movie industry

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King Near Movie, TV Deal for Dark Tower

Ron Howard attached as direct

(Newser) - Roland Deschain may soon be gunslinging his way onto screens big and small. Stephen King is in talks to turn his Dark Tower books into a TV series and a movie trilogy directed by Ron Howard, Deadline New York reports. Both Universal's Imagine Entertainment and Warner Bros.' Weed Road...

MGM Troubles Stop 007
 MGM Troubles Stop 007 

MGM Troubles Stop 007

Producers blame uncertainty about studio's future

(Newser) - MGM's massive debt has done what Goldfinger, Scaramanga, et al couldn't: Stop James Bond in his tracks. The next 007 movie starring heart-stopper Daniel Criag has been suspended indefinitely because of the studio's financial woes and uncertainty about its future, the BBC reports. MGM owes $3.7 billion and has...

Strapped Fla. County to Hollywood: Blow Up Our Bridge

Tampa span unsafe, so pols pitch studios

(Newser) - A Florida county is looking to demolish an old bridge, and hopes to convince Hollywood to foot the bill. Find a film that needs some fireworks, a Tampa politician posits, “And they would do it under their budget, and it wouldn’t cost us a thing, or very little....

Drunk Crew Leaves Harry Potter Script in Bar

Deathly Hollows makes big changes from the book

(Newser) - The world came this close to getting an early look at the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows script: A copy was found abandoned under a table in the pub that the film's crew did some serious drinking at on Thursday night. But the eagle-eyed individual who found the script...

Health Reform a Blow to Film
 Health Reform a Blow to Film 

Health Reform a Blow to Film

Hospital bills have driven many Hollywood screenplays

(Newser) - No one doubts that American life will change when health-care reform takes effect. But few have considered how the changes will affect popular culture—specifically movies. Health care has been a catch-all motivator for screenwriters, allowing for the injection of life-or-death struggle into otherwise comfortable American middle-class existence. John Lopez ...

Indian Pol Tells White Actresses to Leave Bollywood

White women stealing Indian jobs, Hindu nationalist says

(Newser) - The head of a Hindu nationalist group has started a campaign to drive white women out of Bollywood. Raj Thackeray says the hundreds of foreigners from Britain and elsewhere who work in Mumbai's film industry are stealing jobs from Indian women. His group raided one production last week demanding to...

3 Things That Killed Blockbuster
 3 Things That  
 Killed Blockbuster 

3 Things That Killed Blockbuster

Netflix takes leading role in company's imminent bankruptcy

(Newser) - With Blockbuster, once the dominant US video-rental chain, on the verge of bankruptcy, Daniel Indiviglio takes a look at three crucial factors in the demise of an outfit whose “fate was mostly sealed by its failure to embrace technology quickly enough.”
  • Netflix: “Its business model merged technology,

Don't Let Your Cash Get Stolen
 Don't Let 
 Your Cash 
 Get Stolen 

Don't Let Your Cash Get Stolen

Recommended only for Jon Hamm die-hards

(Newser) - Stolen, in which finds Mad Men star Jon Hamm in a mystery involving the search for two missing children, is getting panned by most critics.
  • "First-time feature director Anders Anderson brings nothing to the table in terms of style or modulation," writes Noel Murray for the Onion .
  • "

Movie Stock Exchange Proves Wall Street's Mad
Movie Stock Exchange Proves Wall Street's Mad
Steven Pearlstein

Movie Stock Exchange Proves Wall Street's Mad

Speculation doesn't really help anyone

(Newser) - The announcement that investors can soon buy “futures” in Hollywood movies, shouldn’t be too surprising—it’s the logical extension of what financial markets have become. Once tools for raising capital for real businesses, the markets “have turned themselves into high-tech casinos,” writes Steven Pearlstein of...

Like a Movie's Chances? Now You Can Bet on It

First futures market for films about to begin

(Newser) - 3D isn’t the only immersive movie experience out there—soon, filmgoers will be able to play Hollywood mogul and bet on box office in the nation’s first film industry futures exchange. Cantor Futures, expected to gain regulatory approval next month, will allow anyone to buy contracts starting at...

