
Stories 121 - 140 | << Prev   Next >>

US Stepping Up Covert War in Yemen

Airstrikes target militants as Yemeni troops return to capital

(Newser) - Chalk up yet another growing battle for America. The US has intensified its covert war against Islamic militants in Yemen during the nation's recent weeks of turmoil. Airstrikes and drone attacks have targeted al-Qaeda militants as Yemeni troops withdraw to the capital, officials tell the New York Times . American...

Gadhafi Loyalists Launch Mammoth Misrata Attack

Thousands of troops attack rebel-held city

(Newser) - Forces loyal to increasingly cornered Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi launched a major offensive against the rebel-held city of Misrata yesterday. Thousands of troops attacked the city and it was shelled from three sides, a rebel leader tells CNN . Rebel fighters say their defenses held up under the onslaught, but at...

Karzai: No More NATO Airstrikes on Houses

Warns of unilateral move to stop attacks

(Newser) - Hamid Karzai has called on NATO to cease all airstrikes on civilian homes, warning that Afghanistan could unilaterally intervene to stop any continued attacks. The Afghan president spoke at a televised press conference following a US airstrike that killed some 12 women and children . “The Afghan people can no...

Afghan Officials: NATO Airstrike Killed 12 Children

NATO says the matter is under investigation

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike targeting insurgents inadvertently hit two civilian homes in the volatile southwestern Helmand province, killing 12 children and two women, an Afghan government official said today. He said the alliance launched the airstrike late yesterday in retaliation for an attack earlier in the day on a US Marine...

Paranoid Gadhafi Hiding Out in Hospitals

Apache helicopters joining attack

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi has become paranoid, according to the people out to get his regime. The latest intelligence suggests that the strategy of turning up the heat on the Libyan leader has worked and he is now on the run, moving from hospital to hospital in fear of his life, say...

NATO Pounds Tripoli With Heaviest Bombing Yet

Bombardment targets area around Moammar Gadhafi's compound

(Newser) - NATO warplanes bombarded targets in Tripoli with more than 20 airstrikes early today, targeting the area around Moammar Gadhafi's Bab-al-Aziziya residential compound. It was the heaviest night of bombing of the Libyan capital since the Western alliance launched its air campaign against Libyan forces. The rapid string of strikes,...

Libya: We'll Pull Army Out of Cities If...

Moammar Gadhafi’s government says forces will withdraw if rebels disarm

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s government has offered to pull its troops out of the cities it is occupying, provided the rebel opposition disarms and NATO stops bombing them. The move was suggested by Russian officials in a meeting with a Libyan delegation in Moscow, the Wall Street Journal reports. Government spokesman...

Eyeing Gadhafi's Compound, NATO Bombs Tripoli

But Libya fight appears to be at a stalemate

(Newser) - NATO missile strikes hit Tripoli today, and witnesses say some of them appeared to target Moammar Gadhafi's compound. Libyan officials, who claim four children were wounded in the strikes, showed journalists a destroyed government building and a damaged hospital. "The direction of at least one blast suggests Gadhafi'...

NATO Defends Airstrike That Killed Gadhafi's Son

Attack causes mobs to ransack British, Italian embassies in Tripoli

(Newser) - The controversial airstrikes in Libya that killed one of Gadhafi's sons and three grandchildren Saturday fall within the UN mandate to protect civilian life, said NATO officials and other Western leaders yesterday. The compound housed an operations bunker underneath, said NATO officials, making it a military target, reports the...

Gadhafi Offers Truce as NATO Strikes Tripoli

Bombs hit government buildings during Libyan leader's speech

(Newser) - Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi called for a ceasefire and negotiations with NATO powers in a live speech on state TV early Saturday, just as NATO bombs struck a government complex in the Libyan capital. The targeted compound included the state television building and a Libyan official alleged the strikes were...

NATO Strike Kills Rebels as Jets Pound Misrata

Rebels say 11 fighters killed by NATO bombing

(Newser) - NATO jets pounded pro-Gadhafi forces moving to attack Misrata yesterday but witnesses say one strike ended up killing rebels. Some 11 rebel fighters in the besieged city died when they were bombed by a NATO aircraft, survivors said. A NATO spokesman says he has not yet received any information about...

NATO Strike Slams Gadhafi Compound

Offices, library, reception hall destroyed

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike has seriously damaged Moammar Gadhafi's compound in Tripoli, according to officials. Two missiles made direct hits on the Bab al-Azizia complex early today in two of the biggest explosions in the capital to date, reports the BBC . A multi-story library and office and a reception hall...

NATO Jets Running Out of Bombs in Libya

Which might mean US fighter pilots get called back to action

(Newser) - NATO apparently figured Moammar Gadhafi would fold quickly: Its fighter jets are running low on laser-guided bombs, a development that could make it harder for US pilots to stay on the sidelines, reports the Washington Post . The twist: The US has plenty of such bombs, but they don't fit...

US Planes Still Bombing Libya
 US Planes Still Bombing Libya 

US Planes Still Bombing Libya

Warplanes enforcing no-fly zone, Pentagon says

(Newser) - American warplanes have attacked sites in Libya three times since the US said it was ending its air combat role in Libya earlier this month, the Pentagon has confirmed. Defense officials say the American attacks on surface-to-air missiles sites do not contradict administration claims to have shifted US involvement to...

UN, French Attack Gbago Residence

Operation aims to destroy heavy weapons

(Newser) - UN and French helicopters today attacked sites near Ivory Coast military bases as well as the presidential residence and palace, the BBC reports. The aim of the operation is to destroy heavy weapons near Laurent Gbagbo's residence in Abidjan. UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon said he requested the air strikes...

NATO Won't Apologize for Bombing Rebel Tanks

Four killed in airstrike yesterday

(Newser) - A NATO airstrike hit a rebel tank convoy yesterday, killing at least four people and, according to one driver in the convoy, damaging or destroying eight tanks. Gen. Abdul Fattah Younes demanded an apology, telling the New York Times that his forces gave NATO plenty of advance warning that their...

Gadhafi Thwarting NATO Strikes With Human Shields

NATO says that's why air support has seemed lacking

(Newser) - Libyan rebels have been complaining in recent days about the decline in air support from NATO, but there’s a good reason for it, American and European diplomats tell the Washington Post : Moammar Gadhafi’s forces have positioned themselves in densely populated areas, and NATO doesn’t want to risk...

Libya: Coalition Air Strike Killed Toddler

Regime shows media first credible evidence of civilian casualty

(Newser) - The Libyan regime has presented what appears to be the first credible case of a civilian killed by coalition air strikes. Reporters were escorted to a village in western Libya where a family mourned their 18-month-old son, who authorities say was killed when a rocket pierced the home following a...

Libyan Rebels Surge, Near Crucial City

Decisive battle looms in Sirte

(Newser) - Rebel forces appeared to regain their momentum yesterday, capturing at least three important towns and two major oil refineries in a march that brought them just outside Gadhafi’s hometown of Sirte, the Washington Post and New York Times report. In Benghazi, rebels celebrated as rumors spread that Sirte had...

US: Strikes on Libya to Slow
 US: Strikes on Libya to Slow 

US: Strikes on Libya to Slow

Coalition hits Libya for third night

(Newser) - Coalition forces pounded targets in Libya for a third night yesterday, but the general leading US forces says the pace of air attacks is likely to slow soon. The campaign to destroy Moammar Gadhafi's air defenses and establish a no-fly zone is almost complete, and American officials are seeking to...

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