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Biden Appears to Nod Off During Obama Speech

Vice president takes a ribbing as video takes off

(Newser) - Only Joe Biden knows for certain, but it sure looks like he nodded off today during President Obama's big budget speech . Either way, the VP is taking a ribbing as the video makes the rounds: See ABC , Politico , Mediaite , and the Daily Caller .

Why 'Short Sleepers' Dream Big

Some of us—but not many—really do thrive on little sleep

(Newser) - You may think you don't require much sleep, but you probably need at least seven hours—unless you're part of the 1% to 3% of the population known as “short sleepers." These folks turn in past midnight and get up after just a few hours, brimming with energy—...

How Naps Can Help You Learn
 How Naps Can Help You Learn 

How Naps Can Help You Learn

New study shows a post-snooze memory boost

(Newser) - If you’re a fan of the afternoon nap, there’s no need to be ashamed—in fact, new research gives you the perfect excuse to stop reading this right now and go grab some midday shuteye. In the study, volunteers who napped for 100 minutes prior to completing a...

There's a 35% Chance You Don't Get Enough Sleep

More than 1/3 of Americans not getting at least 7 hours of shut-eye

(Newser) - Feeling tired? You're not alone. Some 35% of Americans average less than seven hours of sleep a night, according to a survey of nearly 75,000 adults in 12 states by the CDC. And the stats don't get rosier from there: 38% said they had fallen asleep by accident during...

You Don't Need 8 Hours of Sleep ... in a Row

It's more natural to sleep in two four-hour shifts

(Newser) - If you often wake up in the middle of the night and can’t fall back asleep right away, you probably call it “insomnia”—but it might actually be more natural than sleeping for eight hours straight. "The dominant pattern of sleep, arguably since time immemorial, was...

Eight Ways to Sleep Tight at Last

You know caffeine doesn't help—but did you know vitamin D does?

(Newser) - We all know sleep is important (it can, after all, make us more attractive ): So how do we do it better? On Dumb Little Man , Kat Eden offers up 10 tips:
  • Get more vitamin D: Go out in the sun, include it in your diet, or ask your doctor

An All-Nighter's Cost? 161 Calories

Body burns extra fuel to stay up, but it's no weight-loss remedy

(Newser) - We know sleep deprivation comes at a cost, and now we know precisely how much, at least in caloric terms. After studying subjects who lived in a sealed room for three days, University of Colorado researchers calculated that the body burns an extra 161 calories to fuel an all-nighter . As...

Study: Beauty Sleep Is Real
Rest Up, Look Hot:
Beauty Sleep Is Real
study says

Rest Up, Look Hot: Beauty Sleep Is Real

Better-slept people look healthier, more attractive

(Newser) - The notion of “beauty sleep” is no myth: people who get more sleep are more attractive, new research suggests. A researcher in Sweden took mid-afternoon photos of 23 people between the ages of 18 and 31; some had gotten plenty of sleep the previous night, while others hadn’t...

Snoring, Sleep Problems Predict Increased Heart Risk

Those who can't sleep often end up at a greater risk

(Newser) - Not sleeping soundly, or quietly for that matter? It might not only be annoying, but dangerous. Those who snore loudly, have difficulty falling asleep, or wake up feeling tired may be at increased risk of developing heart disease and a host of other medical problems, a new study shows. Snoring...

New Lawmakers to Slumber on Hill

Office will double as bedroom for some frugal freshmen

(Newser) - As they start their lives in Washington, the 94 incoming members of the House of Representatives need places to live—and about 15% are considering simply using their offices. The move puts their disdain for Washington, and for spending, on display. “It's the ultimate I'm-not-a-professional-politician statement,” write Michael...

You Can Sleep the Pounds Away
 You Can Sleep 
 the Pounds Away 

You Can Sleep the Pounds Away

New study shows shut-eye will help you shed fat

(Newser) - If you’re dieting, but not losing body fat, you might just need to get more sleep. A small study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine found that 10 overweight men and women, all on the same calorie-restricted diet, lost the same amount of weight whether they got 8....

