US military

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>

Pentagon to Destroy $1.2B in Ammunition

Outdated systems causing huge amounts of waste

(Newser) - Ammunition worth $1.2 billion, much of it still usable, is going to go up in smoke because the Pentagon is using antiquated inventory systems and different service branches can't share data effectively, a Government Accountability Office report says. Despite decades of trying to develop a single database, only...

US, Philippines Sign Pact to Boost Military Presence

New 10-year deal signed as Obama visits

(Newser) - The US military will get greater access to bases across the Philippines under a 10-year agreement signed today in conjunction with President Obama's visit, in a deal seen as an effort by Washington to counter Chinese aggression in the region. The US ambassador and the country's defense secretary...

US May Leave Less Than 5K Troops in Afghanistan

US military has said 10K is the minimum needed

(Newser) - The US military has said at least 10,000 troops must remain in Afghanistan in order to continue training Afghan forces while also keeping themselves safe —but the White House is now telling Reuters that State Department and Pentagon officials are considering dropping well below that threshold, possibly leaving...

Navy's New Jet Fuel: Seawater?

Researchers use it to power model plane

(Newser) - In the not-too-distant future, the US Navy could be getting some fuel from the very seas it sails on. That's thanks to Navy researchers who say they've figured out a way to convert seawater into jet fuel, the Huffington Post reports. Experts have been working on the idea...

Army Vet Reunited With His Military Dog

'They gave me my life back,' says soldier with PTSD

(Newser) - It took a few years to cut through the military red tape, but an Army vet back in the US has been reunited with the bomb-sniffing dog he deployed with in Afghanistan, reports the Army Times . Spc. Joshua Tucker returned to the US in 2011 with a head injury and...

Marine Shoots, Kills Fellow Guard at Camp Lejeune

NCIS probing 'isolated incident'

(Newser) - A Marine is in custody after shooting a fellow Marine dead at the main gate of Camp Lejeune yesterday afternoon, the military says. A spokesman for the North Carolina base says both men were on guard duty when the Marine shot his fellow sentry inside a guard shack, Stars and ...

Fort Hood Counselor Died Trying to Calm Gunman
2 More Heroes Emerge
From Fort Hood Shooting

2 More Heroes Emerge From Fort Hood Shooting

Timothy Owens, Danny Ferguson both died amid acts of bravery

(Newser) - As investigators continue to puzzle over the motive of Fort Hood gunman Ivan Lopez, two more tales of heroism during the shooting have emerged:
  • Military counselor Timothy Owens was one of the three people Lopez killed, and his wife says he was shot five times as he tried to calm

WWII Soldier Coming Home, No Thanks to Pentagon
WWII Soldier Coming Home, No Thanks to Pentagon

WWII Soldier Coming Home, No Thanks to Pentagon

German, France investigate remains after US balks at process: ProPublica

(Newser) - A US Army private killed in World War II is finally coming home, but only because the nation he fought againstGermanystepped up when the nation he fought for—America—didn't want to pursue the matter, reports ProPublica . Lawrence Gordon was killed in Normandy in August 1944 and...

Pentagon Working on 'Combat Gum' for Soldiers

... to cut down on costly dental problems

(Newser) - War is hell, and trying to fight one with a toothache is even worse, which brings us to ... Combat Gum. This is a real product being developed by the Army—gum that soldiers in the field can chew to kill disease-carrying bacteria and ward off expensive dental problems, reports the...

General's Sex Case Shows Military Can't Try Its Own

Ruth Marcus: This time, Army prosecutors overreached because of political pressure

(Newser) - Army Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair gets sentenced today in the military's highest-profile sexual harassment case to date, and the legal mess precisely illustrates why we need to remove such cases from the usual chain of command, writes Ruth Marcus in the Washington Post . But not for the reason you...

Truth About Crimea: We Can&#39;t Do Squat
 Truth About Crimea: 
 We Can't Do Squat 

Truth About Crimea: We Can't Do Squat

What are we even arguing about, asks Michael Cohen

(Newser) - If foreign policy pundits agree on anything, "it's that President Obama must do moar to stand up to Vladimir Putin," observes Michael Cohen at the Guardian ; (that's "more" plus "roar," he explains for those unfamiliar.) "We need more strong leadership and...

Sex Assault Charge Dropped in General's Deal

Jeffrey Sinclair pleads guilty to lesser charges

(Newser) - Defense attorneys say an Army general has agreed to a plea deal that includes the dropping of sexual assault charges against him . A news release today from lawyers representing Brig. Gen. Jeffrey Sinclair says that he will plead to lesser charges in exchange for having the sexual assault charges dropped...

Army's Lead Sex Assault Lawyer Accused of Assault

Woman says Jay Morse groped her at 2011 sex assault conference

(Newser) - The Army's top prosecutor for sexual assault cases has been removed from his post after being accused of sexually assaulting a lawyer—at a conference on sexual assault. Joseph "Jay" Morse was suspended last month after the lawyer reported that he tried to "kiss and grope her...

Gillibrand's Sex-Assault Bill for Military Fails in Senate

She hoped to remove authority from commanders

(Newser) - New York Democrat Kirsten Gillibrand has lost her fight to dramatically change the way the Pentagon handles sex-assault cases, reports AP . For now, anyway. She needed 60 votes to overcome a filibuster but came up with only 55. And the Hill points out that this wasn't exactly a party-line...

Almost 20% of Soldiers Had Mental Illness Before Enlisting

Trio of studies underscores problems in screening process

(Newser) - Three new studies raise questions about how well the military screens its recruits, finding that almost 20% of US soldiers had a common mental illness before enlisting in the Army. The studies were commissioned after the recent surge in military suicides , and they find that most soldiers with suicidal tendencies...

Military Hunting 'Serial Predators'

Pentagon takes new approach to decrease sexual assault

(Newser) - In an effort to decrease sexual assaults in the military, the Pentagon is determined to hunt down "serial predators" with multiple victims, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Research has shown that in some "semi-closed" settings like colleges, serial offenders are responsible for as many as 90% of sexual...

Army's New Training Center: A Fake Town

Virginia site has fake football stadium, subway

(Newser) - US soldiers in northern Virginia have a new training center—and it looks a lot like your town. It's got a bank, a school, an embassy, a mosque, and even a football stadium, all spread across 300 acres, the Telegraph reports. And all of it fake. "This is...

19 Minorities to Receive Overdue Medal of Honor

Pentagon review found they were overlooked because of backgrounds

(Newser) - President Obama will award the Medal of Honor to 24 veterans next month—19 of whom were previously overlooked because of their Hispanic, Jewish, or African-American backgrounds, reports the Washington Post . Only three of those 19 are still alive. The move comes after the Pentagon conducted an exhaustive 12-year review...

Nat'l Guard Soldier Gets Death Threats for 'Funeral Fun' Pic

Wisconsin soldier pulled from military funeral duties

(Newser) - A National Guard soldier has been suspended indefinitely from military funeral duties after a picture of her and other soldiers clowning around a training casket surfaced on social media. "We put the FUN in funeral," read the caption on the photo posted on the Instagram account of Spc....

Iran's US Navy Hack Lasted 4 Months

Head responder poised for scrutiny as NSA nominee

(Newser) - A cyberattack last year saw Iran infiltrate the US Navy's unclassified intranet—and it took US officials some four months to "eliminate the bad guys from our networks," a top US official tells the Wall Street Journal . The hack, initially reported last year, was far larger than...

Stories 441 - 460 | << Prev   Next >>