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Israel Launches Fresh Airstrike on Gaza

Meanwhile, Iran says drone flyover proved Israeli weakness

(Newser) - Israel launched a round of airstrikes on Gaza today, wounding two militants and eight bystanders, including some children. Israel says the attack was retaliation for a round of Palestinian rockets fired yesterday, which Palestinians say were in response to another Israeli airstrike earlier in the day, Reuters reports. More than...

Airstrike Kills al-Qaeda No. 2: Yemen

Missile, likely from US drone, kills Saeed al-Shihri

(Newser) - Yemeni officials say an airstrike has killed al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula's No. 2 leader, along with five others traveling with him in a car. Defense Ministry officials say today's attack killed the deputy, Saudi national Saeed al-Shihri, as he left a house in the southern Hadramawt province....

Allies to Limit Airstrikes on Afghan Homes

But Afghan prez expects more

(Newser) - After an airstrike in Afghanistan last week that killed 18 civilians , including nine children, coalition forces have issued new restrictions on airstrikes on militants who hide in residential homes, reports the New York Times . The move comes after a NATO apology and a weekend meeting between President Hamid Karzai and...

Afghans: NATO Strike Hit Wedding, Killed 18 Civilians

Including 7 children, 5 women

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike hit a wedding in Afghanistan's volatile Baraki Barak district and killed 18 civilians, Afghan officials and villagers said today, and they offered bodies as proof of their story. An AP photographer saw villagers pile the corpses of seven children, five women, and six men into vans....

Afghan Family of 8 Killed by Coalition Airstrike

Wayward strike further strains Afghan relations

(Newser) - A family of eight was killed in a coalition airstrike in eastern Afghanistan late last night, in the latest strain on US-Afghanistan relations, reports al-Jazeera . Local government officials said the man, his wife, and their six children were not affiliated with any anti-government group. "This man had no connection...

NATO 'Sorry' for Airstrike That Kills Mom, 5 Kids

Military 'deeply saddened by civilian deaths'

(Newser) - The US military expressed regret today for killing a mother and five of her children in an airstrike in southwestern Afghanistan, the New York Times reports. The Friday attack, which was aimed at Taliban forces, killed the mother, three girls, and two boys—and possibly eight other civilians, the Washington ...

US Won't Punish Soldiers in Deadly Pakistan Airstrike

Announcement expected to raise anger in Pakistan

(Newser) - The US soldiers responsible for the wayward airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers in November will not face any disciplinary action, reports the New York Times . The initial American investigation found fault on both sides for the strike, noting that Pakistani soldiers fired first, their camp was not identified on...

US Kills Taliban Commander With al-Qaeda Ties

Drone strike indicates again that drones are back in action in Pakistan.

(Newser) - A US drone fired two missiles at a house in Pakistan's northwest tribal region today, killing five suspected militants, according to intelligence officials. The Taliban identified one of them as Badar Mansoor, a prominent commander who has served as a key link to al-Qaeda. Mansoor led a group of...

US Thinks Saleh Tricked It Into Killing Rival

CIA relied completely on Yemen government for intelligence

(Newser) - The government of Yemen appears to have tricked the US into taking out a local political nuisance with a missile strike, top military leaders involved in the attack tell the Wall Street Journal . Yemeni officials alerted the US to a gathering of al-Qaeda leaders on May 25, 2010, and the...

Obama Offers Pakistan Prez 'Condolences' After Strike

Stops short of issuing formal apology

(Newser) - In a phone conversation eight days after NATO airstrikes killed two dozen Pakistani soldiers, President Obama today offered "condolences" for the deaths to Pakistan's President Asif Ali Zardari, the White House says. Diplomats had encouraged the president to apologize in an effort to soothe strained US-Pakistan relations, but...

Obama Won't Apologize for Pakistan Strike

Balks against State Dept., says US has apologized enough

(Newser) - President Obama has decided against issuing a formal apology to Pakistan over a NATO airstrike that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers, even as the State Department insists he must do so to salvage relations with Pakistan, officials tell the New York Times . The administration is instead backing the Defense Department, which...

Pakistan: NATO Ignored Our Pleas to Halt Attack

Prime minister sends a warning to US

(Newser) - Tensions are increasing over the NATO airstrikes that killed 24 Pakistani soldiers Saturday, as Pakistan’s military claimed today that the attack lasted nearly two hours and that NATO ignored its pleas for a ceasefire. Commanders at both bases that were hit contacted NATO while the strikes were under way,...

Afghans Called in NATO Strike on Pakistan

Anonymous officials say troops were shot at from outposts where Pakistanis later killed

(Newser) - The plot thickens as the situation in Pakistan comes unglued: The NATO airstrikes that yesterday killed 24 Pakistani soldiers near the border were apparently called in by none other than Afghan soldiers, who had been fired upon before dawn. Anonymous Afghan officials tell the AP that their soldiers were shot...

Awlaki&#39;s Death May Mean Little in Yemen
 Awlaki's Death May  
 Mean Little in Yemen 

Awlaki's Death May Mean Little in Yemen

But in the US, he was among top terror targets

(Newser) - While the US will see the death of Anwar al-Awlaki as a key victory against al-Qaeda, those in Yemen are more likely to shrug their shoulders at the news—and it’s “debatable” whether the killing will have much impact on al-Qaeda’s operations, writes Dan Murphy in the...

US Soldiers Executed Iraqi Toddlers: WikiLeaks

Cable from UN demanded answers, got no reply

(Newser) - In 2006, a group of US soldiers burst into a house in Ishaqi, Iraq, where they handcuffed and executed at least 10 people—including an infant and four other children, none older than five years old—then called an airstrike to cover up the evidence. Or at least that’s...

Gadhafi's Son Khamis Reported Killed

Younger Gadhafi commanded elite military unit, said killed in NATO strike

(Newser) - Khamis Gadhafi, Moammar Gadhafi's feared son who commanded an elite military unit known as the Khamis Brigade, has been reported killed in a NATO strike, reports Sky News . A man at the scene of a bombed-out Toyota Landcruiser says that the younger Gadhafi was in it when a NATO...

NATO Strikes Kill Taliban Helicopter Shooters

But second Taliban leader gets away

(Newser) - A NATO strike on Monday took out the Taliban forces responsible for downing a Chinook helicopter, reports Reuters , in a tragedy that killed all 38 Afghan and American soldiers aboard last weekend. "The strike killed Taliban leader Mullah Mohibullah and the insurgent who fired the shot associated with the...

Gadhafi Son Killed in Airstrike, Spies Say

NATO confirms it hit targets, but doesn't comment on death of Khamis

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s youngest son, Khamis, was among the dozens of loyalist troops killed in a NATO airstrike on the city of Zliten last night, a Libyan rebel spokesman told the AFP today, citing spies planted in Gadhafi’s ranks and intercepted radio chatter. NATO confirmed only that it had...

NATO Airstrikes Again Hit Rebels

Libyan government presents evidence of civilian deaths

(Newser) - NATO strikes in Libya accidentally hit rebel forces again, for at least the third time since air combat began three months ago, reports the New York Times . The mistaken attack occurred Thursday, with back-and-forth fighting against Gadhafi's forces on three fronts left rebel locations difficult to clearly determine. NATO...

NATO: Gadhafi Is a Legitimate Target

UN resolution authorizes killing leader, official says

(Newser) - As NATO jets continue to pound Tripoli, a senior military official in the alliance refused to tell CNN whether Moammar Gadhafi was being directly targeted. He did, however, stress that the leader, as head of the Libyan military, is a "legitimate target" to protect civilians. The UN resolution authorizing...

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