Democratic National Convention

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Fake Reporters Are Rock Stars in Denver

Quick turnaround and evasive guests make Stewart's life a little harder on the road

(Newser) - it's hard enough for the reporters swarming all over the Democratic Convention to score good interviews; fake reporters have it even harder. The Daily Show's correspondents are now such big stars they draw admirers—and hecklers—every time they try to record, USA Today reports. Which doesn't exactly help them...

Big Stage Leaves Plenty of Room for GOP Potshots

Dems fear lavish stadium production could hurt Obama

(Newser) - Top Democrats are fretting over the mile-high risks their party faces tonight in Denver when Barack Obama takes the stage at Invesco Field. Officials fear rock-star treatment, complete with Greek-inspired staging Republicans dubbed “Barackopolis,” could reinforce claims of an out-of-touch candidate. “It’s likely that the campaign...

McCain to Air Rebuttal Ad, Could Leak VP Choice Tonight

GOP goal is to distract from Obama speech

(Newser) - John McCain has a top-secret ad scheduled to run during or just after Barack Obama’s acceptance speech in battleground states—and the campaign could leak news of the Republican’s running mate even earlier, Mike Allen writes on Politico. Little is known about the ad, save that McCain will...

Biden &amp; Co. Take Cue From Rove
 Biden & Co.
 Take Cue
 From Rove

Biden & Co. Take Cue From Rove

Dems' new plan of attack follows map left by GOP spinmeister

(Newser) - Joe Biden’s speech last night mapped out the new plan of attack for Democrats against John McCain, and it’s positively Rovian, Walter Shapiro writes on Salon. The Democrats went directly for McCain’s biggest strength—national security—and tried to turn it into a weakness. “These times...

Obama Girls Hoped for Jonas Bros, Got Dad Instead

Mom's "surprise" was "Daddy" instead of rockers

(Newser) - Malia and Sasha Obama had hoped that a surprise visit Monday night after their mom’s convention speech was from someone with a little more rock-star quality than their dad, CNN reports. “Is it the Jonas Brothers?” 10-year-old Malia asked when Michelle Obama leaned down on stage to tell...

Denver: Not the Life of the Party
 Denver: Not the Life of the Party

Denver: Not the Life of the Party

Dems may be nervous about election or about drinking at altitude

(Newser) - Democrats are having an unusual problem at this year’s convention: They’re not having much fun, the New York Times reports. “Normally at conventions, you’d have people regaling you with what happened the night before,” said one exec who’s been party-hopping. “This time, not...

Clinton Passes the Torch&mdash; or Does He?
 Clinton Passes
 the Torch—
 or Does He?


Clinton Passes the Torch— or Does He?

Clinton passes the torch - or does he?

(Newser) - Pundits are raving over Bill Clinton’s speech at the Democratic Convention last night. Here’s what they’re saying:
  • Mark Halperin of Time gives Clinton an A+ for a speech seemingly untouched by primary bitterness. “Let's face it: while Obama is a marvelous speaker, Clinton is better,”

ABC Producer Busted Filming DNC Bigwigs

Sheriff's deputy gets rough with newsman probing role of VIP donors

(Newser) - An ABC News producer was busted in Denver while filming senators and big donors leaving a hotel meeting near the Democratic National Convention. He was manhandled into traffic by a sheriff's deputy, handcuffed and hauled away on charges of interference, trespass, and failure to obey a lawful order, reports ABC...

Masterful Bill Gets Convention on Track
Masterful Bill Gets Convention on Track

Masterful Bill Gets Convention on Track

Dem highlights also include best speech of Hillary's career

(Newser) - Bill Clinton has made the case for Barack Obama better than anybody else at the Democratic Convention, Peggy Noonan writes in the Wall Street Journal. "Crazy, red-faced Rageholic" Bill was absent and in his place was a masterful statesman, who delivered a "great tee-up" up for Obama's acceptance...

Biden: McCain 'Doesn't Get It'
 Biden: McCain
 'Doesn't Get It'

Biden: McCain 'Doesn't Get It'

(Newser) - Joe Biden accepted his party's nomination to be vice president tonight, then took to the podium to pound the theme that John McCain will offer nothing more than a third Bush term, CNN reports. "John McCain doesn't seem to get it," said Biden, stressing his own humble roots...

