Henry Blodget

16 Stories

Why a Market Crash Might Not Be Far Away

Henry Blodget sees stocks '40% overvalued'

(Newser) - The stock market may be looking healthy lately, but don't be deceived, writes Henry Blodget at Business Insider : We could be en route to another crash. "Every valid valuation measure I look at suggests that stocks are at least 40% overvalued and, therefore, are likely to produce lousy...

NYC Restaurant Ditches Bathroom Attendants After Blog Rant

Henry Blodget's screed against Balthazar has real consequences

(Newser) - Perhaps it's a slow news day in New York, but the topic everyone appears to be talking about is ... bathroom attendants. It started with a blog post on Friday by Business Insider chief Henry Blodget, in which he complained about the bathroom attendants at famed Manhattan restaurant Balthazar. Blodget...

Good News, WaPo: Working for Jeff Bezos Is Awesome

Henry Blodget thinks this is a very good thing for the venerable paper

(Newser) - Jeff Bezos is a major Business Insider investor, so in the wake of the Washington Post buy , Henry Blodget has been fielding a lot of questions on what it's like to have the Amazon founder holding the purse strings. The answer? "It's great," Blodget writes . "...

Like It or Not, We Need Unions Again

Henry Blodget's not a fan of organized labor, but companies aren't doing what's right

(Newser) - Henry Blodget has always hated labor unions. They "create an 'us versus them' culture," drive jobs overseas, overpay their leaders, and often uncouple performance from compensation. "But we've now developed a bigger problem," he writes at Business Insider , namely the worst inequality since the...

Should You Buy Bitcoins?
 Should You Buy Bitcoins? 

Should You Buy Bitcoins?

Pundits explore the booming currency bubble

(Newser) - The price of Bitcoins is skyrocketing at a head-turning rate—they're currently worth more than $200 each, up from $90 when we wrote this piece on the phenomenon two weeks ago—which has everyone wondering: Is this a bubble? And should you buy anyway in the likely event that...

Yahoo Defends Work-at-Home Ban

Move 'is about what is right for Yahoo right now'

(Newser) - Marissa Mayer's recently announced ban on telecommuting at Yahoo has caused quite a brouhaha ; now, the company is responding. "This isn’t a broad industry view on working from home," the firm says in a statement issued yesterday, per the New York Times . "This is about...

Google CEO: 'Nothing Seriously Wrong With Me'

Larry Page sends email about health after skipping shareholders meeting

(Newser) - Wall Street was abuzz today with rumors about Google CEO Larry Page's health after he skipped yesterday's shareholder meeting and the company said he'd miss two upcoming events as well. So much so that Page wrote an email to employees to say that "there is nothing...

How About an Apology for Strauss-Kahn?

After all, prosecutors ruined his life, Henry Blodget argues

(Newser) - Dominique Strauss-Kahn is a free man, and that leaves Henry Blodget of Business Insider with one question: “Are prosecutors going to apologize … for destroying his life?” Kahn was thrown in jail for months, including a stint in solitary, and the accusations basically destroyed his shot at being president...

Android Activations Trounce Apple's

Google's system sees 500K activations daily

(Newser) - In its battle with Google, Apple’s hearing echoes of the 1990s: Android activations are blowing iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch activations out of the water. Some 500,000 Android phones and tables get activated daily across the world, says Google’s boss for the platform—and that figure is...

Sorry, Our Economic ‘Recovery’ Is Tanking
 Sorry, Our Economic 
 ‘Recovery’ Is Tanking 
henry blodget

Sorry, Our Economic ‘Recovery’ Is Tanking

Weak GDP growth is only the latest sign: Henry Blodget

(Newser) - The general consensus these days is that the economy is enjoying a steady if unspectacular recovery, writes Henry Blodget at Business Insider . After all, stocks and corporate profits are up and the unemployment rate is down. In a column headlined "Don't Mean To Be Rude, But The Economy...

Roger Ailes Indictment? Obstruction of Justice Charges Could Come This Week: Sources
 Roger Ailes to 
 Be Indicted? 

Roger Ailes to Be Indicted?

Unsubstantiated report says it could come this week

(Newser) - Fox News boss Roger Ailes could be indicted "this week, maybe even Monday," an anonymous source told TV economist Barry Ritholtz yesterday, presumably on obstruction of justice charges stemming from allegations that Ailes told Judith Regan to lie to federal investigators in order to protect Rudy Giuliani. The...

Apple's Worth More Than Microsoft—to Gamblers
Apple's Worth More Than Microsoft—to Gamblers
Henry Blodget

Apple's Worth More Than Microsoft—to Gamblers

It's got a lot of growing to do

(Newser) - In case you haven't heard, Apple has passed Microsoft in market value. But is it really worth more? Sure, if you're feeling lucky, writes Henry Blodget for Business Insider . Microsoft's free cash flow is roughly double Apple's, so right now they're way out of whack, but Apple is growing much...

How Bankers Are Gaming the US to Get Richer Than God
How Bankers Are Gaming the US to Get Richer Than God
Henry Blodget

How Bankers Are Gaming the US to Get Richer Than God

They're getting taxpayer money on the cheap and loaning it back to us

(Newser) - There wasn't a single day last quarter in which Wall Street's big banks—Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan, Bank of America and Citigroup—lost money trading. How is that possible? Isn't trading supposed to be risky? Not when Uncle Sam is guaranteeing it isn't, explains a steamed Henry Blodget of Business...

Gmail Reveals Google's Achilles' Heel: 'Arrogance'

Search giant is starting to look a lot like the companies it toppled in late 90s: Blodget

(Newser) - Henry Blodget of the Business Insider recently switched from Yahoo Mail to Gmail, mainly because Yahoo had become “buggy, inconsistent, and unreliable.” For basic functionality—and spam-blocking—Gmail performs well. But he hates the "conversation model" for email. Why? "Because I can't easily find the exact...

Don't Celebrate Yet: Earnings Are Up, but Not Sales

Though first-quarter profit beat expectations, a growth story is absent

(Newser) - The fact that 66% of American companies beat their first-quarter earnings expectations is good, writes Henry Blodget in Clusterstock, but not as good as it looks. A closer examination of the data shows that while profits increased, revenues did not, and “you can’t fire your way to prosperity....

Free Phone Service Listens In, Tailors Ads

Startup sparks privacy concerns with marketing that draws on conversations

(Newser) - In much the same way that Gmail scans emails to push relevant advertising, a California start-up is using voice-recognition software to translate the strategy to Internet phone calls. Puddingmedia offers free phone service if customers allow eavesdropping on their conversations, the AP reports. The data isn't recorded, but privacy advocates...

16 Stories
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