Democratic National Convention

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House Dems Told to Pony Up for Kanye Show

Senate rules OK the freebie; House says it's an ethics violation

(Newser) - Tonight's Kanye West concert at the Democratic Convention is the unlikely source of an ethics quandary, ABC News reports, as Senate Democrats attend for free while the House is making staffers pay up. Under new rules intended to reduce the influence of lobbyists, members of Congress aren't allowed to take...

Yeah, She Made History—What About the Guy Who Won?

DNC skirts around Obama's breakthrough

(Newser) - Last night's Hillaryfest was the culmination of a months-long homage to the New York senator's "historic" achievement of almost winning a major party's presidential nomination. But it's odd, notes Alessandra Stanley, that while an "also-ran" has made her candidacy a milestone, there's been little mention of the "...

Obama, Don't Squander This Moment
Obama, Don't Squander
This Moment

Obama, Don't Squander This Moment

There is a time and a place for lofty rhetoric, and it's here and now

(Newser) - The right convention speech at the right moment can transcend politics, and Barack Obama may miss his moment with his plans to give a "workmanlike" speech tomorrow, writes Michael Gerson in the Washington Post. The candidate should focus on big themes like faith and equality, and return to his...

Romney Rips Biden
 Romney Rips Biden

Romney Rips Biden

McCain's potential running mate gets back in the spotlight

(Newser) - Behaving more and more like John MCain's still-unnamed running mate, Mitt Romney yesterday tore into Joe Biden, reports the Washington Post. “His record being wrong on foreign policy is as long as his years in foreign policy,” zinged Romney. When asked if he was ready to debate Biden,...

Hillary: 'Time Is Now to Unite'
 Hillary: 'Time Is Now to Unite'

Hillary: 'Time Is Now to Unite'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton delivered her long-awaited address tonight to the Democratic convention and drove home the point quickly and repeatedly: The party must unite and elect Barack Obama. Clinton, after a lengthy standing ovation, said she hasn't worked for the past 35 years on health care and women's rights only to...

Warner: McCain 'Stuck in Past'
 Warner: McCain 'Stuck in Past'

Warner: McCain 'Stuck in Past'

(Newser) - Former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner made an emphatic case for Barack Obama and framed the coming race in his keynote address tonight, asserting that the race is not between Democrat and Republican, but between the future and the past, MSNBC reports. And John McCain, he said, is "stuck in...

Obama's 2004 Speech: A Star Was Born

(Newser) - Four years after Barack Obama’s keynote speech won him nationwide acclaim, the New Republic looks at how he landed the fateful speaking slot at the party convention. The pick was unprecedented because Obama was largely unknown—he wasn't even in the Senate—and he had never given a speech...

Democrats Take Aim at Romney
Democrats Take Aim at Romney

Democrats Take Aim at Romney

Critics, increasing fire, could see former Mass. governor as VP front-runner

(Newser) - From the way Democrats are acting, they might believe Mitt Romney is the front-runner to become John McCain’s running mate, Alexander Burns writes in Politico. Denver is abuzz with attacks on the former Massachusetts governor: Barack Obama’s campaign manager called Romney a “job-killing machine,” and Deval...

Stocks Flat on Mixed News
 Stocks Flat on Mixed News 

Stocks Flat on Mixed News

Convention, vacations mean trading volume stays light

(Newser) - Stocks were mixed amid mostly poor economic data today, the Wall Street Journal reports. With trading light and much attention focused on the Democrats’ economic plans, the Dow gained 26.62 to close at 11,412.87. The Nasdaq fell 3.62, closing at 2,361.97, while the S&...

Should Dems Attack More in Denver?
Should Dems Attack More in Denver?

Should Dems Attack More in Denver?

Carville's criticism of soft-focus convention sparks debate

(Newser) - James Carville started tongues wagging in Denver when he criticized Democrats for not attacking enough. “You haven't heard about Iraq or John McCain or George W. Bush,” Carville complained on CNN. “We’re playing hide the message.” Is Carville right?
  • Matt Bunk of the Arizona Capital

Tearful Biden Thanks His Del. Constituents

Also apologizes for serial gaffes, praises Michelle Obama

(Newser) - An emotional Joe Biden gave thanks to delegates from his home state of Delaware at the Democratic National Convention today, the New York Times reports. At a private breakfast, Biden said his vice-presidential nod “pales in comparison to the honor I’ve had representing you.” He also apologized...

