
Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>

Israel: We're Preparing for Ground Invasion

Though it says no such Gaza Strip invasion is imminent

(Newser) - In what Reuters is calling the "worst outbreak of violence along the Gaza frontier since an eight-day war in 2012," the Israeli military today struck at least 50 sites in the Gaza Strip by air and sea—and mobilized 1,500 reservists for a potential ground invasion, though...

Israel Pounds Gaza After Teens Found Dead

Military blows up homes of kidnap suspects

(Newser) - After the bodies of three kidnapped Israeli teens were found near where they were last seen in the West bank, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu vowed that "Hamas will pay" —and within hours, Israeli jets and helicopters began dozens of airstrikes on the Hamas-run Gaza Strip. There were at...

Iraq Wants US Airstrikes, but US Wants Maliki Out

Battle for biggest refinery still raging

(Newser) - Did somebody say "regime change?" American lawmakers have stepped up their criticism of Nouri al-Maliki even as his government pleads for US help against the insurgency threatening to rip Iraq apart. Administration officials have made it clear that they want the country to have a new government that doesn'...

US: We'll Help Iraq, but No Ground Troops

Beyond that, Obama says 'all the options' are on the table

(Newser) - As insurgents aligned with al-Qaeda continue to make huge gains in Iraq, President Obama said today that the US is poised to provide military help of some kind, reports the LA Times . "I don’t rule out anything because we do have a stake in making sure that these...

Child Reportedly Killed in Israeli Strike on Gaza

Strike launched in retaliation for sniper killing

(Newser) - Israel launched an airstrike in the Gaza Strip today, in retaliation for the shooting of an Israeli working on the border fence, the Israeli military said, according to the AP . The military gave no hint as to its target or how many casualties it may have inflicted, but Hamas security...

Deadly Mistake: Airstrike Hits Yemen Wedding Convoy

But suspected al-Qaeda fighters may have been in party, says one official

(Newser) - Apparently wedding parties look a lot like al-Qaeda convoys from the air? In what local media is calling a drone attack, at least 13 people were killed on their way to a wedding in Yemen yesterday; another 5 were injured, the AP reports. Reuters puts the death toll at 15....

Israel Strikes Syria Base: US Official

Warplanes hit Russian missiles: reports

(Newser) - Israeli planes struck a Syrian military base housing missiles, a White House official tells CNN ; Israel was reportedly concerned the missiles—which the AP says were of Russian origin—could be passed to Hezbollah. Israel's government hasn't confirmed the attack, though regional reports pointed to a blast at...

Israel Again Strikes Syria
 Israel Again Strikes Syria 

Israel Again Strikes Syria

Targets missiles believed headed for Hezbollah

(Newser) - Israel has again struck Syria , this time in a series of airstrikes in and around Damascus last night that targeted a shipment of Iranian-made missiles Israel believed were headed Hezbollah's way. "In last night's attack, as in the previous one, what was attacked were stores of Fateh-110...

NATO Airstrike Kills at Least 10 Kids: Afghanistan

During fierce fighting in Kunar province

(Newser) - At least 11 civilians have been killed in a NATO airstrike yesterday in eastern Afghanistan, reports the AP . The number of dead ranges widely, but a local official in Kunar province says that they include at least 10 children and one woman. Their deaths occurred yesterday when the airstrike destroyed...

4 Afghan Cops, 2 Civilians Dead in NATO Airstrike

Planes called amid Taliban attack on police post: officials

(Newser) - Four police officers and a pair of civilians have been killed in a NATO airstrike in Afghanistan's Ghazni province, Afghan officials tell AFP . NATO planes had been summoned to help officers at a police post under Taliban attack. "The NATO planes went there to assist the police, but...

In Cutting Airstrikes, Karzai Could 'Hamstring' Troops

Pakistan office bombing kills 5

(Newser) - Afghanistan's president wants his country's security forces to stop asking foreign troops to launch airstrikes in residential areas —and that could leave Hamid Karzai's forces floundering, the Los Angeles Times reports. The commander of US-led forces there maintains that "there are other ways we can...

Karzai Limits Foreign Airstrikes

Afghan leader says his troops can no longer request air support

(Newser) - Afghan President Hamid Karzai said today he will issue a decree banning Afghan security forces from asking international troops to carry out airstrikes under "any circumstances." The announcement came amid anger over a joint Afghan-NATO operation this week that Afghan officials said killed 10 civilians, including women and...

Syria, Iran Threaten Israel in Wake of Strike

Russia expresses concern

(Newser) - Syria today threatened to retaliate for an Israeli airstrike , and its ally Iran chimed in, too, saying there will be repercussions for the Jewish state over the attack. Syria's ambassador to Lebanon said Damascus "has the option and the capacity to surprise in retaliation." He said he...

Israeli Fighter Jets Strike Inside Syria

Reports say Israel hit a truck convoy carrying weapons to Lebanon

(Newser) - Israeli jets have struck a target inside Syria for the first time in more than five years, reports the New York Times and Reuters . Reports are conflicting on what they hit: Syria says the jets struck a scientific research center, but sources tell Reuters they hit a convoy of trucks...

France Launches Mali Ground Offensive

Troops will be fighting Islamist rebels within hours, military says

(Newser) - France has launched a ground operation in Mali, and its troops should be in direct combat with radical Islamists "within hours," military officials tell the AP . The incursion began overnight, with troops pressing from the capital into rebel-held northern territory. France also announced yesterday that it was boosting...

UN Envoy Worried After Talks With Assad

Brahimi doesn't appear to be making progress

(Newser) - The international envoy tasked with pushing to end Syria's civil war emerged from talks with Bashar al-Assad today saying that the situation was "worrying," and giving no indication of progress toward a negotiated solution to the conflict. "We hope that all the parties will go toward...

Syria Strike Kills Dozens: Activists

As Lakhdar Brahimi in Damascus for peace talks

(Newser) - A government airstrike killed dozens of people today in a town near the central city of Hama, anti-regime activists in Syria said. The attack came as main international envoy Lakhdar Brahimi was beginning talks in Damascus aimed at ending the civil war. The Britain-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said...

No Let-Up in Gaza Fighting
 No Let-Up in Gaza Fighting 

No Let-Up in Gaza Fighting

Deaths on both sides as ceasefire proves elusive

(Newser) - Talk of a Gaza ceasefire beginning at midnight proved to be just talk as Israel pounded Gaza with more than a hundred airstrikes overnight and Palestinian rockets were fired toward Israel. Diplomats will resume talks today in an effort to bring an end to hostilities that have killed at least...

Anderson Cooper Has Close Call in Gaza

Bomb explodes nearby while he reports live from conflict

(Newser) - Anderson Cooper almost became a news story himself while reporting live from Gaza City last night as Israeli airstrikes continued, Mediaite reports. While the CNN anchor was explaining the dire situation in local hospitals, he had to duck as a large blast happened nearby. "That was a rather large...

Ariel Sharon's Son: 'Flatten All of Gaza'

Jerusalem Post slammed for extremist op-ed

(Newser) - As Israeli airstrikes on Gaza and Palestinian rocket fire continue, the son of comatose former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon has sparked outrage with an extremist op-ed in the Jerusalem Post . Israel must step up its assault on Gaza without worrying about civilian casualties, Gilad Sharon writes, arguing that the...

Stories 81 - 100 | << Prev   Next >>