movie industry

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Santorum's New Career: Movie Mogul

He's the new boss of Christian film company

(Newser) - Former presidential candidate Rick Santorum has launched a new career in show business. The conservative Republican is the new CEO of Dallas-based Christian film company EchoLight Studios, reports the AP . Santorum, who has invested in the company and has been on its board for a year, says he believes entertainment...

Spielberg, Lucas: Movie Industry in Big Trouble

Failed blockbusters could result in game-changing 'meltdown'

(Newser) - George Lucas and Steven Spielberg think the movie industry is headed for a catastrophic implosion that will change entertainment as we know it. At a USC School of Cinematic Arts panel, the Indiana Jones collaborators sketched a future worthy of a disaster flick, blaming the coming doom on the industry'...

Sony Most Successful at ... Selling Insurance

Its devices are a money-losing operation

(Newser) - Walkman, Trinitron, PlayStation: In the US, we know Sony as a longtime player in the electronics world. But its electronics arm has lost $8.5 billion over the past decade, the New York Times reports. In fact, the driver of its current success is its insurance business, which doesn't...

Peter Jackson Splitting Hobbit Into 3 Movies


(Newser) - Fans of Peter Jackson's Middle Earth flicks are about to have a lot more to love. The director has confirmed that he's going to split The Hobbit into three movies, Deadline reports. Jackson had dropped hints about such a move at Comic-Con. Of course, it remains to be...

Director Admits: OK, Battleship 'Didn't Work'

Peter Berg says movie got too big

(Newser) - It's not often that directors publicly admit that a movie was a mess, but that's what Peter Berg did yesterday at a Producers Guild conference. Speaking at a panel called "Passion Projects: Making Films Everyone Says Will Never Get Made," Berg took a moment to acknowledge...

PG-13 Rating: Ticket to Box-Office Magic?

6 highest-grossing films all have it

(Newser) - One key to The Avengers' record success this weekend: its PG-13 rating. The top six highest-grossing movies ever made are all rated PG-13; the rating points to a film that's titillating enough for teens but isn't likely to offend adults, the Los Angeles Times notes. The rating has...

Spike Lee: Hollywood Clueless About Black People

Sundance speech gets testy

(Newser) - Spike Lee screened his latest film—Red Hook Summer, a quasi-sequel to Do the Right Thing—at the Sundance Film Festival last night, but what really got people talking was the profanity-laden tirade he delivered in the Q&A afterward. The fireworks started when surprise attendee Chris Rock stood up...

Hollywood's Biggest 2011 Flops, From 'Mars Needs Moms' to 'Arthur'
 Hollywood's Biggest 2011 Flops 

Hollywood's Biggest 2011 Flops

Ticket sales were down, and these movies help explain why

(Newser) - This was not a banner year for Hollywood, with domestic box office revenue down 4%, breaking a string of record highs. These films were part of the reason why. The Hollywood Reporter compiled a list of 2011's biggest flops, and there were some doozies—we've listed some of...

Arnold Schwarzenegger to Star in Western

Lionsgate's 'Last Stand' takes a chance on scandal-plagued ex-governor

(Newser) - Can a post-scandal Arnold Schwarzenegger still fill a multiplex? Lionsgate is about to find out. According to Nikki Finke’s Deadline Hollywood , the studio has signed the former Governator to star in Last Stand, a western that’s long languished in development. The damaged Schwarzenegger will reportedly make a whole...

The Movie Star Is Dead
 The Movie Star Is Dead 

The Movie Star Is Dead

Movies are driven by ideas now, not people: Peter Bart

(Newser) - The Hollywood Boulevard premiere for Larry Crowne felt like a time warp—here was a red carpet event for a simple romance selling itself on genuine starpower. There’s just one problem: The movie was pretty lame. “Oops, here we go again,” writes Variety exec Peter Bart in...

New Harry Potter Movie Leaked Online
 Harry Potter Film Leaked Online 

Harry Potter Film Leaked Online

First 36 minutes of Deathly Hallows on file-sharing sites, Warner launches probe

(Newser) - The first 36 minutes of the new Harry Potter movie have been leaked online days before its worldwide theatrical debut, and Warner Bros. officials are on a hunt to find the culprit. The footage made available for download on file-sharing sites like the Pirate Bay was watermarked, meaning it came...

