Secret Service

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Secret Service Taught Malia to Drive, Says Michelle

That's what first lady tells Rachael Ray

(Newser) - Some teenagers suffer the torture of getting driving lessons from their parents. Other teens are taught by licensed instructors. But Malia Obama isn't your average 16-year-old: Her driving lessons were provided by the US Secret Service. That's what Michelle Obama tells celebrity chef and daytime talk-show host Rachael...

Former Feds Busted for Boosting Bitcoins

Ex-DEA, Secret Service agents stole digital currency during Silk Road probe: report

(Newser) - What do you do if you're a federal agent who's part of an undercover operation to bust up a booming black-market drug-dealing website? One thing you don't usually do is skim a goodly portion of said site's digital currency into your pockets, but two former federal...

Wanted: New, 'Politically Correct' White House Fence

But competing agencies are slowing down the project

(Newser) - Think the White House needs a fence that's less amenable to jumpers? So does the Secret Service, which has had agents hurtling themselves at fences for months to see which is hardest to climb over, the New York Times reports. But the main issue holding up a better fence...

No Charges for White House Drone Pilot

Spy agency hasn't punished him for crash

(Newser) - Sounds like spy agency worker Shawn Usman has some very understanding bosses: Federal authorities have decided not to pursue charges against the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency employee for crashing a drone on the White House grounds while off-duty and intoxicated earlier this year, and the NGA says it has taken no...

'Cyanide Letter' Sent to White House

It was caught by off-site screeners

(Newser) - An envelope addressed to the White House and apparently containing cyanide was caught by off-site screeners before it got anywhere near the president, the Secret Service says. A spokesman says the package initially tested negative for the poison after it was received at the White House Mail Screening Facility on...

Let's Build $8M Fake White House: Secret Service

Agency wants mansion facsimile to serve as training grounds for recruits

(Newser) - Stung by breach after breach after breach after gaffe at the White House, the Secret Service is asking Congress for $8 million—so it can build another White House. New Director Joseph Clancy will today ask the House Appropriations Committee for $8 million to construct a detailed replica of the...

Those Secret Service Agents Almost Ran Over 'Bomb'

Last week's crash more troubling than first reported

(Newser) - The Secret Service agents involved in a crash at the White House last week didn't just add another embarrassing gaffe to the agency's loooong list . The stunt disrupted an active bomb investigation, the Washington Post reports. Sources and police documents note the allegedly intoxicated agents, identified by the...

Car Crash at White House Is New Secret Service Gaffe

Agents were in car, returning from party, says Washington Post

(Newser) - The bad news is that a car driven by a man believed to have been drinking crashed into a barricade at the White House one night last week. The good news is that two Secret Service agents were the first on the scene. The predictable news, courtesy of the Washington ...

Obama's New Secret Service Chief Is His Old Guard

Acting director Joe Clancy gets post permanently despite calls for new blood

(Newser) - The White House says President Obama has chosen Secret Service Acting Director Joe Clancy to fill the position permanently. Clancy was appointed on an interim basis in a hurry last year after then-Director Julia Pierson was forced out of the agency after two embarrassing security breaches. An independent panel tasked...

Man Tries to Scale White House Barrier

Suspect arrested, charged with unlawful entry

(Newser) - Another would-be White House intruder? A man was arrested by the Secret Service after trying to scale a barrier outside the White House yesterday. The suspect was handed over to DC police after his arrest and charged with unlawful entry, the AP reports. According to the Washington Post , the man...

White House Drone Pilot: Drunk Spy Agency Worker

NGA stresses employee was off duty

(Newser) - A spy agency employee exposed a big hole in White House security this week but he's unlikely to get a promotion for it: The man was off-duty, drunk, and playing with a friend's drone when he crashed it on the White House grounds around 3am Monday, reports the...

Guy Claims Drone That Crashed at White House

Says he lost control of quad copter, didn't mean to come close to White House

(Newser) - A Washington man has come forward to claim the small drone discovered this morning on the grounds of the White House, which prompted a brief lockdown and a Secret Service investigation, the AP reports. The man, a government employee who does not work for the White House, tells investigators that...

Speeding Car Fires Shots at Biden's House

No one was home last night in Greenville, Del.

(Newser) - A car raced by Joe Biden's home in Delaware last night, firing off several gun shots and then speeding away before Secret Service or police could catch it. The incident took place about 8:25pm last night, reports the New York Times , and it's unclear whether Biden's...

Secret Service Boots 4 Top Executives

Shakeup part of overhaul after series of embarrassments

(Newser) - The Secret Service purge continues: Four assistant directors have been stripped of their posts, reports the Washington Post . The four had been in charge of protection, investigations, technology, and public affairs, but now they've been told to quit, retire, or assume a lesser position with the agency. A fifth...

Inside the Downfall of the Secret Service

Expanded responsibilities meet tight budget

(Newser) - Not long ago, the Secret Service had a sterling reputation—but in recent years, amid close calls at the White House and sex scandals , things have changed. Based on extensive interviews and official documents, the Washington Post takes an extensive look at the shift it traces to decisions made following...

Man Arrested Near White House Had Rifle

Officers find it in his car after he approaches them

(Newser) - A strange arrest near the White House today: A 41-year-old Iowa man approached Secret Service officers and told them he had driven to DC because "someone in Iowa" had told him he should go to the White House, reports NBC News . After the odd statement, he gave the suspicious...

Secret Service Officer Was on Phone, Missed Intruder

Homeland Security review is a little scary

(Newser) - Homeland Security has wrapped up a review of the incident in which a man armed with a knife scaled a fence and got inside the White House , and one detail as relayed by the New York Times stands out above all others:
  • The intruder "could have been stopped by

Report: Prostitution Investigator Tied to Prostitute

David Nieland quietly stepped down from Homeland Security in August

(Newser) - The man tasked with heading the probe into the Secret Service sex scandal has been tied to a prostitution scandal of his own. Current and former Department of Homeland Security officials tell the New York Times that David Nieland stepped down after stonewalling the department's inspector general about an...

Fence Jumper Was Arrested at White House in July, Too

Dad says he's got mental health problems but isn't dangerous

(Newser) - The latest person to climb over the White House fence had the paranoid belief he was being watched by cameras and had previously been arrested at the executive mansion, his father said. Dominic Adesanya, of Bel Air, Maryland, was ordered held without bond in an appearance today before a federal...

Another Man Jumps White House Fence

But Secret Service dogs catch him on lawn

(Newser) - The Secret Service had to deal with yet another fence-jumper this evening, but this time they caught the intruder on the North Lawn of the White House, reports the Washington Post . No word yet on the jumper's identity or intention. A Secret Service spokesperson says it was a K-9...

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