US military

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Army OKs Hormone Therapy for Chelsea Manning

USA Today obtains memo at Fort Leavenworth

(Newser) - Chelsea Manning has won a transgender victory from the military: The Army has agreed to provide the jailed private with hormone therapy as Manning makes the transition from man to woman, reports USA Today . The Pentagon hasn't announced the decision, but the newspaper obtained a Feb. 5 memo from...

Report: Chris Kyle Not World's Deadliest Sniper

British sources say Royal Navy sniper has more kills

(Newser) - Chris Kyle's book calls him the US military's deadliest sniper—but is he the world's? Not according to a British report that credits a Royal Navy sharpshooter with tallying the most kills, the Sun reports via the Telegraph . Unnamed sources say the British corporal is still serving...

Texas Soldier's Mystery Death Not Ebola

He was found dead week after return from Liberia

(Newser) - A Fort Hood soldier recently returned from fighting the Ebola outbreak in Liberia was found dead on his doorstep yesterday morning, but officials say conclusive tests have ruled the disease out as a cause. The 24-year-old returned to Texas with his unit last week and the tests were ordered as...

Feds to US Troops: ISIS May Use Social Media to Find You

Service members urged to rid their accounts of military ties

(Newser) - Members of the US military who don their uniforms in Facebook photos may be putting their lives at risk, according to a new warning from federal authorities. The FBI and Homeland Security have warned current and former service members to rid their social media accounts of any military connections, reports...

On Pentagon's Wish List: Building a 'Mothership'

So far, it's just at the drawing stage

(Newser) - In the latest effort to make reality out of what is currently science fiction, US officials are looking into the possibility of building a mothership: a large aircraft from which smaller ones take off. "This is the float-the-idea stage of the concept. It's not the build-me-a-prototype stage,"...

Obama Allows Bigger Combat Role in Afghanistan

Troops will be allowed to go after Taliban

(Newser) - The US still plans to wind down its mission in Afghanistan by the end of 2016, but the troops who remain in the country until then are going to be doing more fighting than previously planned, reports the New York Times . President Obama has quietly approved a broader mission with...

US Worries Russia Put a 'Satellite Killer' in Space

Tracking object as experts raise concerns about possible military use

(Newser) - The US military is among those tracking an object Russia recently sent into space. Object 2014-28E, which has been moving toward other Russian space objects, was at first thought to be simply debris, the Financial Times reports. It could be intended to repair satellites already in space, or it could...

Math Model May Reduce Military Suicides

One notable factor: Older enlistees seem to be at higher risk

(Newser) - The US military's quest to curb its rising rate of suicides may get some help from a sophisticated new computer program, reports LiveScience . In a new study in the journal JAMA Psychiatry, researchers explain how they crunched data from 53,000 Army soldiers who were hospitalized between 2004 and...

Give Our Iraq and Afghan Vets a Ticker-Tape Parade

Michael Daly: It's long overdue

(Newser) - New York City has had three ticker-tape parades since 9/11, and all three were for sports teams, writes Michael Daly in the Daily Beast . It is way past time, then, to throw one for the vets have served in Iraq and Afghanistan, he argues. No disrespect to the Yankees and...

Obama Doubles US Presence in Iraq

Authorizes 1.5K more troops for non-combat roles against ISIS

(Newser) - The US is about to double the number of American troops serving in Iraq, reports the Washington Post . President Obama has authorized deployment of another 1,500, though their mission will be to advise and train Iraqi and Kurdish troops in the fight against ISIS, not take part in combat....

Spy Plane Ending Its 2 Secretive Years in Space

Air Force's X-37B to complete 3rd secret mission today

(Newser) - Some 673 days after it was launched into space for a secret mission , the Air Force's robotic X-37B space plane is set to return to Earth today—and there's still no word on what it was doing up there. Some rumors say that the robotic mini-space shuttle was...

N. Korea: We Moved US Troops' Remains 'En Masse'

Pyongyang warning may be aimed at launching talks: 'NYT'

(Newser) - More than six decades after the Korean War ended, some 7,800 American soldiers are still considered missing in North Korea—and the country is warning that their remains could soon be gone, the New York Times reports. The remains were "carried away en masse" from burial areas "...

Army Vet Can't Hang Jacket in First-Class Closet

US Airways apologizes after passengers slam treatment on flight

(Newser) - US Airways is trying to contain a PR mess over what passengers on a flight saw as a flagrant insult to an Army vet. As WSOC-TV in Charlotte, NC, reports, it started simply enough when First Sgt. Albert Marle asked a flight attendant if he could hang his heavily decorated...

US Pounds ISIS Targets in Syria

Airstrikes aimed at degrading group's capabilities

(Newser) - The US and five Arab countries launched airstrikes late Monday on ISIS targets in Syria, the Pentagon says. Using a mix of manned aircraft—fighter jets and bombers—plus Tomahawk cruise missiles, the strikes were part of the expanded military campaign that President Obama authorized nearly two weeks ago in...

Obama: I Repeat, No 'Ground War in Iraq'

But critics are worried the slope is getting slippery

(Newser) - A day after a top US general raised the possibility of US ground troops in the fight against ISIS, President Obama reiterated the promise he's been making of late: "I will not commit you, and the rest of our armed forces, to fighting another ground war in Iraq,...

US General: We Might Need Ground Troops Against ISIS

Martin Dempsey says special circumstances might come up

(Newser) - President Obama has been adamant that American military intervention against ISIS will not involve US ground troops. But as it turns out, the people who will be doing the actual intervening aren't so sure about that. In testimony today before the Senate Armed Services Committee, Joint Chiefs of Staff...

US Ebola Contribution: 3K Military, $750M

'Significant' response will train hundreds of health workers, build hospitals

(Newser) - As part of his promised "scaled-up response" to the Ebola outbreak in West Africa, President Obama is expected to announce during a visit to the CDC today that the US will be sending 3,000 military personnel in an effort that could cost up to $750 million over the...

US Strike Near Baghdad Marks New Phase in Fight

Strikes on ISIS were in direct support of Iraqi military

(Newser) - An American airstrike in Iraq yesterday was the 162nd since early August—but unlike the previous 161, this one took place near Baghdad and marked what Central Command calls the start of "our expanded efforts beyond protecting our own people and humanitarian missions," the Guardian reports. The strike...

US Military to Join Ebola Offensive

Outbreak kills 4th doctor in Sierra Leone

(Newser) - The US military is set to join the battle against an enemy other than ISIS: the Ebola outbreak that has killed thousands in West Africa. President Obama is expected to outline what officials describe as a "scaled-up" response to the outbreak this week, reports the Wall Street Journal , which...

Male Military Rape Victims Speak: 'You Don't Ask Questions'

38 men sexually assaulted per day: Pentagon

(Newser) - Each day, the Pentagon says, 38 men in the military suffer sexual assault, but it's not often talked about. In an extensive piece on the topic, GQ speaks to victims, gathering stories many felt they couldn't tell. "When a gunnery sergeant tells you to take off your...

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