Bill Clinton: 'Obama Is Ready'
 Bill Clinton: 'Obama Is Ready' 

Bill Clinton: 'Obama Is Ready'

(Newser) - Bill Clinton tonight delivered a forceful endorsement of Barack Obama, saying that the newly anointed nominee is ready and able to undo the damage of the Bush administration. "Barack Obama is the man for this job," said Clinton, who had feuded with his wife's rival throughout the primaries....

Historic First: Obama's the Nominee

(Newser) - Barack Obama today became the first black candidate to earn the presidential nomination of a major party. His main rival, Hillary Clinton, got him there with a flourish by personally suspending the official roll call and asking that he be nominated by acclamation. She said she did so "in...

Clinton Releases Delegates as Obama's Moment Nears

They're free to vote as they please, Sen. says

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton formally released her delegates today to allow them to vote for Barack Obama as the Democratic nominee, CNN reports. The expected move cleared the way for this evening's nomination of Barack Obama. Before the official roll call began, the names of both Clinton and Obama were formally nominated....

Bill-Barack Hostility Casts Pall on Party

Clinton, still furious, will skip Obama's acceptance speech

(Newser) - Bill Clinton won’t be at Barack Obama’s acceptance speech tomorrow night, CNN reports, in the latest sign that relations between the former and would-be president are still frosty. “Obama does not like Clinton, and Clinton knows it,” one longtime Clinton adviser told the Washington Post. The...

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dems: Hate
Things to Do in Denver
When You're Dems: Hate

Things to Do in Denver When You're Dems: Hate

Clinton camp's back-handed Obama-bashing, second-guessing mark jittery DNC

(Newser) - A former John McCain strategist described the odd mood in Denver perfectly, Maureen Dowd writes in the New York Times: “Submerged hate.” That would explain the uneasy proceedings, which have been marked more by Clintonian drama than anything else. At a recent new conference, Dowd observes, “Hillary...

Hillary's Faithful Unswayed by Speech

Hardcore base won't support Obama

(Newser) - Many Hillary Clinton supporters still won't vote for Obama despite her calls for unity last night at the Democratic Convention, the Washington Post reports. "Even if she can move on easily, that's not as easy for everybody else," said one Clinton supporter. Dissatisfied loyalists set up a Clinton...

Last 2 Veep Nominees Are Party Pariahs

But Lieberman draws more Democratic spite than Edwards

(Newser) - As Joe Biden takes the stage tonight in Denver, his last two predecessors won't be there, and they're not welcome, the New York Times reports. While the philandering John Edwards has his share of detractors—one delegate called him "a sick puppy"—it's turncoat Joe Lieberman who elicits...

MSNBC Anchors in DNC Slugfest
 MSNBC Anchors
 in DNC Slugfest

MSNBC Anchors in DNC Slugfest

Gets personal and political on-air at the DNC

(Newser) - Infighting between MSNBC anchors is turning the Democratic National Convention into a partisan catfight. Joe Scarborough, who once served as Republican representative, got touchy when David Shuster yesterday referred to “your party, the Republican Party” and Scarborough and Tom Brokaw are miffed at the channel’s decision to increase...

A Convention Outsider Moves to Center Stage

In '00 Obama couldn't get a seat; in '04 he wowed the crowd

(Newser) - Barack Obama arrives in Denver today one election away from the presidency—a far cry from the 2000 convention, when he couldn't even get a seat on the floor. As Al Gore received the Democrats' nomination in Los Angeles, the state senator barely had enough money to rent a car....

Hillary Left Too Much Unsaid
 Hillary Left Too Much Unsaid

Hillary Left Too Much Unsaid

Speech plays with pundits, but what about the pumas?

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton’s speech last night is getting rave reviews from the pundits, but she left too many key points unaddressed to get her most stubborn supporters on the Obama bandwagon, writes Michael Tomasky in the Guardian. The Dems' also-ran, in her critical pitch for party unity, failed to extol...

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