Best Actress Oscar Is Sexist
 Best Actress Oscar Is Sexist 

Best Actress Oscar Is Sexist

Why can't men and women just be actors together? Kim Elsesser asks

(Newser) - Hey, Academy! Kim Elsesser shouts—acting ain’t the Olympics, so why are you still giving out awards for Best Actress? Female actors consider themselves actors, as the name would imply, and “in the 21st century women contend with men for titles ranging from the American president to the...

Worst Movies of All Time
 Worst Movies of All Time 
Clooney's 'Batman'

Worst Movies of All Time

Even George Clooney can't save 1997's Batman and Robin.

(Newser) - So he's up for a best actor Oscar and his movie Up in the Air has gotten tons of buzz. That doesn't mean George Clooney's beyond the occasional flop. His 1997 "franchise-killing" flick Batman and Robin, with Chris O'Donnell and Alicia Silverstone, was picked by Empire magazine readers as...

Hollywood Casts Cheaper Cities as LA

California loses its grip on the movie business

(Newser) - LA is starting to feel like a has-been actor; the city can’t even get gigs playing itself. Next year’s Battle: Los Angeles, for example, was shot in Louisiana, while Starz’s TV version of Crash set up shop in New Mexico. New York is accustomed to being bypassed...

Spider-Man 4 Scrapped
 Spider-Man 4 Scrapped 

Spider-Man 4 Scrapped

Franchise rebooting with new film after problems

(Newser) - Sony has canceled plans for Spider-Man 4 and will reboot the franchise with an all-new cast and a different director instead. The studio scrapped the fourth installment after director Sam Raimi told the studio that story issues meant there was no way he could meet the summer 2011 release date,...

Movie 'Chastity' Sells Better Than Sex

Viewers prefer innuendo to full nudity

(Newser) - Filmmakers looking to score a box-office hit should follow the lead of Twilight, Lord of the Rings, and Spider-Man: keep the love scenes chaste. So claims a new study of more than 900 films released between 2001 and 2005, which shows that, contrary to popular belief, nudity and explicit sex...

Streep, at 60, Still Rewriting the Rules

'America's greatest actress' shattered glass ceiling for older women

(Newser) - Who says older women don't belong in Hollywood? Meryl Streep, who appears on the January cover of Vanity Fair, proves that bit of conventional wisdom—and others—dead wrong. Need evidence? "Mamma Mia! has grossed $601 million worldwide, despite some cringe-worthy reviews (for the movie, not its much-lauded heroine),...

Movie Popcorn = 3 Quarter Pounders, Plus Butter

It's as unhealthy as it was 15 years ago

(Newser) - Figure 1,600 calories, 60 grams of saturated fat, and 980 milligrams of sodium—that’s what you’re eating when you scarf down a medium helping of movie popcorn at the nation's biggest theater chain. Add a soda and it’s the equivalent of eating a pound of baby...

Funding for Independent Films Dries Up

We need government help, say small-budget movie-makers

(Newser) - With no public funding and credit lines frozen, American independent filmmakers are finding it tough to make a movie these days. “I mean if Osama bin Laden gave me money to film, I’d take it,” Todd Solondz tells Bloomberg . The financial crisis has heavily curbed bank financing,...

Downey's 'Sherlock': Less Gent, More Hero

Movie depicts brilliant but troubled brawler

(Newser) - The new Sherlock Holmes, played by Robert Downey Jr, is no tweed-clad gentleman. In the latest movie remake, which opens Christmas Day, the detective is reimagined as a ripped martial arts expert "with a mind that whizzes along like a Ferrari and a penchant for falling into a disheveled...

Hollywood Heads Roll as DVD Sales Plunge

New studio heads place bets on 'branded entertainment'

(Newser) - In previous downturns, the corporate owners of America's movie studios would cut Hollywood some slack. Not anymore: these days, the corporate suites of LA look like the aftermath of a slasher flick, with old hands kicked out at Disney, Universal, MGM, and Paramount. With DVD sales down 25% and...

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