For the Rich, Sleep a Status Symbol

 For the Rich, Sleep 
 a Status Symbol 

For the Rich, Sleep a Status Symbol

Young heirs feel no need to look busy

(Newser) - Looking industrious has fallen out of favor among America’s upper crust. Jamie Johnson, who covers the lifestyles of the rich for Vanity Fair , writes that it’s fashionable for today’s wealthy heirs to lounge in bed until 4 or 5 in the afternoon—any stigma once associated with...

Sleeping In Will Help at Work
 Sleeping In Will Help at Work 

Sleeping In Will Help at Work

Sleep hard on Sunday, and you'll feel better on Monday

(Newser) - Sleeping in on Saturday or Sunday could boost your energy and productivity on Monday, according to a new study. Just one extended snooze—think 10 hours or more—can help the brain recover from a week of not sleeping enough, a University of Pennsylvania researcher tells the Daily Telegraph . “...

Later School Start Time Means Happier Students

Adolescents need lots of sleep, have odd body clocks

(Newser) - Starting high school classes just 30 minutes later leads to marked improvement in students' moods and even their overall health, CNN reports . Teens need 8½ to 9¼ hours of sleep a night, and biological changes associated with adolescence mean they naturally fall asleep later than younger kids. In a small...

9 'Innocent' Habits That Make You Old

Get more sleep, eat some fat, cut down on sugar: experts

(Newser) - Kicking that meth habit could take decades off your face in about 5 seconds, but some other less obviously dangerous activities also take a toll. Prevention lists nine other innocent habits that are secretly aging you:
  • You don't sleep enough: Pulling an all-nighter worked when you were 19. Now, it's

Sleeping for less than six hours can cause early death, study finds | Society |
 Not Sleeping Enough 
 Can Kill You 
in case you missed it

Not Sleeping Enough Can Kill You

Those who get less than 6 hours a night die earlier, says study

(Newser) - If you consistently get less than six hours of sleep, you'd better have your affairs in order. A group of researchers in the UK and Italy say that, by examining 16 separate studies, they've proven that not sleeping enough can lead to an early demise, the Guardian reports. The studies...

Dreaming Makes You Smart

 Dreaming Makes You Smart 

Dreaming Makes You Smart

Brain processes tasks while you snore

(Newser) - If studying hard makes you sleepy, you may as well indulge. New research from Harvard Medical School suggests that dreaming about a new piece of information helps you remember it. The findings could help improve memory and learning. Students, for instance, may be better off studying before bedtime or taking...

Americans Sleepless, Sexless

Not getting enough rest takes a toll on work, social, sex lives

(Newser) - Americans are getting by on less and less rest, a survey by the National Sleep Foundation reveals. Fewer than half of Americans say they get a good night's sleep, and average sleep times are about 2 hours shorter than those reported 40 years ago. Sleeplessness is taking a toll not...

To Get Smarter, Take a Nap
 To Get Smarter, 
 Take a Nap 

To Get Smarter, Take a Nap

Sleeping for 90 minutes at midday boosts the brain's ability to learn

(Newser) - Taking a nap after lunch helps the brain "reset" and prepare to assimilate new information, researchers say. "It's as though the e-mail inbox in your hippocampus is full and, until you sleep and clear out those fact e-mails, you're not going to receive any more mail," says...

To Boost Memory, Go to Sleep
 To Boost Memory, Go to Sleep 

To Boost Memory, Go to Sleep

How shut-eye helps you remember, process more

(Newser) - Popping pills and or toiling away at Sudoku may help boost memory, but according to a slew of recent studies, good old-fashioned sleep may be best: It strengthens long-term memory, decision-making, and creativity. "It turns out we are not like TiVo," says a sleep researcher, which "is...

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