Republican candidate

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Trump: I Handed Romney Nevada Landslide

The Donald tells 'Fox and Friends' he'll take credit for Mitt's victory

(Newser) - Mitt Romney easily won in Nevada Saturday—a result he had also achieved in 2008 , and a feat that the polls (and Newt Gingrich ) predicted before Donald Trump endorsed Romney . But never mind all that, Trump is just going to take credit for the victory. "There was a...

Candidate Turns 'Home Ec' Into 'Economics' Degree

Missouri contender caught fudging educational background

(Newser) - Tiny note to political candidates: "Economics" and "home economics" aren't quite the same thing. Missouri gubernatorial contender Dave Spence quickly updated his website this week after reporters discovered that his touted "degree in Economics" was actually a Bachelor’s of Science Degree in Home Economics, TPM...

Laura Bush: We Wanted Jeb to Run

Plus: Advice on post-presidential life

(Newser) - Add Laura and George W. Bush to the list of people disappointed that Jeb Bush isn't on the stump. The two "wish he would" eventually run for president, and they "wanted him to this time," the former first lady told a Florida crowd yesterday in response...

Romney in Hot Water Over 'I Like to Fire People' Quote

He may end up regretting health care observation

(Newser) - Whoops: Mitt Romney is probably wishing he had found a slightly different way to word this sentiment that's making the rounds. "I like being able to fire people who provide services to me," he said at a campaign event in New Hampshire today. Romney was discussing the...

Santorum Ethics Questions Resurface

But Iowa near-winner raises $1M overnight

(Newser) - Rick Santorum's rise to the top tier of the GOP race has triggered a search for skeletons in his closet. Ethics questions from Santorum's time as a US senator have resurfaced, including allegations that he received a mortgage at a preferred rate from a bank run by a...

Also Surging: Santorum's Sweater Vests

Vests get their own Twitter feed, Facebook page, music video

(Newser) - As Rick Santorum surges in the Iowa polls, his collection of sweater vests is also winning popularity. Santorum has taken to wearing the sleeveless V-necks while campaigning in Iowa; the sartorial choice apparently first garnered attention at a Des Moines forum a few weeks ago during which most other candidates...

VIDEO: Rick Perry's New Campaign Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed,' Mitt Romney's New Ad Takes Swing at Newt Gingrich

 Perry's New Ad 
 'Must Be Seen 
 to Be Believed' 

Perry's New Ad 'Must Be Seen to Be Believed'

Plus: Mitt finally takes a swing at Newt

(Newser) - To say that Rick Perry's new campaign ad is eliciting some strong reactions may be a bit of an understatement. In the Washington Post , Alexandra Petri writes that the ad—which "must be seen to be believed"—fills her "with despair" and "scrapes the bottom...

Romney&#39;s Official Campaign Song Is...
 Romney's Official 
 Campaign Song Is... 
kind of amazing

Romney's Official Campaign Song Is...

...a Kid Rock anthem. Seriously.

(Newser) - Can you picture Mitt Romney rocking out to Kid Rock? No? Well, try again, because Romney has chosen Kid Rock's "Born Free" as the official theme song of his campaign, Politico reports. Kid Rock probably won't be miffed about the move, since he has supported the GOP...

500 Students to Spend Christmas With Ron Paul

Will campaign door-to-door in Iowa, New Hampshire

(Newser) - Some 500 college students will campaign in Iowa and New Hampshire over the holidays as part of “Christmas Vacation with Ron Paul.” The students will head door-to-door and make phone calls for the Texas congressman, the Houston Chronicle reports. “I firmly believe the next generation needs us...

Herman Cain Is Suspending His Campaign
 Herman Cain Drops Out of Race 

Herman Cain Drops Out of Race

Tells supporters that he will keep pushing for change, but not as candidate

(Newser) - He's out: Herman Cain told supporters today that he is dropping out of the race for president, reports MSNBC . Though he used the word "suspending," Cain made clear he is done as a candidate. He again forcefully denied the "false allegations" of sexual impropriety against him...

