teen pregnancy

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Bristol Touts Abstinence; Levi Calls Unrealistic

Contradicts earlier comment; says Tripp 'love of my life'

(Newser) - On a tour with a group battling teen pregnancy, Bristol Palin made a stop on Good Morning America, calling abstinence “realistic"—thus contradicting an earlier comment, the New York Daily News reports. “Abstinence is the only way that you can effectively, 100%, full-proof way to prevent pregnancy,...

Bristol Palin to Push Teen Pregnancy Prevention

(Newser) - Bristol Palin is shifting from promoting her mom to promoting teen pregnancy prevention. The 18-year-old, who gave birth to a boy in December, has been appointed “Teen Ambassador” of the Candie’s Foundation campaign. She said in a statement that she feels she can be a living example of...

FDA Will Let 17-Year-Olds Get 'Morning After' Pill

(Newser) - The Food and Drug Administration will allow 17-year-olds to get the "morning-after" birth control pill without a doctor's prescription. The agency said today it would not appeal a federal judge's recent order overturning restrictions imposed during the Bush administration. The judge had ruled that Bush appointees let politics, not...

Palins Are Lying About Where I Lived: Levi

Bristol's baby daddy says his family's not 'white trash'

(Newser) - Levi Johnston is standing his ground against Alaska's first family, insisting that he did live at Sarah Palin’s house for two months, which the Palins deny. “They said I didn’t live there,” Johnston said on CBS' Early Show. “They say I ‘stayed there.’...

Palin Slams Levi for Talking Sex on Tyra

Governor accuses daughter's ex of lying in quest for fame

(Newser) - Levi Johnston's discussion of his relationship with Bristol Palin on the Tyra Banks Show has earned him the wrath of the Palin clan, People reports. A statement from the Alaska governor's family accuses Johnston—who said Sarah Palin let the couple share a room and “probably knew” he and...

Palin Let Bristol, Levi Share a Room

(Newser) - Bristol Palin's former fiancé says the couple shared a room at Sarah Palin’s home, and  the governor was wise to what was going on, Us reports. “I'm pretty sure she probably knew,” Levi Johnston tells Tyra Banks in an interview. “Moms are pretty smart.” Johnston...

Jamie Lynn Spears' Wedding Off, But No Split

(Newser) - Jamie Lynn Spears and Casey Aldridge are still very much together, but have called off a planned wedding, OK! reports. “Jamie Lynn has everything she wants and feels no need for a ring and piece of paper,” one insider said of Spears, 17, and Aldridge, 18. “She...

DNA Test: 13-Year-Old Isn't Father
DNA Test: 13-Year-Old
Isn't Father

DNA Test: 13-Year-Old Isn't Father

Swab results sink claims about UK tabloid sensation

(Newser) - The British 13-year-old who became a tabloid sensation because he fathered a child with his teenage girlfriend isn't the dad after all, reports the Mirror, via the Mommy Files blog of the San Francisco Chronicle. A DNA test shows that Alfie Patten is not the UK's youngest father. The boy's...

FDA Ordered to Relax Age Rules on Morning-After Pill

(Newser) - A federal judge today ordered the Food and Drug Administration to immediately relax age restrictions on the morning-after contraception pill, and reconsider whether there should be any restrictions at all, the Washington Post reports. Since 2005, the pill has been available without a prescription only to women over 18; within...

US Births Hit Record High
US Births Hit Record High

US Births Hit Record High

2007 beats baby boom's biggest year; teen pregnancies rise for second year

(Newser) - A record 4.31 million babies were born in the US in 2007, USA Today reports, topping the 4.30 million born in 1957, the height of the “baby boom”—although that year remains impressive because the overall population of the US was much smaller. Unmarried women bore...

We're 'Friends for Now': Levi
 We're 'Friends for Now': Levi 

We're 'Friends for Now': Levi

Teen dad won't rule out reunion

(Newser) - Is there still hope for a Bristol Palin-Levi Johnston reunion? Maybe, Johnston tells ABC in an interview airing today on Good Morning America. "We’ll just remain friends for now. We’re both cool with that decision, and we’ll see," says the teen, who cites "me...