Rangel Wrangles DNC Speaking Gig

Dems cave to pressure from boosters of powerful NY Rep.

(Newser) - Charles Rangel, the Harlem Democrat who chairs the House Ways and Means committee, will speak at the party’s convention after all, the New York Post reports. Rangel was originally denied a spot, angering his boosters, but his surrogates got organizers to shoehorn him in today. Rangel is scheduled to...

Biden Attracts West Wing Love
 Biden Attracts West Wing Love

Biden Attracts West Wing Love

Richard Schiff, who played White House insider, is candidate's Hollywood connection

(Newser) - He probably wouldn’t merit a Washington appointment, but Joe Biden’s biggest Tinseltown fan has small-screen political experience, the Los Angeles Times reports. Richard Schiff, who won an Emmy for his role as White House communications director on West Wing, is stumping for his “real deal” candidate this...

DNC Keynoter Is Red-State Success Story
DNC Keynoter
Is Red-State Success Story

DNC Keynoter Is Red-State Success Story

Former Va. governor Warner brings biz cred, NASCAR sensibility

(Newser) - Keynoting tonight at the Democratic Convention is former Virginia Gov. Mark Warner, who broke through partisan gridlock despite the state’s conservative tilt and his own northern roots, the Christian Science Monitor reports. Warner, a successful businessman before entering politics, was elected governor of Virginia in 2001. Though faced with...

Obama Plot Not a 'Credible Threat': Cops

FBI joins investigation of plan against Dem candidate

(Newser) - Authorities say the armed man arrested near Denver on Sunday never posed a "credible threat" to Barack Obama despite reports he threatened the Democratic candidate, AP reports. "We're absolutely confident there is no credible threat to the candidate, the Democratic National Convention, or the people of Colorado,"...

Hudson to Sing Anthem at DNC
 Hudson to Sing Anthem at DNC

Hudson to Sing Anthem at DNC

Obama asks Oscar winner to perform closing night

(Newser) - Bruce Springsteen may be scheduled to close the Democratic convention, but Barack Obama has asked Jennifer Hudson to perform the national anthem, People reports. "His reps called and said we'd love for you to sing the anthem on Thursday," the Oscar winner’s rep told People. "She's...

High Marks for Michelle's Passion, Kennedy's Emotion

Obama cleans up her image as Teddy draws tears

(Newser) - How did the speakers do on the first night of the Democrats’ big show? There’s no shortage of opinions:
  • Mark Halperin, in Time, gives good grades to Caroline Kennedy and Michelle Obama, the latter of whom likely convinced the country she’s ready to be first lady “in

Hillary Can Only Lose Tonight—but She Knows How to Lose

Clinton takes on 'thankless' job of uniting party

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton's mission in Denver tonight is both painful and fraught with peril, Marie Cocco writes in the Washington Post. As “cheerleader in chief" who may want to pursue another run herself, she can't really win—surely she'll be criticized for being either too methodical or too exuberant, and...

Advice for Obama: Don't Take Any Advice
Advice for Obama: Don't Take Any Advice

Advice for Obama: Don't Take Any Advice

Dems risk rubbing out the candidate's authenticity: Brooks

(Newser) - As Barack Obama arrives in Denver, the once-buoyant candidate is being assailed with bad advice from all sides, writes David Brooks. From a Dukakis-style policy blitz to Michael Moore-ish pugilism, the suggestions for Obama's team are a "Greatest Misses compilation" of past failures. Obama knows what he should do,...

GOP Looks to Rain on Convention Parade

Republicans aim to upstage rival; Dems plan to respond in kind

(Newser) - The days of the parties giving each other a breather during convention week are long gone, the New York Times reports. As Democrats reveled in Denver yesterday, the Republicans began popping balloons--launching attack ads, holding press conferences underscoring the Clinton-Obama divide, and trotting their candidate out on the Tonight Show....

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