Was This the Moment Perry&#39;s Campaign Died?
 Was This the Moment 
 Perry's Campaign Died? 
gop debate

Was This the Moment Perry's Campaign Died?

Strategists, pundits think debate flub could finish him off

(Newser) - Rick Perry's memorable memory lapse at last night's Republican debate has left a lot of people saying it's time to stick a fork in him—he's done. Perry's inability to name the third federal agency he would abolish was “the most devastating moment of...

GOP Debate Winner? Either Cain or Romney
 GOP Debate Winner?
 Either Cain or Romney

GOP Debate Winner? Either Cain or Romney

Which isn't good news for Rick Perry: Pundits

(Newser) - The instant analysis from the GOP debate doesn't exactly bode well for Rick Perry, who needed a big night in the eyes of pundits :
  • "Seems to me that it was a pretty good night for Mitt Romney, and for Herman Cain as well. ... Not sure that Rick Perry

Ignored, GOP's Gay Candidate Wants to Debate

Fred Karger wants to send a message to people still in the closet

(Newser) - Fred Karger huddled in the closet for his entire 30-year career as a political strategist, keeping his sexuality a secret as he worked on nine presidential campaigns, including those of Ronald Reagan and George HW Bush. The 61-year-old Republican—who came out five years ago and is the first openly...

Perry Speech: 'It's Time to Get America Working Again'

Says US standing in the world has diminished under Obama

(Newser) - Rick Perry laid out his reasons for entering the presidential race today in his big speech in South Carolina. Some excerpts from Politico and the New York Times :
  • "It is time to get America working again. That’s why, with the support of my family, and an unwavering belief

Rick Perry: I'm In, and 'I'm Going to Win'

Texas governor declares his candidacy

(Newser) - Take that, Ames straw pollers. Rick Perry told supporters today that not only is he running for president, "I full well believe I'm going to win." The statement came in a conference call ahead of his speech this afternoon to formally declare his candidacy, reports AP . His...

How to Define Michele Bachmann? Extreme

 How to Define 

How to Define Bachmann? 'Extreme'

'New Yorker,' 'Newsweek' profiles reveal Tea Party favorite's challenges for 2012

(Newser) - Michele Bachmann kicks off the week as the subject of two profiles: A Newsweek cover story (whose cover image many, many people are calling creepy ) and a New Yorker piece. Both suggest she's poised to do well in Iowa’s upcoming straw poll, but faces major hurdles to...

Ex-Governor: 'Crazy' GOPers Can't Win Ohio

Nobody but Mitt Romney even stands a chance, Ted Strickland says

(Newser) - As Ohio goes, so goes the nation? Former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland tells Politico that none of the current Republican candidates can beat President Obama in the state that has picked the winner in 25 out of the last 27 presidential elections. The only one that even stands a chance...

Poll: Bachmann Closing In on Romney in NH

Gap is down to single digits after surge in Tea Party support

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is still the GOP's front-runner in New Hampshire, but Michele Bachmann has captured the momentum, according to Public Policy Polling . The Tea Party candidate has gained 14 points since April, and is now supported by 18% of voters polled, just seven points behind Romney. He has dropped...

Here&#39;s the Odds for Top 4 GOP Candidates
 Betting Odds for Top 4 
 GOP Candidates 

Betting Odds for Top 4 GOP Candidates

It's Romney, Pawlenty, Perry, and Bachmann (in that order): Nate Silver

(Newser) - With the GOP candidates for 2012 out of the gates, statistics whiz Nate Silver sets the odds in the first of a 3-part series for the New York Times . The longshots will be looked at in later installments. His top four:
  • Mitt Romney: 3-2 against—a 40% chance of winning

Rick Perry Hints at White House Run
 Perry Hints at White House Run 

Perry Hints at White House Run

'Prophet' says GOP nomination is now on his radar

(Newser) - Rick Perry has dropped his clearest hints yet that the race for the Republican nomination could soon be gaining another Texan. Perry, speaking at the New York Republican Party's annual Lincoln Dinner, slammed "Obamacare" and presented himself as a Reaganesque conservative stalwart, Reuters reports. He told Fox that...

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