
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

Obama Defuses Heckler in Israel

He gets a standing ovation from audience

(Newser) - During his speech to young Israelis today, President Obama started getting heckled in Hebrew. As the crowd booed, Obama handled it lightly, notes Raw Story . “This is part of the lively debate that we talked about,” he said, which prompted a standing ovation. " I have to say...

Ryan Heckled at Iowa State Fair
 Ryan Heckled at Iowa State Fair 

Ryan Heckled at Iowa State Fair

Protesters attempt to storm soapbox

(Newser) - The Romney campaign chucked Paul Ryan into the deep end for his first solo campaign appearance yesterday. Hecklers greeted the vice-presidential candidate soon after he started speaking at the Iowa State Fair's famous soapbox, reports ABC . "Iowans and Wisconsinites, we like to be respectful of one another and...

Munro: Obama 'Just Turns His Back'

Daily Caller reporter admits he mistimed question, but says Obama ducks and runs

(Newser) - To hear Neil Munro tell it, he was simply a victim of bad timing in his rush to question a wily president: The Daily Caller reporter took to the semi-sympathetic airwaves of Sean Hannity's Fox show last night to rehash his interruption of the president , reports Mediaite . "The...

Burka-Clad Heckler Booted From Obama Rally

Secret Service probing disturbance at VCU

(Newser) - The Secret Service is investigating a weird disturbance at a President Obama campaign stop over the weekend. Reporters at the Virginia Commonwealth University rally saw a woman wearing a burka adorned with US military pins and carrying what appeared to be a Koran hauled out of the rally by police...

Obama to Heckler: 'You're Being Rude'

President responds to shouts at Ohio State

(Newser) - Hecklers' shouts brought President Obama's energy speech to a halt yesterday at Ohio State University. One audience member demanded that Obama read a book he was holding, Politico reports. Obama paused, telling the man, "Sir, I'm here to speak to these folks. You can hold your own...

Obama Heckled on Iran
 Obama Heckled on Iran 

Obama Heckled on Iran

No war has been announced, president reminds 'young lady'

(Newser) - President Obama got heckled at one of his own fundraisers last night, USA Today reports. "Use your leadership! No war in Iran!" a woman yelled. "Nobody has announced a war, young lady," Obama responded, to laughter and cheers. "But we appreciate your sentiment. You're...

Which Candidate Handles Hecklers Best?

Comedians assess Santorum, Romney, Gingrich's techniques

(Newser) - Mitt Romney, Newt Gingrich, and Rick Santorum have all had their share of hecklers this election season (Ron Paul has largely emerged unscathed)—but who's the best at shutting them down? At Slate , David Weigel asked two stand-up comedians to evaluate each candidate's strategy:
  • Santorum tends to launch

Romney to 'Interrupters': 'Take a Hike'

Rips 'failed leader' Gingrich

(Newser) - Speaking at a rally in Florida yesterday, Mitt Romney had some harsh words for opponents ranging from Newt Gingrich to a group of protesters heckling him. Romney slammed Gingrich as a "failed leader," notes the Los Angeles Times . "I don’t know whether you knew that—he...

Gingrich Rips U of Iowa Hecklers as '1%'

Protesters interrupt brain research talk

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich was silenced for several minutes by hecklers at the University of Iowa yesterday during a speech on the importance of brain research. Protesters slammed his "callous and arrogant attitude toward the poor" before Gingrich's supporters started shouting back. "Why don't you go back to...

Tea Party Backer Heckles Elizabeth Warren

He calls her a 'socialist whore' over Occupy Wall Street

(Newser) - It's tough out there on the campaign trail: Elizabeth Warren found herself being called a "socialist whore" working at the behest of her "foreign-born" boss by a Tea Party heckler this week, reports the Huffington Post . The man spoke up as Warren began her speech in Brockton,...

Bristol Palin Heckler Now Sorry

Lawyer says Stephen Hanks' dog has been threatened

(Newser) - It's all fun and games until someone gets hurt—or threatened with bodily harm. Stephen Hanks, the 47-year-old who said some nasty things to Bristol Palin regarding her momma (an exchange that was, of course, caught on film), has now apologized. Though he originally said he'd gladly do...

Obama Heckled at His Own Fundraiser

Man calls him the Antichrist before being dragged off

(Newser) - Not only did President Obama get heckled at his own fundraiser last night—he got called the Antichrist. “Christian God is the one and only true living God! The creator of Heaven and the Universe!” shouted a man in the front row of the House of Blues in...

Bristol to Heckler: Is It Because You're Gay?

Man calls Sarah Palin 'devil' while daughter is filming reality show

(Newser) - Bristol Palin would like you to know she is not a homophobe, thank you very much. In another sign of how quickly things can spiral downward anytime there's a mechanical bull involved, the eldest Palin daughter was filming her reality show at a bar and had just fallen off...

AIDS Activists Heckle Obama at Rally

He tells them to take their beef to 'the other side'

(Newser) - Hecklers interrupted President Obama's latest stump speech in Bridgeport, Conn., for three to four minutes, chanting slogans and complaining that he was not doing enough to address the global AIDS epidemic. Obama seemed irritated by the protesters' antics, telling them, "You've been appearing at every rally we've been doing....

Obama Barks Back at Gay Rights Heckler

Says to 'buy a ticket' to heckle someone who disagrees with him

(Newser) - Barack Obama got a little testy yesterday when a heckler interrupted his speech at a Barbara Boxer fundraiser to shout, “Move faster on 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell!'” As the crowd started to boo, Obama fired back. “Maybe he didn't read the newspapers, because we are working with...

Cops Taser Abusive Tiger Woods Heckler

He'd apparently had a little too much to drink

(Newser) - We have a trend: Another sports fan has been Tasered, this one an apparently drunken heckler of Tiger Woods. When the 36-year-old Florida man refused to stop abusing Woods from his spot behind the 11th hole yesterday, deputies moved in. The man became more combative—until deputies Tased him once...

Gays Heckle Obama at Calif. Speech

'Yes We Can,' chant 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell' foes

(Newser) - Boisterous gay protesters interrupted President Obama several times with shouts of "Repeal Don't Ask Don't Tell" and chants of "Yes We Can" at a California fundraiser for Barbara Boxer yesterday. The president took the heckling in stride, assuring the crowd that he has every intention of changing the...

House Will Vote Tomorrow on Reprimand of Joe Wilson

Most Dems, some fellow Republicans expected to vote yes on 'You lie' yeller

(Newser) - The House of Representatives will vote tomorrow on a “resolution of disapproval” against Joe Wilson, the South Carolina Republican who shouted “You lie!” at President Obama during his speech last week on health reform. House Majority Whip James Clyburn, also a South Carolinian, will introduce the measure,...

Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter
Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter

Wilson Enlists Personal Tweeter

Part of a new-media push to take on critics, raise campaign cash

(Newser) - Joe “You Lie” Wilson has hired a new-media strategist, intent on responding to his now-numerous critics, the Hill reports. So far, that strategist’s chief job seems to be to send Twitter messages—Wilson dispatched 15 within 5 hours of hiring him, four shy of his total for all...

Republican Rep. Joe Wilson Heckles Obama: You Lie!

Congressman heckles president on claim about illegal immigrants

(Newser) - The man who yelled “You lie!” in response to President Obama’s claim that his health-reform plan won’t include illegal immigrants was South Carolina Republican Rep. Joe Wilson, Politico reports. “There are also those who claim that our reform effort will insure illegal immigrants. This, too,...

Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>