Bristol: Mom Clueless About Teenage Sex

Abstinence is 'not realistic at all'

(Newser) - Sarah Palin doesn't have a clue about teenage sexuality, her 18-year-old daughter, Bristol, indicated in a Fox News interview last night. The former VP candidate backs teen sexual abstinence, but that's just "not realistic at all," the teen mom told Greta Van Susteren. And while teenage sex may...

Baby-Faced Teen May Not Be the Dad
Baby-Faced Teen May Not
Be the Dad

Baby-Faced Teen May Not Be the Dad

Will take DNA test to disprove two other teens' claims

(Newser) - Four-foot-tall teen dad Alfie Patten will take a DNA test to prove he really is the father of girlfriend Chantelle Steadman’s daughter Maisie, the Mail reports. Photos of the baby-faced 13-year-old caused an uproar last week, and two other teens came forward to claim they also slept with Chantelle....

Kid UK Parents Might Be Just Fine, Thanks
Kid UK Parents Might Be Just Fine, Thanks

Kid UK Parents Might Be Just Fine, Thanks

They need guidance, sure, but who cares if they go on the dole?

(Newser) - Don’t be so sure 13-year-old Alfie Patten and 15-year-old Chantelle Steadman will be bad parents for their newborn, Sarah Sands writes in the Independent. Sure, the young father “loves computer games and Manchester United,” but that “does not actually set Alfie apart from the adult male...

Baby-Faced Dad Is Just 13
 Baby-Faced Dad Is Just 13 

Baby-Faced Dad Is Just 13

Teen parent stands barely four feet tall

(Newser) - Thirteen-year-old Alfie Patten, who, with his baby face, could pass for eight, became a father on Monday, the Sun reports. The 4-foot-tall Brit—who did not know how much diapers cost but said, "I think it’s a lot"—was not sure how he and girlfriend Chantelle Steadman,...

Teen Sex: Everybody Else Isn't Doing It

Teen sex is on a downswing

(Newser) - Kids these days, with their sex, their sex, and all their sex. Just look at Jamie Lynn Spears and Bristol Palin—it’s getting worse all the time, right? Nope. The portion of high-schoolers who’d had sex in 2007 was 47.8%, reports the New York Times—down from...

Mississippi Has Most Teen Pregnancies

State passes Texas and New Mexico in nationwide uptick

(Newser) - Mississippi has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the US, the AP reports. Some 68 Mississippi women out of 1,000 aged 15-19 got pregnant in 2006—the most recent year for which data are available, and in which the US rate rose for the first time in 15...

Palin: My Future Son-In-Law's No Dropout

New parents 'working their butts off' to finish school, new grandma tells media

(Newser) - Sarah Palin is blasting media reports that her daughter and future son-in-law are high school dropouts, reports the Anchorage Daily News. The Alaska governor told several news outlets that eldest daughter Bristol, who just gave birth to Palin's first grandchild, starts her last semester in high school next week, and...

Bristol Baby Pics Score $300K
 Bristol Baby Pics Score $300K 

Bristol Baby Pics Score $300K

Price went up when grandma got arrested

(Newser) - Bristol Palin and Levi Johnston are unwed teen parents—and about to make enough money to buy her mom’s campaign wardrobe twice over by selling the first pics of new son Tripp, MSNBC reports. Bidding among the celeb weeklies began at $100,000, with People winning out. The couple's...

Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18
 Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18 

Mom Gives Birth to Baby No. 18

'I like to snuggle,' says Arkansas woman

(Newser) - And you thought Angelina Jolie had a lot of kids. An Arkansas mom has just given birth to her 18th. The baby, Jordyn-Grace Makiya, joins a crowd of sibs with names that start with the letter J and star in the TLC series 17 Kids & Counting. The spree began...

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