An added wrinkle: Many of the...

Army to Give Chelsea Manning Gender Treatment

Feds reject move to civilian prison

(Newser) - The private formerly known as Bradley Manning is about to become the first person ever given gender reassignment treatment by the US military. The federal Bureau of Prisons has rejected the Army's request to transfer Chelsea Manning to a civilian prison , and defense officials say Manning will instead receive...

Bergdahl Thanks Obama for 'Saving His Life': Lawyer

Former POW lawyers up with Eugene Fidell amid investigation

(Newser) - Bowe Bergdahl has lawyered up as he readies for a US army investigation into his 2009 disappearance. The former Taliban POW has recruited Eugene Fidell—a Yale military justice professor and "the best in his field," according to a colleague—to represent him, NBC News reports. Fidell, who...

Bergdahl Refusing to See, Speak to Parents

Families angered by return to active duty

(Newser) - A weird twist in the Bowe Bergdahl case: The soldier has refused to see or speak to his parents since he was freed after five years as a Taliban captive six weeks ago, an Army official tells the Wall Street Journal , which notes that the decision points to "deeper...

Pentagon: Bergdahl Back on Active Duty

Set to meet with officer investigating his disappearance

(Newser) - After weeks of counseling , Bowe Bergdahl has returned to active duty, the Defense Department announced today, according to the AP . His exact duties haven't been disclosed yet, but according to the New York Times he'll live in barracks at Fort Sam Houston in San Antonio, where his therapy...

Agency Sends Draft Notices to Men Born in Wrong Century

About 14K go out to centenarians in Pennsylvania

(Newser) - No, the United States isn't trying to build a military force of centenarians. It just seems that way after the Selective Service System mistakenly sent notices to more than 14,000 Pennsylvania men born between 1893 and 1897, ordering them to register for the nation's military draft and...

Stories 401 - 420 | << Prev   Next >>