teen pregnancy

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Teen Pregnancy Tied to Steamy TV

Kids who watched most sex content twice as likely to face issue

(Newser) - Teenagers who watch more sexual content on TV are far more likely to face pregnancy, a new study suggests. Of 700 teens interviewed over 3 years, those who watched the most sexual material—on shows such as Friends and Sex and the City—were about twice as likely to get...

No Rush to Altar for Jamie Lynn

Tells OK! she'll wait until baby is older

(Newser) - Teen mom Jamie Lynn Spears has nixed plans to wed her babydaddy in the short term, reports the New York Daily News. "We both agree that we want Maddie to be a little bit older so that she can be a part of it," Britney Spears’ kid sis...

'Pregnancy Pact' HS to Offer Birth Control

School where 17 teens got pregnant last year OKs birth control plan

(Newser) - A Massachusetts high school where 17 teens got pregnant last year presumably as part of a "pregnancy pact" has decided to distribute birth control pills and condoms to students, the Boston Globe reports. A school official said birth control would only be available with parental consent, adding that he...

Mama Spears Complains Palin 'Celebrated' for Preggo Teen

Her daughter, on other hand, was 'crucified'

(Newser) - Lynne Spears has gone on the offensive, telling Newsweek that a "hypocritical" press and public "crucified" her family when Jamie Lynn got pregnant at 16, but "celebrated" Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin for her daughter Bristol's teen pregnancy. "It's a totally different reaction."

Teen Tramp Trend Is Media Myth
Teen Tramp Trend Is
Media Myth

Teen Tramp Trend Is Media Myth

Girls lust after saucy look, but not so hot for sex

(Newser) - High-profile pregnant teens like Bristol Palin and Jamie-Lynn Spears paint a picture of teenage girls run amok with lust, writes Belinda Luscombe in Time. But while “girls seem to have moved from Easy-Bake to easy virtue” in the last generation, Luscombe argues that the teens are often more interested...

Enquirer: Palin's Son Addicted to Painkillers

Tab claims would-be VP kicked pregnant Bristol out of house

(Newser) - Sarah Palin’s Iraq-bound 19-year-old son, Track, was addicted to the painkiller OxyContin and binged on cocaine before joining the army last year, the National Enquirer reports. The supermarket tab also claims the Alaska governor kicked 17-year-old daughter Bristol—also supposedly a party animal—out of the house and made...

Palin Babydaddy Sports 'Bristol' Engagement Tattoo

17-year-old pregnant daughter of Republican VP pick has actual ring

(Newser) - Levi Johnston, boyfriend and father-to-be of Sarah Palin's teenage daughter Bristol is apparently serious about doing the right thing with the potential first kid: He's sporting a 'Bristol' tattoo in the place of an engagement ring, TMZ comments. “In lieu of a tramp stamp,” the celeb site adds...

Unwed Teen Moms Unite!
Unwed Teen Moms Unite!

Unwed Teen Moms Unite!

Jamie Lynn Spears sends bibs, tells fellow 17-year-old Bristol Palin to 'hang in there'

(Newser) - Jamie Lynn Spears, bumped from her perch as America’s most famous unwed teen mom, sent Sarah Palin’s daughter a note of support and a baby present, ABC reports. Spears sent the 5-months-pregnant Bristol, also 17, $60 burp cloths from a luxe Los Angeles baby shop, with a note...

Bristol's Babydaddy Heads to GOP Convention

Future son-in-law in wings for big speech

(Newser) - Bristol Palin's babydaddy is on his way to join the family at the Republican National Convention, AP reports. Hockey-loving Levi Johnston, 18, left Alaska for Minnesota yesterday, according to his mom, who said the young couple planned to marry even before they knew 17-year-old Bristol was pregnant. Sarah Palin, whose...

Lohan Gets Political: Palin Baby Drama 'Distracting'

(Newser) - Lindsay Lohan has some advice for Sarah Palin: Stick to the issues. On her MySpace blog, the actress writes that she’s “concerned” John McCain’s GOP running mate “brought the attention to her daughter’s pregnancy, rather than all world issues and what she believes she could...