Filmmaker Arthur Penn Dead at 88
 Filmmaker Arthur Penn 
 Dead at 88 
'bonnie and clyde'

Filmmaker Arthur Penn Dead at 88

Influential director made 'Bonnie and Clyde,' 'Little Big Man'

(Newser) - Director Arthur Penn, a myth-maker and myth-breaker who in such classics as Bonnie and Clyde and Little Big Man refashioned movie and American history and sealed a generation's affinity for outsiders, died last night, a day after his 88th birthday. Daughter Molly Penn said her father (no relation to actor...

Tarantino Film Editor Dies During LA Heat-Wave Hike

Sally Menke worked with director beginning with Reservoir Dogs

(Newser) - Renowned movie editor Sally Menke, 56, was found dead after going for a hike in the Hollywood Hills during yesterday's record-breaking heat wave . Investigators believe she became disoriented in the extreme heat and suspect heat stroke was the cause of her death, the Los Angeles Times reports. Her severely dehydrated...

Labor Row Could Kill Hobbit Films

Peter Jackson warns union 'power grab' threatens NZ productions

(Newser) - Producer Peter Jackson has warned that a labor dispute could force him to shut down production of his two-movie Hobbit project or shift filming from New Zealand to eastern Europe. The Screen Actors Guild and six other unions have urged actors not to work on the films, saying that the...

True Hollywood Bombs Have Disappeared
 True Hollywood Bombs 
 Have Disappeared 

True Hollywood Bombs Have Disappeared

Movies disappoint, but rarely go the way of Ishtar

(Newser) - It's rare these days to see a big-studio movie truly bomb, and that's a shame, laments Tom Shone of Slate . Sure, we get our share of misfires like Jonah Hex or The A-Team , but few reach the depths of those glorious financial busts of yesteryear like Ishtar, Waterworld, and Cutthroat ...

Film Team Hunts Lost Hitchcock

Mountain Eagle tops Brit Institute's 'Most Wanted'

(Newser) - Have you seen The Mountain Eagle? If so, the British Film Institute wants to talk to you. The 1928 silent Alfred Hitchcock thriller is top of the institute's 75-strong "Most Wanted" list of lost films. No surviving prints of the movie are known to exist, but institute officials believe...

Streep Set to Play Thatcher
 Streep Set to Play Thatcher 

Streep Set to Play Thatcher

Actress in talks to star in Falklands-era biopic

(Newser) - Meryl Streep is set to team up with Mamma Mia! director Phyllida Lloyd again for a movie with considerably less singing and dancing. Producers have confirmed that the actress is in talks to play Margaret Thatcher in a biopic focusing on the tense 17 days leading up to the 1982...

Bret Easton Ellis: Women Can't Direct

Female directors lack 'male gaze,' author says

(Newser) - Bret Easton Ellis is likely to find himself scratched from a few Christmas card lists over a MovieLine interview in which he insists women aren't made to be good movie directors. "There’s something about the medium of film itself that I think requires the male gaze," said...

NYC, Abu Dhabi Not Loving SATC 2
 NYC, Abu Dhabi 
 Not Loving SATC 2 
proposed ban, gets panned

NYC, Abu Dhabi Not Loving SATC 2

May be too racy for officials in Abu Dhabi

(Newser) - Sex and the City 2 isn't getting much love from the city it calls home—or from the one the girls travel to. Though Carrie et al vacation in Abu Dhabi in the film, fans there may have to go elsewhere see it: United Arab Emirates officials may ban its...

Terror Patrols Beefed Up at Hollywood Studios

LA County cops warn public to be on high alert

(Newser) - Police have stepped up patrols at entertainment studios in the Los Angeles area following the weekend's attempted car bombing in Times Square. Law enforcement officials say that while they aren't aware of any new threats, they are remaining vigilant at sites linked to Comedy Central owners Viacom, which some suspect...

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