
Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>

UK Holiday Inns Offer Human Bed-Warmers

Man in fleece suit will take off the chill for you

(Newser) - Do you love it when your bed has that already-slept-in feeling? Then Holiday Inn is the hotel for you, friend. The chain is testing human bed-warmers at three locations in England. Request the service, and “a willing staff-member” will don a one-piece fleece sleeper suit and slip between your...

Heart Doc's Tips for a Healthy Ticker

South Beach Diet guru shares his secrets

(Newser) - Arthur Agatston, the cardiologist who cooked up the South Beach Diet, takes no medications and embraces a philosophy of moderation—he's not starving himself or downing dozens of vitamins. He clues Prevention magazine in on his advice for keeping your heart in tip-top shape:
  • Eat four times a day: 

Japanese 'Bust Up Bra' an Overnight Sensation
 Japanese 'Bust Up Bra' 
 an Overnight Sensation 
culture clash

Japanese 'Bust Up Bra' an Overnight Sensation

Japanese product latest in long line of often-wacky breast solutions

(Newser) - All sorts of Japanese products, from “biscuits and beverages to rather bizarre rack rearranging rollers,” claim to give women larger or more pleasingly shaped breasts, Lee Chapman blogs for Tokyo Times. But those probably all take effort, you cry. Enter the “Sleeping Bust Up Bra,” which...

Fugitive Holding Newlyweds Caught Napping

Pair gave Colo. suspect blankets, pillow; fled when he dozed

(Newser) - A fugitive who’d dodged the law for days was nabbed when he fell asleep after taking a pair of newlyweds hostage in Kansas, AP reports. The couple gave the escaped con pillows and blankets and slipped out unharmed after he dozed off. Now, he’s set to return to...

Why It's Bad to Share a Bed
 Why It's Bad to Share a Bed 

Why It's Bad to Share a Bed

(Newser) - It may quash the cuddling time, but couples might want to consider sleeping in separate beds—for the good of their health, sleep experts tell the BBC. Bed sharers suffer 50% more sleep disturbances than those who sleep alone, according to one study. Such lousy slumber can lead to depression,...

Six Hours of Sleep Not Enough—for Nearly All

(Newser) - Think you can get by just fine on 6 hours of sleep a night? Unless you're part of a tiny portion of the population with a mutant gene, you better tuck yourself in a little earlier, reports USA Today. A new study in Science says 97% of the population needs...

Families' Mornings Start with Tech Check

Families boot up computers, phones on waking

(Newser) - When it comes to morning routines, the modern family has a new set of priorities, many of which require a screen, the New York Times reports. “It used to be you woke up, went to the bathroom, maybe brushed your teeth, and picked up the newspaper,” says an...

Jacko Doc May Have Dozed During IV Drip

Cops think Murray awoke to find singer already dead

(Newser) - Conrad Murray told police he gave Michael Jackson a powerful IV drip hours before he died, but authorities suspect the doctor dozed off only to awaken and find the singer already dead of heart failure, reports TMZ. Experts consider it “reckless” to administer Propofol without using an EKG to...

Sleep Coach Crunches Z's, May Even Help You Get More
Sleep Coach Crunches Z's, May Even Help You Get More
tech review

Sleep Coach Crunches Z's, May Even Help You Get More

Psychology of gadget makes you sleep better

(Newser) - Strap on a headband, and the Zeo Personal Sleep Coach—basically, a $400 alarm clock—will tell you all about your night, graphing when you were in light sleep, heavy sleep, or rapid-eye movement sleep. Upload to the Web, and you can “slice, dice and cross-compare your sleep data...

April Fools Prank May Pay Off for Star Wars Fans

Tens of thousands try to order a 'Tauntaun sleeping bag'

(Newser) - What started as an April Fools joke may turn into a dream come true—almost literally—for Star Wars fans, LA Weekly reports. The Tauntaun sleeping bag seemed just plausible enough that retailer ThinkGeek was bombarded with orders—and raked over the coals when the truth came out. Now Lucasfilm,...

Night Owls Outmuscle Early Birds: Study

(Newser) - Night owls may have a tough time conforming to normal work schedules, but they do have one advantage in athletic ability that early birds can’t match, CNN reports. A new study tested leg strength at various times during the day and found that morning people were consistent while late...

Too Little Sleep Jacks Blood Pressure

Every lost hour raises threat 37%: researchers

(Newser) - Regularly getting less than seven or eight hours’ sleep raises the risk of high blood pressure, research suggests. In a study tracking the blood pressure and sleep of 578 adults, every lost hour of sleep was tied to an average 37% higher risk of high blood pressure over 5 years,...

If You Snooze, You Cruise: Scientists

Napping, dreaming boost problem-solving skills, say researchers

(Newser) - Napping—particularly if it includes dreaming—may help people think more creatively, the Telegraph reports. Researchers gave young adults creative word-association tasks in the morning, then allowed some to sleep. The extra time and z's appeared to improve their scores on the same tasks; on new tasks, patients who had...

TV Zaps Americans' Sleep Time
 TV Zaps Americans' Sleep Time 

TV Zaps Americans' Sleep Time

Nearly half watch TV before bed

(Newser) - Feeling sleepy? Blame the glowing screen in your bedroom. Researchers studying sleep deprivation in the US say the boob tube is a likely cause, HealthDay News reports. Almost half of Americans say they watch TV right before bed, and that means natural sleep signals, like the dark sky and fatigue,...

Get Your Priorities in Order: Sex, Then Sleep

Don't let tiredness ruin your love life

(Newser) - Research reveals that more than three-quarters of Britons want sleep more than sex, which is understandable, writes Jackie Clune in the Daily Mail. In most people's busy lives, “sex just seems like another thing on the long list of Things To Do.” But it’s important for couples...

French Do World's Most Sleeping, Eating: Survey

(Newser) - It seems the French excel at more than kissing—they spend more time eating and sleeping than citizens of other developed countries, a new report finds. The survey of 18 nations, released today, says the French average nearly 9 hours a day in bed and spend 2 full hours eating...

ADHD Signs Tied to Lack of Sleep

Kids getting less than 8 hours show most hyperactivity

(Newser) - Kids who get enough sleep may be less likely to show signs of ADHD or other behavioral issues, the BBC reports. A Finnish study of 280 healthy kids aged 7 and 8 found that those who slept less than 8 hours were most hyperactive. Researchers say a third of US...

Shhhh, Don't Wake Up Larry

(Newser) - Larry Summers is no doubt putting in a lot of hours these days as a White House economic guru. Which might explain his ill-timed catnap today, in front of the media in the Roosevelt Room, as President Obama expounded on the dangers of the credit card industry, reports the Chicago ...

Not Tonight, Honey, I'm Sleepy
Not Tonight, Honey, I'm Sleepy

Not Tonight, Honey, I'm Sleepy

Most Brits prefer snoozing to other bed activities, survey says

(Newser) - As bedroom activities go, more than three-quarters of Britons would choose a really good night of sleep over sex, writes the Telegraph. And with 79% preferring extra shut-eye, about 70% reported trouble sleeping, and 25% suspected insomnia. Although many people believe 8 hours per night is necessary, nearly everyone is...

Need a Nap? Sleep Like a Baby
 Need a Nap? Sleep Like a Baby 

Need a Nap? Sleep Like a Baby

(Newser) - Napping is a good idea, but afternoon slumber eludes many of us. Mental Floss offers some pointers for adults who have trouble snoozing while the sun shines.
  • Don't fight it: Humans are hardwired to hit the sack twice a day.
  • The optimal nap length is 20 or 90 minutes.

Stories 181 - 200 | << Prev   Next >>