McCain, Palin Both Oppose Teen Pregnancy Programs

Both support abstinence-only sex ed

(Newser) - Pregnancies in 17-year-olds like Bristol Palin are something John McCain and his running mate, her mother, agree on: neither believes the government should support sex education and pregnancy-prevention programs, other than encouraging abstinence, in schools. "The explicit sex-ed programs will not find my support," Sarah Palin wrote in...

Palin Babydaddy a 'Redneck' Who 'Doesn't Want Kids'

Bristol's pregnancy no secret in hometown

(Newser) - Bristol Palin's husband-to-be is a self-described "redneck" hockey player who "doesn't want kids," according to his MySpace page. High school senior Levi Johnston has been dating the 17-year-old daughter of John McCain's new running mate for a year, and the teen's pregnancy was no secret in Wasilla,...

Evangelicals Applaud Palins
 Evangelicals Applaud Palins

Evangelicals Applaud Palins

Daughter's pregnancy makes Palin even more popular among religious right

(Newser) - Evangelical groups are standing squarely behind Sarah Palin and her family following the news that her teenage daughter Bristol is pregnant, CNN reports. Pro-life leaders hailed Bristol's decision to keep her baby with her family's support and dismissed any suggestion that her pregnancy is at odds with Palin's promotion of...

Palin's Woes Make Her More American
 Palin's Woes Make
 Her More American

Palin's Woes Make Her More American

Teen pregnancy, DUI are problems average voters relate to

(Newser) - Revelations about Sarah Palin's personal and political life may in fact boost her image among average Americans, Charles Mahtesian writes in Politico. A pregnant teenage daughter and a husband with a DUI are problems many voters can relate to, unlike the elite scandals of Capitol Hill. "It is this...

Palin's Daughter, 17, Is Pregnant, Will Keep Child

Teen will "grow up faster than we had ever planned," GOP candidate says

(Newser) - The 17-year-old daughter of Sarah Palin is 5 months pregnant, the Republican vice presidential candidate said today, and plans to keep the child and marry the father. John McCain knew about Bristol Palin’s pregnancy before choosing the Alaska governor as his running mate, Reuters reports. The statement comes after...

Principal of 'Pregnancy Pact' High School Quits

Administrator says mayor, superintendent betrayed him

(Newser) - The principal of the Massachusetts high school that gained infamy for an alleged pregnancy pact made by 17 students has resigned, the Boston Globe reports. The Gloucester High principal said the mayor "publicly slandered" him and insisted his interview with Time, which set off the controversy, was "direct,...

Jamie Lynn 'Glorifying' Teen Pregnancy
 Jamie Lynn 
 Teen Pregnancy 

Jamie Lynn 'Glorifying' Teen Pregnancy

Description of motherhood, pregnancy as 'fun,' 'perfect' send wrong message

(Newser) - Jamie Lynn Spears’ gushing OK! magazine spread, with its poetic waxings about motherhood, sends the exact wrong message—telling teens it's “perfect” to have a baby, critics say. “There's no way I would describe caring for a new baby as “fun.” “Fulfilling,” maybe, but...

Teen Pregnancy on Rise for 1st Time in 15 Years

Jump has health chiefs worried

(Newser) - The teen pregnancy rate increased in 2006 for the first time since 1991, reports CNN. Officials from the National Institutes of Health aren't sure if the 2.8% increase in the number of teen moms is a blip or the start of a trend, but the figures are a "...

Parade Mocks Pregnancy Pact
 Parade Mocks Pregnancy Pact  

Parade Mocks Pregnancy Pact

Float in neighboring town sparks charge of 'class war'

(Newser) - The Gloucester, Mass., teen pregnancy pact is a sensitive matter, which apparently made it fair game for the Fourth of July "Horribles" parade in an upscale neighboring town, the Boston Herald reports. One float in the Beverly Farms procession raucously mocked the situation in blue-collar Gloucester with a giant...

Teen Rapes Reported at Mugabe Torture Camps

Pregnancy spike among victims as militia crushes Mugabe opposition

(Newser) - Teenage pregnancy rates have spiked after youth militia members began raping Zimbabwean girls in President Robert Mugabe's torture camps, human rights workers tell the Times of London. The stigma against rape victims has kept the victims mostly silent, but a single hospital saw a spike of 16 expectant teenagers, and...

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